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Everything posted by LEIGH

  1. LEIGH

    Cabo Newbie!

    Welcome! You will have find tons of useful information here! Good luck and happy planning!
  2. Thanks so much Tammy! I have already sent my save the dates, but I wanted to include something like this in my reminder or welcome letter in a few months! Thanks again!
  3. Holy crap those are some HOT pictures!!!! OK, I"m so in! Leigh, if you are ever in the Atlanta area, I would love to do a session like these!!!!! Let me know! Leigh
  4. LEIGH

    Hi everyone

    Welcome! You will find tons of great information for the details you are looking for! Happy planning, let us know if we can help!
  5. I love them! And I love your special note that goes with them! good job!
  6. LEIGH

    Hi Brides! :)

    Hi Liz! Welcome! Cant wait to hear what you decide!!!! Happy planning!
  7. We are also in the process of trying to decide which party to go with after the ceremony.....I think that we are going to go with a coctail reception with light passing dishes....if anyone is starving after that, they can always use there all inclusive route to one of the restaurants!
  8. Welcome! I'm getting married in cancun at dreams....let me know if I can help!
  9. Welcome LuLu! Welcome to the site! Let us know if we can help!
  10. Oh Jill! I'm so sorry that you are going through this...... I promise, if I were in the same state, we could go dress shopping together!!!! I'm having the same sort of issues...especially with family involved....I decided to not include any family with any of my planning, afterall...it is our wedding and WE are paying for it!!!!! I'm basically going to do what I want to do, and don't have time for any negative feedback about the way that I picture our special day! Why don't you go and take some more time trying on dresses by yourself, and have the ladies there or your daughter take some pictures of you in the dresses that are your favorites....then that way, you could post them and we can help make you decision.....Just an idea.....But don't let these people get you down, it just isn't worth it!!!! Get the dress that you want and have already set your budget for! Let me know if I can help...... to you!
  11. LEIGH


    Wecome! Where at in Mexico? What a nice sister!!!! Let us know if we can help!
  12. LEIGH


    Welcome Amber! Can't wait to hear your location!
  13. I think that I'm just going to mail mine ahead of time to the resort... I'm gonna go ahead and make all of my OOT bags and mail one box to the Resort...
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by andreslove Thanks everyone. That gives me a good starting point. Good suggestions. Sometimes the most fun comes when things aren't planned and just kinda happen. I did want a way to see everyone before the wedding though. Sydskyga, where can I find more info? Tammy said that they did this cruise, she might have more information on it....I will have to get back to you with more information....
  15. LEIGH

    Hola from Hola

    Welcome! Let us know if we can help, and let us know how your planning is moving along!
  16. I'm so sorry to hear this is happening to others...and not just me! My in laws consist of all of my FI 4 SISTERS! I had to stop inlcuding them with any of my planning what so ever...Besides that, none of them are even coming to our wedding. I have started involving positive friends around me that always have possitive comments about our planning. I also stopped venting to my FI about his family because whatever the reason they don't like to hear us talk negative about their family no matter what! Just keep your head up, after all, it's YOUR day!!!!! Good lUck, and happy planning!
  17. Welcome! You will find lots of useful information on this site.....Let us know if we can help! How many people do you plan on attending? Any Kids?
  18. Hello, and welcome! Sounds like you have the hard part already taken care of! Considering that It took us like 6 months to figure out the date and location for ours! Happy Planning, can't wait to hear about it!!!
  19. LEIGH


    Hello, and Welcome! You will find lots of very helpful information here! Happy Planning!!!
  20. Hi! Just got done reviewing an option.....Don't know how much $$ you have to spend, but there is a Sunset lobster cruise . Sounds like it would be tons of fun, and could be a very nice treat for everone attending! It includes: Champagne sunset cruise in a Trimaran 5 course dinner on beach live music I think that it's like $79 per person...and I think that it's cancun weddings....if not, I can ask my TA..... I didn't know how many people you had attending either! Hope this helps!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Hi Amy, I am using Citlalli from Claudia's studio. I don't know yet if you have to pay a guest fee, I still have to ask, but they did say you could bring your own photographer, so I know that parts okay. I was actually going to try to negotiate with dreams to see if I could get something else instead of the resort photographer, because its not really needed. I was going to ask for the sound system or some money off the DJ or something like that. But I haven't yet. I think that I already asked this question...and they said that you couldn't exchange the package for anything else..I might be wrong! Let me know what you hear!!! Good luck to both of us with this one!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by VALERIE We had a group of 22 - 20 adults, 2 children. We didn't do the cocktail reception either. We just went to one of the bars! I think you're idea for the cocktails and buffet is great! How many are going in your group? People have still have a while to book, but as of now we have 30 people that has given a deposit... The WC just said that they would do reservations for a "smaller" group, but now i wonder what she considers "Small"!!!
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