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Everything posted by LEIGH

  1. I just wanted to share some information with all of you that plan on getting married this year....I remember last year on the knot that all of the girls were talking about Target's dollar stuff for there OOT bags... The good thing about Target is...they will mark there Dollar section down (like up to 75% off of $1)before the season is even half way over! So, for all of us that get to plan a beach theme all year round, it will work out in our best interest! It's not even just Target.....I just wanted to remind everyone that there will be really good deals on this stuff for the end of this year weddings also! As soon as I start seeing some of this specialty stuff in the store, i will remind all of you and I can even buy for some of you that don't have access to these places!!!! Happy Planning!
  2. Thanks girls, I think that I'm just gonna have my FI do it..I can't save them for some reason and then download them..... thanks for your fast help!
  3. Ok ladies.....totally cluesless again with the computer...Creative Montage sent my 6 logos yesterday and I'm clueless on how to save them from the email to be able to post them on here and my personal website!!!Anyone have any direction for me?! Thanks you guys!!!!
  4. Great find...I'll have to go check it out!!! And by the way, your neice is ADORABLE!!!!
  5. Finally a website that I haven't seen before! Thanks so much!
  6. Hi jill! I talked to Donna a few min. ago....she gave us great idea.... since I haven't decided yet either on a photographer and on a budget like you...she said that we should ask for a deal from them if we both can book with them and because our weddings are only a week a part....let me know what you think! I haven't decided yet if i'm gonna use the resort or not...we have tons of friends that i professional cameras....i like more candid pictures amyway! I think that we are going to do "day after" pictures once we relax and get over to the el dorado. (trashthedress.com) leigh
  7. Welcome and Congrats! I'm a Dreams Cancun bride also! My wedding is October 7th....You will find tons of great information on this site....be prepared, it's very addictive!!!!!! Let me know if I can help!!! Happy planning!
  8. Good find Jason! I have just sent her an email for information! Thanks for sharing!!!!
  9. Jill, I really like the photo's! I say go for it! I think that I'm gonna contact them as well to get pricing!!!!
  10. Welcome! You will find tons of great information on this site!!! Happy Planning!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaF413 I need advise too... I am going tomorrow for the first time and I am worried that I am not going to look good in anything. It's really not all that bad becuase after all, you ARE looking for your wedding gown!!!! If your not happy with the way that you appear in your dress, it will be very motivating when you leave that place! Just have fun!
  12. Ok, as far as I understand....once you go onto their website...you pick like 5 designs from there list that you like and they will turn your initials into that? Do you get to pick your own colors? Any you pay $15...unless you get a "custom" momogram?. Then they simply send you a proof 2 weeks later and it's yours?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 So I decided since there are so many dreams cancun brides that have arrived recently, it would be helpful if we had all of the information in one place. So I'm going to start this thread with the information I've received so far and if anyone else has more information to add please feel free to post. Attachment 386 Attachment 387 Attachment 388 Attachment 390 Attachment 391 Jill... Are these flowers the ones that come with the package? Or just samples of what is available for more $$
  14. This pretty much does it!!!! I will hunt through all of my information and see if I can't pull anything else up..... This will be very helpful to any future dreams brides out there!!! Good job!
  15. Ok ladies....it's first time on this thread and I should have been on here weeks ago! Went bridal dress shopping today for the first time.....eeeewwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhh! NOT GOOD! It wasn't my size of dress as much as just OUT OF SHAPE/NOT TONED LOOK that almost brought me 2 tears! How am I gonna buy a dress looking like this!!!! Do I go ahead and buy one (when I find it!) and then hopefully i will tone up in time and just have it altered?? BAD DAY IN THE FITTING ROOM!!!
  16. I am totally sick of looking at wedding dresses on models! I think that's one of the reasons I still havn't totally decided on a dress yet! I guess that I just need to go in and start trying them on instead of looking at all of the pictures! But, as soon as I find the perfect one (on me!) then I will be sure to post it!!! You all look wonderful!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 brenda, if you send me bouquets, centerpieces, and ceremony vows, I can post all of those and the other stuff I have. It would be good if we could have everything posted in one dreams cancun thread, I think it will really help everyone. you can use this email [email protected] GOOD THINKING JILL!!! I LOVE THAT IDEA!
  18. LEIGH


    Wecome! You will get tons of help here on the board!
  19. Welcome! You will find lots of useful information here! Good luck with all of your planning!
  20. Welcome! I'm a Dreams Cancun bride and will be tying the knot in October 2007! If I can help in any way, please let me know! (I"m using a travel agent because I have enough to worrry about.....she is handling all of the group reservations and any private reservations through the resort) Good luck!!!
  21. Welcome! I'm a Dreams Cancun bride getting married in October 07! We chose Dreams Canun for several reasons, but the main because we have children attending and it's more of a family resort....We will be going to the El Dorado Royale for our honeymoon...(which is wonderful i hear...) You have come to the right board...these girls (and guys!) have helped me out with a lot of stuff, and I've only been a member for less than a month! Good Luck, and let me know if I can help!
  22. Welcome! If I can help just let me know! Good luck with everything!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by mridgway For those who are using wedding window for their website, have you tried to upload music? I swear I'm following the directions, but I can't get anything to upload. I can get to the part where it looks like it is working and is uploading, but then freezes up. Has anyone else had this problem? Melissa I am using wedding windows but I didn't download my own music, I used theirs! I'll be interested to see how you get it to work....Good Luck!
  24. This is an awesome thread....great newsletters with great information! Just wish that there were some for cancun!!!!
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