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Everything posted by LEIGH

  1. Has anyone made a list for different songs for music CD's for the OOT bags? I have a list that I keep adding to....Some of them are our favorite lovey songs, but most of them are "mexico" or Island themed music! IF any of you can, please post a few, and maybe I don't already have them!! Here's a few that I have jotted down: One love, Bob Marley No Shirt, NO shoes-kenny chesney When the sun goes down-kenny c. Tequila sunrise-the eagles mexico-James Taylor The Pina Coloda song(put the lime in the coconut) Making memories of us...Keith Urban Thanks girls!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by destinationbride07 here is a template for your guys Thanks! you are the best!!!!!
  3. Oh my gosh... I love them! I'm all about sea bling!!! thanks for the website!!!!
  4. Hey Tammy... I haven't tried it yet, but my best friend has been taking calcium and magnesium every day....I can't believe the difference in her hair and nails! Just an idea!
  5. I was just gonna have the hotel do it for me, but then I realized that they have to be put together after we get there! And besides that, All of our guests are arriving the same day we are! So, I guess I'm like Jilly and will try to get a room list and deliver them myself, or maybe even leave them at the front desk and have them go and get them....?
  6. I think that this is my first time posting here on this stupid exercising thread.... only because I just started my work out schedule this week...yeah, I've been a slacker...but i'm at my 8 month mark, plus summer and the lake and boats are just right around the corner! I can admit that I have been very good so far...I have don't cardio and weights everyday this week so far!!!!! wooooo hooooooo!
  7. Tammy, are the cakes like cupcakes? Sorry, I haven't gotten this far yet with my planning, and i'm thinking of doing cupcakes instead of one big cake...maybe even just a candy bar....
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Leigh, you're going to be leaving mexico 2 days before I get there That totally sucks!!!!! I can't believe it!!!! We will at least have to get cell #'s so that i can wish you luck and possibly have to give you heads up with anything or anybody at either of the resorts! Ha!
  9. We are getting married at Dreams Cancun on Sunday....staying from Thursday to Tuesday with all of our guest...then moving to the EDR for our honeymoon thru Sunday. By Tuesday, I think that we will love every min. of being alone!!!!!
  10. Sarah....You look awesome! congrats on your weight loss! I picked # 2 on you...It's very flattering, and you look wonderful in it! good luck picking!!!
  11. LEIGH

    I'm New!!

    Welcome! Let us know if we can help with anything!
  12. Ok, I want to thank everyone for being so supportive! You guys are the best! And you all are soooooooo right! I have stressed about this long enough, and I'm so sick of thinking about all of this negative crap! We have an incredible wedding party attending at this point, and I could care less if anyone else ended up going! Now, onto the fun stuff! I have about 7 months to finish my planning for all of the "fun" stuff that I love to do! so thanks to you all! Woooooo hooooooo!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH I know it's not what you want to hear, but you should consider giving them some slack. You have about 8 months left. My own FATHER just booked his flights about a month ago. I am still not sure if he has a hotel yet. I'm sure that they will make it. Everyone has missed my main concern!!!!!! They have already said that they will not be attending!!! I know for a fact that we have some guest that have already told us they are coming, just waiting to get a better deal...that's totally cool with us...It's just the idea that all 4 of his sisters and 1 brother have already confirmed that they will NOT be attending! I am fine with it, just feel bad for my FI!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by VALERIE There was just no way that I was paying $15 per person for service. It did work just fine. I ordered everyone's food prior to even getting to Mexico (which allowed me to Google all of the dishes to figure out what they were!. The waiters just kept bringing the food out and getting everyone's drinks. They even cut up the remaining cake and served that for me as well. I'm not sure what else we could have gotten if we paid, but noone seemed to figure out the difference. We were considering doing this, but I think that our party might be 2 big to pull if off instead of doing a coctail reception and a buffet after that.... How may guests did you have?/
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL I witnessed the same phenomenon. A friend from college & her husband booked right away, so they could have time to pay for it - and they are making a vaca out of it. They both just switched jobs & relocated & aren't the best when it comes to budgeting - yet they were the first to book! Same thing w/my MOH - she's got a little boy, is dealing with a crappy husband & just had to sell her house - she was the 2nd to book way back in July or August. Weird, huh? Yeah, it's very interesting to me when it comes to this sort of stuff....It's kind of cool though how it all works out! When we went to the Moon in CAncun back in August, we me this wonderful couple who were on their honeymoon...and THEY are even coming!!!! odd!
  16. great wedding review! It sounds like you were satified for the most part....if it matters at all, you looked wonderful!!!!! I'm with you on the idea of paying extra for a dinner at an all inclusive...I'm having a really hard time with that one! But I realize that we are really paying for the service i guess...But, you said it worked without paying extra!!
  17. I went through the same thing with picking a destination.....But just remember as all of the other girls told me that this is the hardest part!!! It's all fun from here!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull Jilly, this is exactly what I talked to my FI when we re-chose our location because honestly my FI is a budget guy and yes if it was a really good friend I would put it on credit to go, but my FI would not. I have a friend who is like a sister getting married this year in April and I am going alone because my FI refuses to spend the money on a flight and dog sitting (this is also because he doesn't have a job right now). I know that in our minds we tell ourselves that we would go no matter what, and I think a lot of my friends and family did also, but when they really looked at how it would affect them, they realized it would be very difficult and I personally would never want anyone to go into debt for my wedding. As for those people who have the money and travel otherwise, it might be the case that the particular location is not appealing to them or that they are just stuborn and want the free food for a traditional wedding. I think that no matter what, we all chose our destinations for a reason and we should enjoy our day. People who cannot make it will miss out on a great time. So too bad for them!!! Yeah, I'm thinking along that direction myself now....It's just a big pill to swallow!!!!!! I think that my FI and I agree on the same idea at this point....If you don't want to be there for this one, it's your choice but we are still gonna have fun without you!
  19. I agree! I will admit that I was a little worried at first considering that we are getting married there 2, but I just stopped reading the reviews for a while! I can say that there were a heck of a lot more possitive reviews than negative! Even if you go and read all of the reviews for EDR, there ARE some negative ones, but have heard nothing but great things from everyone on this board! People might be a little more picky than us, and some people are just plain high maintenance!!!! I wouldn't worry about it....after all, it's your special day!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Leigh I have a similar situation. A few weeks ago FI got into an argument with his father, because for some reason his family always has to butt into our lives, when they should really just be concerned about their own. So anyway, his sister called and they argued, his brother called and they argued, the only one that didn't get involved was his mother. So now he went from talking to his sister several times a week to not at all and he calls his brother, but I think his brother is taking his dads side, so even though he said he is going, he hasn't booked either and I think its for this reason. I feel really bad for FI because my family is all booked and none of his family is. I want to mention it to him, but I just don't want to make him feel worse. I think everyone is right though, we both have a lot of time. Because of the special I thought a lot more people would have booked too, but some people are booking on their own. So we just have to remember that our wedding day is about us, and not about any of our inconsiderate friends or family. I know Jilly.. I just don't understand why family can't be happy for us instead of arguing and trying to make points about all of this....FINE, if they don't want to come, or don't want to be involved, then thats their loss! My FI have talked about this several times....we are just different i guess! If one of his sisters got married, we would just make it work and NO one would have to ask us twice to be a part of it! (even if we didn't want to) we would be there for them! My mom always taught me to treat others the way that you would want to be treated! I think that's why it hurts my feelings at this point...Because they have already point blank said they would NOT be there...and didn't really give a reason. We would probably even help out financially if they even acted like it something about $$$...But i'll tell you one thing, I'm not begging anyone to be there....this is our special day....we don't have any time for negative people in our lives!
  21. Well, we have discussed it with all of them....only one sister plans on coming, and she is even going to stay at a different hotel that the other 30 of us! I think just to make it about her....Thats why we planned it the way that we did....giving people a head start for the financial part of it! We even stressed in letters, emails, and phone calls that they could do like a payment plan with our TA once they put down a small deposit. It seems that everyone that were maybe's are def. coming! No response from any of them...except for the one that is staying at another resort! Don't ask why she is doing that!!!! I'm just trying not to think so much about it at this point, just can't help but to turn it into a personal thing with us!!! Thanks for listening guys!
  22. My FI's father passed away 2 years ago and his mother is in a home for althimers(sp?)....but he has 5 sisters and 1 older brother~ Not one of them have booked! You know we said in the very beginning that there would be no hard feelings, but now I wanna take that back! Now, I'm starting to take it personally. I just feel like they are just being ugly about it...and maybe just jelous of our lifestyle and how far we have come to make such a wonderful family of our own, new house, new cars... CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?! and be happy for us?! Sisters.....it always has to be about THEM. All they have to do is put a small deposit down and kind of put the trip on lay a way! All of our friends have booked, and all of my family also..I know his feelings are hurt, I just feel bad for him at this point! eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhh ok, i feel somewhat better now! Thanks for letting me vent! Leigh
  23. LEIGH


    Welcome Tanya!!! You will find lots of useful information on here! Good luck, and happy planning!
  24. LEIGH


    I agree with jilly..I myself have never heard of them, but I would contact the host to find out more details.....she is a travel agent that knows so much about all of the details! Good Luck!
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