Ok... This is going to sound REALLY stupid but I have NO idea how to plan my wedding. I have never been anywhere, my FI has been to Cancun 1 time, never anywhere else so yeah, not big travelers. So, we decided we would like to go away to get married and after talking to our travel agent we have decided on Dreams Cancun (I think!!!). Only about 10 people going, none of which are helping much. Rates aren't out yet for 2008 so no date planned. We have no idea of the cost. We aren't planning an elaborate wedding but somewhat simple, inexpensive. I just need some advice. I don't know where to go and what to do. How do I pick a date when I don't know flights or costs or anything How do you get flowers ordered and picked out as well as photographers?? How do you decide anything??!!!! This is what we both want but I am overwhelmed and frustrated and don't know what to do. You all seem to know exactly what you want, when you are doing everything and where to go for it all. I guess I feel since we don't have a lot of money since we are paying for this all ourselves that it is harder. I am very sorry for the long post. I appreciate any advice!! Thanks for your help and letting me vent!!