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Everything posted by Adamsgrrl

  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have some fun things planed!!
  2. Tammy - I'm sorry to hear that your sister is being a pain in your butt - you don't need that added stress. Why don't you tell her how you feel? Maybe she just doesn't know how her behavior is affecting you, or maybe shes stressed herself and picking on you to let her stress out. Maybe if you'll tell her she will change her attitude.
  3. I'm just using the ones that come free with VistaPrint. Have no idea what they look like I'm assuming there just plain old regular envelopes.... I'm getting them in a week.
  4. Tammy -- LOL your too funny! Maybe that's the "Sexy" Look Now?!? Gotta try that one with my FI. Sarah -- I know, since okay I'll say it... I have no boobs, I need to wear a bra... but, I love the low cutt dresses in the back so I was thinking of getting those strapless cups from Victora Secret that push you up or the cutlets? Don't know how well they work but definalty worth a try.
  5. I wanna play!! How about these: Aqua Babydoll Lace Dress - Evening - Bloomingdales.com David Meister Stretch Silk Floral Dress - Sale - Bloomingdales.com Victoria's Secret - Eyelet babydoll dress Victoria's Secret - Babydoll dress Victoria's Secret - Silk wrap dress Victoria's Secret - Short halter dress I'm partial to #5 but that's becasue I know it will fit me well (I'm really petite and its nearly impossible to find a dress... errrrr!)
  6. I got my FI a Tag Carrera for his b-day last year... we did a lot of reseach and the only thing I would be concerned about is buying from a registered dealer... there's apparelty alot of fakes out there, I think there's an article in the Chicago Sun Times today that talks about this. I was going to buy it from Overstock which was 27% discounted... but I decided to go to Tourneau (Largest Wacth Shop, one location is Water Tower Chicago) and got the guy to drop the price down 27%, which is the lowest they can go... and the lowest I could find online from registerd dealers... anything lower I would be extremely careful about. Additionally, I wanted to buy it from a store because then if anything happened he could bring it in and get it replaced with the warrenty, also they offer buffing and cleaning services. Just be careful where you shop and make sure its with a registered dealer.... it maybe better to pay a couple of bucks extra to get that peace of mind. Good Luck Girls!
  7. Melissa -- I love it!! Really Pretty. Have you thought of wearing tiny flowers in your hair, I know you said that the big flower overpowers it but I saw one of Leigh's slide show where the bride had alot of curls pulled up and back and put in tiny purple flowers - it looked awesome, I was thinking of doing the same thing! Although It maybe hard to keep them in place, I don't know. Just a Thought! I think you can see the flowers in her hair around image 22 or so, so you have to wait a bit. Darkroom SlideShare
  8. What a Beautiful Couple!!! Love the Pictures, you can tell they are so in love! Congradulations Lenita!! Great Job Jill!!
  9. I've been there 2 months after they opened the resort up (last year)... we loved it! It was really beautiful, lots of marble, the rooms were geourgous - we were upgraded to the junior suite - again all marble, with a living area. The food I must admit was Okay, but then again it was a brand new resort, maybe they got better. The beach was nice, they had a lot of new palm trees growing. I would recommend staying on the left side of the hotel facing the ocean - its less congested with resturants, and much quieter, plus closer to the beach. The right side is next to the Sandals - which looks old. One thing to wacth out for -- DO NOT DRINK THE BEER IN THE BROWN BOTTLE - I think I already said this in a different posting but just in case. The beer is in your mini fridge in the room and is unpaturized my FI drank it and got really sick and had to have 4 IV's... ruined our trip. But all in all its a Beautiful resort!
  10. Mikki -- I really haven't gotten that far to asking about the Photographer. But as far as I know, you can make them your guest by paying for them to stay at the hotel the night. But if I get that far I will definatly let you know!
  11. I still really like the first one, mainly because of the top portion, it looks so antiquey and elegant, although the funky pictures don't do it justice.
  12. Ann -- I really like the first one, assuming it really isn't green. The top almost looks like the one from macy's but minus the lace - La Regala Satin Clucth. Macy*s - Women's - Shoes & Accessories - Handbags - Evening Bags I would go to the DT Macy's they usually have alot to choose from, from simple clucths to cute jeweled clucthes in the shape of things like ladybugs, animals, etc..... I'm assuming they still carry them after the Marshal Fields merger. The're on the bottom floor. Good Luck!
  13. I'm having my guests RSVP on the website... since we're sending out 100 plus invitations and only expect about 20 ppl to go, call me cheap but I didn't want to waste the money on postage for RSVP cards. As far as sending out Invitations after STD's, I think I may send them out 2 weeks after the STDS.
  14. Playabride -- Please do let us know how it goes. We're definalty going to use them for a Ceremony in November. What church are you going to be married in? I heard there are 2 priests in the RM area that speak English, did you get one of them?? Also, if you don't mind, what did they quote you for their services, church, decorations, preplanning fee etc?? It seems like they tailor make their excel spreedsheets to fit your budget, or at leasts that's what they said... I'd be curious to know if they quote the same prices for everything
  15. Beautiful Pictures!!! Thanks for sharing!
  16. Mikki -- Thanks for the offer!!! Yea I think the Del Mar looks really nice, I don't know what his problem is... oh well. But your resort, the Lindo, is suppose to be BEAUTIFUL!! All the Iberostars are hard to book because they fill up so quickly, have you noticed that you can't book them on Expedia or Travelocity, thats because they are in such popular demand (according to our TA). Plus the WC who I worked with (Reyna) is so super responsive. The only thing is that I wish some photographers would put the Iberostars in their blogs so we can take a look at wedding pictures there. But I wouldn't worry about the Lindo, everything I've heard sounds great!! Congradulations and Great Choice!
  17. Love Love Love it! I may have to steal the idea from you
  18. Looks really nice. I've been to the Riu in Ochos Rios and you will not be dissapointed, everything is beautifal, lots of marble, clean. Just one thing to look out for -- DO NOT DRINK THE BEER WITH THE BROWN LABEL!!! They are the bears that are in the mini bars in the room. My FI drank one and got really really sick, we're talking 4 IV's sick! We think its because the beers were unpaturized. So sick to Red Stripe and you'll be okay.
  19. Since we are paying for our bridal party to go... I don't want to spend a whole lot of money on jewerly so, I was thinking either buying some earrings from target Target : Women : Jewelry : Fashion Jewelry : Seascapes Or what I am seriously considering is just buying jewerly in RM, I've been there a couple of times and there's always plenty of places on the beach, or in Playa that sells jewerly... I think it would be a authentic gift and a cute keepsake. Although very risky to try to find something that macthes your colors exactly.
  20. Oh I'm an idiot.... I saw your wedding date on your profile as December 1st.... sorry, nix my comment.
  21. Mikki -- We are thinking of getting married at the Del Mar on November 30th!! One day before you. I like it because it has a Chapel, but FI hates it for some reason, he keeps telling me the pictures he's seen online look like its Crappy. I don't get it?!?!? What reception area are you going to use? Do you have a photographer yet?
  22. Finally, I designed my STDs... they are still under construction so please let me know your HONEST opinions...I can take it. Is the back too busy?? Colors/writing too light? Or just looks ugly? Sorry -- I don't know why they are two different sizes, I sized them the same in photobucket.
  23. I drink Good Earth Green Tea (found at your local supermarket) all day long, literally like a gallon sometimes! Green tea is suppose to spead up your metabolism (I bring it on vacation when I go out of the country to help me adjust to the food... sorry TMI), and supposidly if you drink it often it will help shed 10 lbs in a year according to one study I say on the Today Show.
  24. I really like them Ann!! They look professional... it must have taken you forever. I may steal that website to do my own - Thanks!
  25. My diamond is set really high in a four prong platnium setting also... but, I have had no problems with it what so ever. I bang it occasionally on the side of the desk sometimes because I'm still getting use to it.. but nothing really happens. Platnium is suppose to be the most durable metals, so I don't know why you are having problems... but, it seems strange to me that your prongs will bend like that. According to Blue Niles Education on Platinum: The most appealing characteristic of platinum is its durability. Each time other metals are scratched or polished, a tiny bit of metal is lost. In fact eventually, prongs of white gold and yellow gold may wear down enough that you need to have them reinforced with more metal for safety. When selecting a setting for a diamond, we recommend using a platinum head. Platinum's cool white sheen beautifully accentuates the sparkle and brilliance of a diamond, and its great strength holds the gem firmly. But not with platinum. A scratch in platinum may leave a mark on the metal, but this metal is so strong that it will not readily chip or splinter. For that reason, we set all loose diamonds in safe, secure, platinum prongs. While it is the strongest of jewelry metals, it can scratch and develop a patina of wear. Many people prefer this look, unique to platinum. But if you like the shine, a jeweler can polish your jewelry to bring back the original reflective finish. In the mean time, buffing with a soft cloth can give your jewelry renewed luster. The majority of our platinum jewelry is 95 percent pure platinum combined with 5 percent iridium, palladium, ruthenium or other alloys. For guaranteed quality in platinum, look for the marks 950 Plat or Plat. I would go back to your jewelers and check the % of platinum in your setting... maybe its not made up of pure platinum, or a very low % of it. Good Luck!
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