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Everything posted by Adamsgrrl

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw should we say 7? does that work for everyone? 7 works for me!
  2. Well from one Chicagoan to another... you are going to get the cheapest and direct flights out of ORD to CUN on Wensdays and Saturdays. We got married on a Thursday, had our guests either come out on Sat before or Wends before so they had a day buffer before (or more) and a day after to recoporate.
  3. Ahhh! Thank goodness! One crises adverted! I swear I don't know what it is with these priests in Mexico! Come on get it together!! How horrible am I? But I feel your pain.. its like you don't get special "I can do whatever I want because I'm a priest" treatment. When I was down there for our wedding I got a slight paranoid feeling that my priest just didn't care because we we're just another tourists trying to get married in Mexico.. like we didn't really matter. So freaking weird! Especially since my priest (and yours from what you've said) were (are) so excited and happy to help us in every way. I really do wish for you that once your get down there he will be more receptive and everything will work out.
  4. Try typing in words like "Photographer" or "Wedding Review" in the Search engine. There is a lot of information out there... you really do need to do your own research. There is simply too much for one person to do a compelation list for you. One already exists on DW photogs.
  5. Thank you Glenda! Hopefully this will help clean out some of these repedative posts!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw i would tend to agree with you bridge that its not photo friendly at all really, but being that the religious part is pretty important (mostly to my FI's family... my family could not care less if we have a catholic ceremony), i think i would ask my best friend who is married and knows the shots to take if she would photograph it. i will talk to fr. jack and see if he can make the morning part just a straight american wedding mass, and then the one we do in the evening with the guests can be our full out mexican traditional stuff like the madrinas with our arras, lasso, ramo and anillos... and maybe i can get my brother to videotape both ceremonies... That sounds like a fantastic idea! How fun you get to get married twice. So unique! Don't worry in the end everything will turn out perfect!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw no problem, glad someone else is as badly addicted to these as me and jose! just FYI, also the mafer nuts are NOT sold at mexican stores/grocers in chicago. i went to even little hole in the wall corner bodegas in little village to find out as well as the bigger grocery stores, and everybody told me no they dont sell them in the US. actually reading your post yesterday made me want some, and i brought a half of a bag with me to work today hahaha Lucky girl!! Thanks for the info, I would have totally been on the hunt to get my hands on them. I so wish I could figure out how they make them. YUM!
  8. Pm me if you need my publisher file.. with your email. I can't attach it here. I printed it on really nice white paper with silver specks in it and bought cardstock silver paper as the cover sheet. I hole punched the corners and ran ribbons around it so the book would be bound. I also bought a wedding bell stamp and stamped it with white crystally embossing powder in the front and ran a blow dryer on it - if you choose to do this be careful how you package it for travel, they may smear a bit ( I wrapped them up individually in wax paper). Here is what the front looked like:
  9. Maura, So sorry to hear this. I know how irratating all this can be. Our priest neglected to inform us that his Church was under construction and we had to change Churches and pay and extra fee to do this literally 2 days before the ceremony..ugh! What is with these priests in Mexico.. come on! As silly as it may be I would go with your FMIL and let her try to provide "Extra Compensation" to get your slot back. I'm sure if you reason with the priest and offer this as a "Gift" for the churches cough cough "trouble" he will be receptive. Its your day and you worked hard to make it what you want... so a little extra money may not seem that bad in the long run to have a stress free wedding. Good Luck and let us know what happens! Monika : )
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw Monika, you can buy these on the internet... I am TOTALLY addicted to them and every time I go to Mexico City, I bring back like 5 or 6 bags! Last time we went every grocery store in a 2 mile radius was sold out of them and I was freaking out, but FI showed me this which calmed me down haha: Mafer Cacahuate Japones Sal Limón, 200 gram bag The Sabritas brand are not as good, just FYI, I would personally only eat them in a pinch. THANK YOU MAURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been CRAVING these nutts since we got back!!!! I even tried to make them on my own and ended up burning the nutts... LOL! I was even thinking of going to a mexican market and trying to find these. Thank you!! I'm totally going to get some and hoarded them for myself : ) Monika
  11. Yea... I'm totally in the red face club. People think after I work out that I've really WORKED out and went crazy. NO its just me being normally me. I also have normally low blood pressure. I have really fair skin and can see the veins in my arms... translucent really... Can't get a tan for the life of me. DH hubby makes fun of me all the time but hey, when ever someone has to take my blood they don't have to poke around for it..lol! (my way of trying to keep the glass half full).
  12. Have a great trip!!! You won't be disappointed..... have some lime & sea salt flavored peanuts at the bar for me... I still drool thinking about them. YUM! Oh and during the tasting (if your having one) try the ceaser salad with chicken... mmmmmmmmm. Soooo Good! The Chicken is like butter. Oh and have some Blue Margaritas........ I could go on for hours. Please say "Hi" to Elisa & Perla for me!! Monika : )
  13. Congradulations Fellow Vincent Photographer Bride!! As always, the pictures turned out amazing... you must be soo happy! Congrats! Monika : )
  14. I think that would be okay. I actually think that's a great idea... just found out from DH that he has some time off and wants to go out of town on the 9th. So the 23rd would be okay.
  15. Sadly, I think we should try to reschedule for sometime at the end of Feb so that everyone who wants can come. What does everyone think??
  16. For mine there were 3 of them for $450 an hour... I couldn't find anything else so there you go. I had to take it or leave it.
  17. Feb 9 or 10 is fine for me. I've never been to Bin 36, does anyone know how it is??
  18. It is hard picking a photographer, especially with all the vast array of talents and styles. What I did was sit down one evening and took a look at all their work one at a time. For me it was a bit easier when you actually go through each one in one night because then you begin to see little things that you may not like or love when compared to the other photographer. I would seriously consider the fact that some photogs have worked where you want to get married at because they are then familiar with the resort, etc. and know exactly where to go to capture great photos... I think it takes up time when a photog isn't quite familiar or prepared and time is important on your wedding day. Go with your gut. Just my 2 cents. Good Luck!!! Monika : )
  19. Welcome fellow Chicagoan!! How exciting, so many Chicago girls are joining! Happy Planning!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw monika, a wine tasting sounds fun! i will start looking into that. i swear there's a wine bar type place over by you in the south loop that does wine tastings also but i cant remember what it's called... let me think about it... Hmmmm. Interesting! Since we're new to the area I havent heard of it but, I'll try to look it up.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by heidi&alex Yes, he is... I wasn't completely sold on him but seeing that beautiful image of you makes me rethink that. What a beautiful photograph... you look gorgeous! Check out my slideshow. He's absolutely a delite to work with!!! Matt edits the images, so in essence it's really a team effort. del Sol Photography associate photographer Vincent Guihard
  22. Is her assistant Vincent Avaliable?? He was my photographer.
  23. How fun!! I'm in!! Sorry I totally missed this thread. I'll try to think of some places we could go.... hmmm. I know Shaw's does wine tasting evenings, don't know if they are any good though. hmmm.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by jas&john Oh my gosh I can't imagine anyone caring about that picture. Hey it's Mexico and it is exactly what I would expect to happen in MX. It's always hit and miss. If you have a good photographer you could just ask her/him to tyr to keep it out of the pictures if you really don't like it. In years from now it will be a great conversation piece when showing your album. I'd just laugh it off, have a blaast and enjoy the people (including that artist). J I totally agree. I wouldn't let it stress me out one bit. No one is going to notice, and if they do no one is going to care. I think of all the things that went wrong at our Ceremony, and laugh it off. Really, it about you and future hubby. Everyone will be relaxed, in Mexico, having a great time. Those are the things you need to give up when your planning a destination wedding... everything is not going to go exactly how you planned it. Just go with it. Monika
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