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Everything posted by atjorgensen

  1. awww.that was beautiful. almost made me cry.....it really makes me want to get married NOW!!!
  2. Well, my parents aren't going to our in Cancun either. Neither one have ever flown, my dad has lung cancer and my mom has a ton of health problems. They aren't set financially anymore so they aren't paying for any of the wedding. Although they would love to go...they wouldn't be able to afford it anyways. So none of my family will be there. Not my sisters or parents, aunts, uncles, etc. My FI paren't are going and staying the whole time. I have left the invitation open to all of our friends and I don't expect anyone to go but thought they would be more excited than they are. A lot say they are going but who knows. My best friend who is my moh hasn't really been into any of it. hasn't helped with anything. I don't have anyone that seems to want to help with any of it at all. I totally know how you feel. We have come to the conclusion that as long as the two of us are there it doesn't matter who else goes. You can't stress about that, trust me I have been doing that the whole time and it gets you no where. Your mother is being selfish and hopefully she will change her mind. Make sure you send her pictures and let her know what they have there. She may get excited. Good luck to you.
  3. I saw this link before but they are new pictures. Ahhh...I want to go NOW!!! LOL Thank you for the link. It is so beautiful!!!!I can't wait.
  4. I too am a Dreams bride (May 200 and this helps a lot!!! I will let you know if I get any of the other information. I'm trying!!!! Thanks for the info!!
  5. Congratulations to you Rebecca and good luck to you with everything. I too am planning a Mexico wedding (Dreams Cancun or Dream Los Cabos) for May 2008. I can't wait. I don't know much about the resorts you are looking into, but Im sure that you will find a ton of useful info here!! Good luck and Congrats to yoU!!!
  6. Let me know what info you find out since I am pretty sure we are going to Dreams Cancun as well. I have been trying to find out what I will be looking at for packages and pictures. I didn't know if anyone has used the photographer on site. Thanks!!!
  7. We are not paying for anyone but us. We have an open invitation with no expecations from anyone. My family isnt even going. His mom dad and sister are going but paying their own way. The friends that are going are paying for themselves. We are just doing the wedding there and not much else. We are having a reception back here when we come back. We may pay for a private dinner or cocktail party but I don't even know about that!!! Everyone in our group knows how tight our budget is so no one expects anything! Just a fun vacation with a wedding in the middle!!! : )
  8. I don't think that you are a bad bride at all. First of all you are lucky to have a MOH that doesn't plan a traditional shower for you since that is what you don't want. The gift thing just happens even if you don't want it to. I would have your family (mom, sister) and your MOH know that if anyone asks what you want they should tell them that your home is put together already and if they insist on a gift that money would be best or a more personal gift like a spa gift certificate, etc. Most of the time guests ask the mother or sister of the bride or the MOH for ideas. THat is a good way to get out of registering for gifts. Good luck to you and enjoy the shower!!!
  9. To contact the coordinator, did you use email or phone?? Did you go through the resort to book or a travel agent?? What is the difference and why did you decide one over the other?? Do they do more than one wedding a day or is it just one wedding per day? Thanks again!!!
  10. I really don't know what I would do without you girls!!! I posted 3 times last night because I was so overwhelmed and today I feel better after reading more posts. I was trying to decide between Cabo and Cancun (dreams) but I am pretty sure we are going to stick with Cancun. I am going to get ahold of the coordinator and start getting things planned. Your girls are awesome...thanks so much!!
  11. If anyone has pictures or information on Dreams Cancun...please email me!!! I am just beginning my planning and I feel like I don't have anything figured out so any info or pics would be GREAT!!! Thanks so much to all of you!!! [email protected] Andrea
  12. Ok... This is going to sound REALLY stupid but I have NO idea how to plan my wedding. I have never been anywhere, my FI has been to Cancun 1 time, never anywhere else so yeah, not big travelers. So, we decided we would like to go away to get married and after talking to our travel agent we have decided on Dreams Cancun (I think!!!). Only about 10 people going, none of which are helping much. Rates aren't out yet for 2008 so no date planned. We have no idea of the cost. We aren't planning an elaborate wedding but somewhat simple, inexpensive. I just need some advice. I don't know where to go and what to do. How do I pick a date when I don't know flights or costs or anything How do you get flowers ordered and picked out as well as photographers?? How do you decide anything??!!!! This is what we both want but I am overwhelmed and frustrated and don't know what to do. You all seem to know exactly what you want, when you are doing everything and where to go for it all. I guess I feel since we don't have a lot of money since we are paying for this all ourselves that it is harder. I am very sorry for the long post. I appreciate any advice!! Thanks for your help and letting me vent!! Andrea
  13. Good question!!! I am planning on getting married in Mexico and from what I understand they make you do a blood test which is the worst possible scenerio for me who is deathly afraid of needles. I would love to have it "legally" done at that time though. I thought about doing it before or after but wondered if that would take away from it being sentimental or not?? Any feedback would help. Thanks!! (I know I sound like a 3 year old!!!)
  14. Hi Im new here. My name is Andrea. I am starting to plan my May 2008 wedding in Cancun Mexico at the Dreams Cancun Resort!! There are a lot of things to think about and at times it's overwhelming but I am enjoying it!!! I am interested to hear what all of you have to say about your own plans and experiences as well as advice. I found this website through a search and I am excited to get started!!
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