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Everything posted by jfwolfe72

  1. Great post! My TA has been a lifesaver so far and I would like to know how to show my appreciation.
  2. We're just going to play some jazz before the official prelude and ceremony begin.
  3. This is good for any other EDR brides who have not yet decided on their venue to know about. I know that if I had to pay $1250 just to have a good photographer, I would have crossed EDR off my list. However, I did (just yesterday) check out the EDR photographer's website and while the photographer doesn't appear to be as good as the fabulous off-site ones, it does appear that they have improved upon their work (not to mention now have favorable feedback from previous EDR brides who used their services) since the time that I signed up for my wedding at EDR. Hopefully all of our complaints about the EDR photographer were heard and they stepped things up in that area. Just an additional consideration for future EDR brides....
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be But as Morgan has said it is very difficult to get this unless you are living in Mexico. I want to obey the laws, but in my situation what do I do now? I have 1 month until the wedding, and my photographers do not apply for this permit. In fact, I would imagine most photographers on this Board do not apply for the FM3 - so what do they do? Nobody, including my WC, seems to be able to answer that question. I can't believe that they won't make an exception in your case. Especially since this wasn't part of the contract you signed and especially since they just gave you a month's notice! Can you talk to someone on the phone and then follow-up w/ an email to confirm that they will let you do this? They've got to make an exception - especially since this wasn't their policy all along. It's their own fault that they got slapped w/ fees. Brides shouldn't have to pay for their mistakes. If they get slapped w/ another fee in your case, then THEY should have to pay for it. EDR loves fees - if they had to pay some on their own, it might give them a taste of their own medicine.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mellowdrama I'm getting slightly irritated with Monica, as she doesn't seem to be making many suggestions or offering much assistance. It seems that if I want any feedback from her, I have to ask very specific questions, and she will offer very specific answers. She doesn't seem to volunteer much info. Kind of frustrating when you think about how much we're spending on this trip/wedding. I used Monica during my planning process and didn't really have too many complaints until recently about her. Since you're early in the process, I wonder if you could "switch" to Valeria. All of the EDR brides who have worked w/ her, loved her. Monica is sweet and nice - she gets back to you after a day or so - but she's not very organized and unless you stay on top of her w/ your organizational stuff, things may get kind of confused.....
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by animaldoc One more question, Jfwolfe, are you having any type of cocktail party after your ceremony or are you just doing the free dinner and then the dessert? Whoops - I don't think I really answered your question - we are having a private cocktail party after our free dinner - that's the party that costs $8/person for the private location. We're going to eat our cake at that, though. We'll also use that for the dancing and continued drinking part of our reception. We're going to take a CD of all of the songs we want to play at the reception and play it there.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by animaldoc Oh no Jfwolfe, I am sorry, everything will be perfect!! I am just trying to go over all my options, it seems most people here are paying for a private event and I was hoping to get some feedback from those using the free dinner. The dessert option afterwards sounds perfect and I think I am going to look into that. Sorry again if I created any panic, definitely not my intention! One more question, Jfwolfe, are you having any type of cocktail party after your ceremony or are you just doing the free dinner and then the dessert? LOL - No worries nor panic created at all! I was just kidding. Other than the photographer issue, I'm totally cool as a cucumber about everything and will just roll with whatever happens. It will all turn out great, I just know it. Anyway, I'll write a detailed review after I get back and let you know how my free dinner turned out. As for the cocktail party, we're having a Welcome Reception the night before. I believe that costs $18/person (depending on the number of canapes you get). We're also getting the donkey and a mariachi band for that. It will be a two hour event at Tucanes. Again, I'll give you the complete lowdown on all of this after I get back.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be haha - Ladies I'm sure you will both look just fine. If anyone is staring it's because they will be staring at the beautiful bride!! Or the one who's had too much to drink! You're very sweet!
  9. Welcome! And your wedding is coming up very quickly! Good luck with your planning - let us know if you have any specific questions and we'll be more than happy to help!
  10. I'm planning on having the free dinner as my reception, but then we're going to move to Gaviotas afterwards for a private party (just for a private space for drinks, cake, and dancing). that's just an $8.00/person charge. i'll be in my gown at el cocotal for the free dinner, though, so i'll let you know how i felt after i get back. like mrs. v-to-be said, i haven't heard any former EDR bride say that she felt weird in her gown at the free reception, but now i'm worried about that! (just kidding - it will be fine).
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by shannon I'm not paying a $500 outside vendor fee and a 3 night stay at resort. My photographer is "Cancun Studios" -they don't need a room- how retarded would that be? Plus, I know the resort is booked the weekend I'm getting married bc a few guests tried to book last minute... I just emailed Valeria for some clarification. The original agreement I had with her, was the $500 outside vendor fee, and I'm not doing anything above that. I will pay the vendor fee and the photographer will have the appropriate gov't paperwork. I am "scheduled" to give the resort over $6K for the wedding stuff this Friday--- I do not want to be forced to do something drastic, but I will not do both- the 3 nights and the $500 fee. I just paid the resort for everything but the three day passes last week. This Friday I'm going to be paying them for the day passes and their per person charge for our private events. This is a good week for the resort, huh?!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 What I would surmise is that on top of the $500 and three night stay, if they feel like it they can hassle your photographer for their paperwork. If your photographer does not have all their t's crossed and i's dotted...... guess who will be photographing your wedding.....the resort photographer, and probably for a hefty fee. You just summed up the reasoning for all of these issues beautifully.........
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be I'm so annoyed! This is the response I received from Valeria at EDR: "This lines are clearer, they have been posted at the Karisma website: So your photographer must be booked for a minimum of 3 nights at the Hotel, and there is a 500 usd fee for them to access to the hotel and take professional photos of your wedding. This 500 usd fee + 3 nights stay applies to all outsider photographers. Whoa.......wait a second, now they're asking for $500 AND a 3 nights stay?!??!?! Come on!!!! How much more can they possibly get us to pay?!?!?! I think I'm about as fired up as you are! This is total insanity!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by becks I don't have it yet - my first fitting isn't until June, so it will be a while. But there are a few photos of me in it (pinned, clipped, uncupped, and other caveats...) here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14841 that dress is perfect on you!! so gorgeous!!
  15. I liked #3 the best, but that's b/c it's the most traditional looking and I'm a traditional kind of girl. However, YOU looked happiest wearing #2, so I should change my vote to #2 for you!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I think it has a lot to do with the resort just trying to get their $500. But the resort already is getting the $500 from me.....why even bring this regulation thing up, as well? I'm so confused.......
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be I agree!! On another note- what is a "RFC" that the resort has asked that the local photographers to provide? Is this something that just the local vendors have to provide? Yes - if this is actually a Mexican Gov't policy - it will apply to all resorts. I did send an email back to Valeria asking: what exactly this $500 is for and why I need to pay it to EDR What exactly this new policy entails and exactly what I need to do to make sure I or my photographers won't be hassaled down there. I will post her response when I get it. Thank you!!! My TA is also having a meeting w/ them this or next week - we'll see if she is able to get any answers, also.
  18. Those are awesome! I may just have to register for those, myself!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SheaS I am not sure, but I think this is a fee the photographer would have to pay, not you. I remember my photographer had to claim her equipment in customs, and since she told them she was entering the country to work, they taxed her (since she was making money in their country). I think it was something like that. She porbably didn't have to admit to it, but she wanted to cover herself just incase. So not only do we have to pay $500, + day passes for the photographer and each assistant, + costs for any private meals, the photographers ALSO need to pay the resort? This is absolutely ridiculous. If I had to start this process all over again, I think I should have picked Dreams or another resort.....we'll see after I get back, but right now, I'm still pretty upset with the resort.
  20. Ok - so Claudia is based in Mexico, I believe, but I received this email from Monica today: "Also, Claudia will have to show a copy of her "RFC" upon arrival to the hotel (this are their working documents in order to declare taxes); I apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you, unfortunately this are new Hotel & Mexican Government policies, the hotel has been sanctioned for permitting professional foreigner photographers working at the Hotel, with no working permission from the Government, and for this reason they are asking these requirements."
  21. Yeah, I think that someone bought you something that you didn't register for (b/c they know better as to what you want, ha ha). Seriously, they probably think if you don't like it, you could exchange it for something else. And darn it - my shower is this weekend and now I'm going to peek, too! :-)
  22. Great, great job! Everything is so professional looking!
  23. I'm getting married at EDR also (in three weeks from today - yikes!) and I didn't receive any type of notification about this. Then again, my photographer is from the Cancun area, so would this be an issue for me? Ugh - I'm really getting tired of these last minute surprises from the resort....really, really tired.....
  24. Have any of you who went through customs experienced problems (e.g., they wouldn't let you take something threw or they charged you for your items)?
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