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Everything posted by Adamsgrrl

  1. Congradulations Mishi!! Wishing you all the best on your special Day!! Can't wait to see pictures.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh that's how i am - i like to try it on! but it looks like you can do that w/Blue Nile too - maybe even order 2 and send 1 back. but if i get custom, not sure I can do that! There's no such thing as getting Custom on BN.... What you see is what you get - they do sizing etc. You know what though - I'm not 100% positive on this they may do custom if you ask at an extra cost of course. However, I think they have a wide selection so they may have something you want. You can ordre 2 and send 1 back - BUT keep in mind the shipping costs to return PLUS the insurance (I exchanged a solitare necklace from BN roughly cost $1500, so ins from the post office was about $30 - which isn't much but just something to think about). I think BN has a 30 day return policy plus there free 2 day fedex shipping is a plus.
  3. My FI bought my Engagement ring, diamond solitare, diamond earrings from BlueNile. And I bought a pearl and diamond pendant for my mom's B-day and platinum engraved cufflinks for my FI's B-day from Blue Nile - I say this because I want you to know that each time I ordered these things I was Extremely Happy! Everything looks absolutely beautiful and the prices can't be beat. If you still have hesitations buying online I would do this - Print out what you like from BN, including the prices, and take it to a Wholesale jeweler like in Chicago on Jewelers Row, or I'm sure there are some wholesalers in MN.... Ask them to meet or beat the prices - When we were shopping for Diamonds on Jewelers Row every jeweler explicity said "If you find the Diamond/Ring you like from BN we will meet or beat their prices." Because they know that they are loosing customers. I think we may do this with our wedding bands since I want to be able to see how it looks with my engagement ring.
  4. My seamstress gave me a good tip: put a sheet, preferable soft cotton so the dress can breath, over the dress, then put a plastic garment bag over it, then another plastic garment bag, then a harder garment bag over it. Ask the stewardess, they have a cabin to hang your wedding dress in the front of the plain. Bring 100% soft Cotton (baby cotton) sheet (same sheet you use to cover your dress or a pillow case) - you can use it to smooth out any crinkles or wrinkles in your dress by lightly going over it with the cotton sheet. Also, you can buy a hand held steamer to use - MAKE SURE YOU TEST IT OUT FIRST on a piece of fabric (same fabric as your dress - the boutique or seamstress you bought it at should be able to give you a swacth).
  5. Wow that's a bargin compared to what they quoted me.... $1,000 for alterations on a Lazaro gown that was $4,350..... needless to say I'm going to just get a good seamstress and get mine custom made because these prices are crazy. You're definalty on the right track - get a good seamstress, it shouldn't be that expensive.
  6. Beautiful pictures!!! you looked amazing, love the dress!!! Can't wait to see more!
  7. Try Pottery Barn - they have beach theme accessories this year - I went shopping this weekend and I passed by the pottery barn.... saw all this coral, starfish, shells, etc arranged on the coffee tables, stand alone and in glass vases with sand in them - so pretty it was Perfect!! Pottery Barn | Natural Home - Accessories
  8. Wow I think thats awesome.... how ambitious of you! Can't wait for some pictures!
  9. Congradulations!! Wow you everything looked so beautiful.
  10. I was also going to say tie a piece of Raffia around the invites.. maybe sheild the starfish by putting some colorful tissue paper around the invite and then tie the raffia paper around it... if you want to add more you can always print out your monogram (small size) and punch a whole through it and attach it to the raffia so it hangs from the tie.. if that makes sense.
  11. Have fun and Wishing you all the Best!!!
  12. You deserve it!! Milk it for all its worth!!
  13. Wow ... so beautiful. Congradulations!! And the best part is you get so much for such a good price!!
  14. Happy Birthday - Hope you have a good one!!
  15. Tammy - I think thats a great Idea. I would be totally on board with it! Maybe you could expand it to include "Work Related Issues" where people can voice their problems, advice, etc. Or maybe "Decorating Thread" for those who move and want to redo their homes. A "Health Issues" section. Or those bold enough a "Married Life" section where you can vent about issues. Some of these would have to remain private obviously. But its a great idea to stay in touch!
  16. Lenita- Congradulations!! You and Andre look like a beautiful couple, the pictures really tell a love story. So glad to hear everything went well!! Congrats!
  17. Adamsgrrl


    Welcome Let us know how we can help!
  18. Thanks Anny - I just contacted her regarding coordinating a Catholic Wedding in a Chapel/Church in the Cancun area. I made sure to mentioned you told me about her. Thanks! Monika
  19. I love love # 2!! It looks so elegant and understated. Although I don't liek the color sash - just not my taste. But I can see how pictures will look nice if you coordingate your sash with his tie or BM Dresses. At least you have a lot of choices to choose from!
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