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Rachelle E.

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Everything posted by Rachelle E.

  1. Ok, I just read my post...apparently all our dates involve drinking! Lol! I guess it can't be helped...we're both kind of "lushes".
  2. I love this thread! It's fun to think about dates we've had and enjoyed...but it's also cool to hear what other people do and get some new ideas. We like going to stuff like Shakespeare in the Park. . .you can bring a picnic, wine whatever and see a play out in the park. It's really fun and romantic...cuddled up on the blanket drinking wine and stuff. I LOVE meeting him out for a happy hour during the week. It's fun and actually feels kind of like a "real" date. Since we're not at home getting ready together or anything. It's great walking into a bar and seeing him sitting there waiting for me, all dressed in his suit from work. . .Yum! Love it! :-) Sometimes these turn into dinner dates and we end up ordering like 3 appetizers and just eating those for dinner - it's a little silly but fun since it feels so frivilous. One of our other favorites is going shopping at our favorite grocery store together, buying yummy food to cook for dinner, picking out a new bottle of wine and taking it all home - just having a night in, hanging out, cooking together etc. I'll even kind of dress up a bit for our dinner, set the table with our china, light candles and do all that. It's great, we always have so much fun doing that.
  3. I'm not familiar w/ that particular magazine. . .but I can tell you that I used my wedding mags (probably like $200 worth of them! Lol!) in large part for ideas. I took tons of the pics I found to various vendors (florist, shopping for decor, linens etc.) and they were super helpful. Since the people who did my photography were friends, I wasn't really in the market for a photog. But I DID use some of the listed vendors for other things - like invitations, favors, decorations etc. Not sure that helped...but I would think that the national exposure would be good and if they're offering a deal. . . :-)
  4. I would say the salon, Ulta or really any beauty/salon supply store will have it. Not sure if it's at Target...
  5. Congrats! And to echo Courtney. . .I LOVE Nanaimo! I visited there when I was like 19 and loved it. Gorgeous!! And everyone was SO nice! Oh! And since nobody has mentioned it yet, I will. . .be sure to post your engagment story! There's a thread with everyone's stories in it...LOTS of fun - though you'll probably end up crying 'cause they're all really sweet. We'd love to hear yours!!
  6. Redken products are amazing! I totally agree w/ Erica on all that! Although I tend to swtich around and try new stuff, I was a Redken addict for years and still use some of their styling products. (Hot Sets - which Monica and I refer to as "Hot Sex" is great! lol!) Also, my salon uses Kerastase products...LOVE THEM!! I use their leave-in stuff and styling products all the time. They last forever. But they are kind of expensive (usually $30 per bottle - but I seriously only buy it like twice a year). That being said...the shampoo and conditioner are just as expensive - actually a little more - and I can't justify it since I go through those much faster. SO...I just started using Frederic Fekkai (sp?) Technician shampoo and conditoner for color treated hair...and I REALLY like it! I can definitely tell a difference in the texture of my hair and I've only done like 3 washes since I got it. So in answer to Tammy's question, I think you CAN see results pretty quickly w/ good products...maybe not FULL results but definitely a difference. I can usually tell right away if I'm going to love a new product and if it's going to work for me. BTW, Sephora has the Frederic Fekkai product I mentioned in a cute little travel/sample size. That's what I got to allow me to try it out before committing to a big bottle! I think they have other types in this package as well. Sephora: Frederic Fekkai Fekkai Travel Faves - Must Haves Color Care Set: Gift Ideas & Sets Also, I know at a lot of beauty product stores (Ulta for example) you can get smaller sizes in the Redken products. They seem to have the regular bottles and little ones in most of their products.
  7. I loved the hotel I stayed at - but glitzy it's not! It's totally nice but not a casino hotel or one of the cool themed ones or anything like that. Also it's at the far end of the strip so you may want to stay somewhere a little closer to the center...I think that's what I'd like to do next time I go. There are some great reviews on here. . .but here's what I've heard from people: The Bellagio - super classy and beautiful (I've always wanted to stay there...maybe next time) The Wynn - I've heard it's really lovely Mandalay Bay - Same as the other two really...although I've heard some of the bars in there are really cool. They have a wine bar called Aureole (I think) that's supposed to be awesome. I think The Palms is probably the "hottest" place to stay right now. They just built that new tower and it's amazing...it's the one with the suites that have pools built into the side of the hotel...like a balcony, only it's a glass pool instead of a floor and stuff! Very cool I thought. (though lord only knows how much one of those suites cost! There are a limited number of them) But anyway, I imagine you could find a great room there. Though it's not acutally ON the Strip. . .it's acutally just across the highway from the Strip...you would def. need a cab to get over to all the other hotels/casinos etc. Something to think about. Caesers Palace - One of my friends stayed there and loved it. Also, if you look on their website..I think they may have the most amazing spa ever! If you're splurging....definitely worth a look! Venetian - I've heard it's great...and since that's where a lot of the shopping is...
  8. Yay!! Have fun in St Thomas!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Congrats to you kids! ;-)
  9. Yes, I'm sure you can. My friend Monica booked a local photog for her wedding there. And I think she's getting a videographer too. . .not sure if she's already booked it or not. But anyway, they are outside vendors. :-)
  10. Just wanted to say that I too LOVE the announcements and everything! SO cute and you guys seriously got a kick @ss deal! Good job!! :-)
  11. I know it sounds ideal to seat the 4 of them together, but considering your concern about accidentally making a "kiddie table" you may want to consider dividing them up. 2 at one table and 2 at another. kinda' spread them out a bit! :-) And it may be helpful to seat them with people that they know if at all possible, might make it easier if they're at least a little familiar with whoever they're sitting with.
  12. Quote: Thank you, Thank You! You just saved me $15.50! I ordered paper lanterns from paperlanternstore.com last night. The wire ones I wanted were out of stock for the last month so I ordered bamboo.. anyhow, I was able to cancel my order this morning and order from asianideas.com, got the ones I originally wanted and saved some cash! woohoo! __________________ YAY! I was hoping my little reccomendation would come in handy! Lol! I'm so glad that worked out for you. The only thing I ordered from them were those little light bulb thingys but they arrive right on time and all that good stuff...I'd totally order from them again. In fact we may have to for Monica's AHR. They've got some cute stuff!
  13. Yeah, it's The Little Chapel of the West. And it is really cute! That's where our friends got married this weekend. It IS really small so definitely not an option if you want a big group. Also super busy...they do SO many weddings I saw 3 different brides there in the time we were waiting before the ceremony and the time after when they were taking some pics. But is was really fun! I've never been to a wedding that small and it was really cool to be so "up close and personal" at the ceremony...it really makes you feel like a part of things. Anyway, if anyone is looking into this...the packages are really reasonable, it's nice place, has a fun Vegas vibe (without being crazy or anything) and it's in Vegas!! Great place for a wedding. . .lots of things for guests to do.
  14. I used white lanterns for my wedding ceremony...got them at Ikea for pretty cheap and they were great. I also ordered these little battery operated light bulbs from Asian Ideas. They were cool! They are seriously just little battery packs (they take AAA size batteries) with a tiny light bulb on them. They are best in the smaller size lanterns...not bigger than maybe 12in or so. BUT you can use two of them to light a bigger size lantern if needed. I used fishing line to hang the lanterns as well as suspend the little lights inside them. Here's the link. They have TONS of other wiring and lighting options as well...this is just the link for their battery operated stuff. Also, they do have tons of lanterns. . .and I think the prices are good. GOod luck!!!! Here's the website...the lanterns and stuff are under the Home Decor catagory. Japanese Kimonos, Chinese Paper Lanterns, Chopsticks, Chinese Dresses Here's a link straight to the little lighting things! Battery Operated Devices
  15. Awwwww. ..!! You girls are the best!!! SO much fun to wake up and see all these Happy b-day wishes! And you girls who sent me b-day wishes early will be pleased to know that I had a couple fantastic cocktails last night and my favorite crab cake ever at a little "happy hour" w/ my hubby! It was fun...I definitely didnt' wait to celebrate! Lol! And today. . .I leave for VEGAS!!! YAY!!! It's not really for my b-day...I acutally have a friend getting married there on Saturday. (don't you girls worry...I'll take lots of pics for any vegas brides we amy have. . .or for those of you end up eloping?! Lol!) But the timing was perfect so Monica and I are flying out tonight and meeting up w/ her cousin (who is flying in from NY) and we're making a girls weekend out of it! SO excited! Can't wait to party in Vegas w/ my girls! Anyway, enough from me! Thanks again for all the great messages!
  16. LOL!!! That's freakin' hilarious!!! You're a funny girl Melissa! Ooh! You'll have your new big boobs AND a new hubby soon!! Yay for you!
  17. Yeah, I'm on Yasmin too. I like it. But the first month or so my boobs did grow, were pretty tender and I actually felt mildly nauseated first thing in the morning. It was honestly what I imagine being pregnant might feel like! It was a little odd at first. Luckily the nausea part was mild and didn't last too long - just a couple weeks and more noticable if I was up super early. But after my body adjusted to it, it's been great! I've been on it for 3 years now and am happy with it. One of my friends is on Yaz - which I think is just the lower does version. But my annual appointment is coming up soon so I might ask my Dr what the main differences are...if there would potentially be any benefit to switching etc. so yeah, I'm sure you're just adjusting to everything Melissa. Don't worry about it! :-)
  18. Better late than never, right?! Happy (belated) Birthday to you!!
  19. Gorgeous! Everything looked amazing! What a lovely beach! Congrats!!
  20. Awwww! Just wanted to chime in and say how great all you girls look! SO cute!
  21. Wow! Those are great!! Jess, you look amazing!! I love them all...for some reason I really like the one in the turquoise bustier - even though we can't see your face it's such a great shot! Love that color. Oh! And great job w/ the makeup!! Leigh, you're one talented chiquita! Great pics! LOVE THEM!
  22. Those are really pretty! I'm impressed!! I wonder if I could do that w/ limes. . .? Maybe in a smaller bowl?
  23. How fun!! I'm glad you enjoyed it...I bet you'll be even MORE excited once you get to see some proofs and stuff!! I love that you did DIY boy shorts! SUPER cute idea...I just might steal it. . . loL!
  24. Yay! Congrats!! You looked beautiful and you both looked SO happy!! I'm very happy for you, Mrs Roux!! :-)
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