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Rachelle E.

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Everything posted by Rachelle E.

  1. I'm SO excited for you and Reggie!!!! I can't believe your wedding is already here!! You guys are going to have an amazing time...just kick back and soak it all in! :-) HUGS to both of you!!!!
  2. I think the bangs would be cute! And yeah, it will probably take a little getting used to. But I agree....you can afford to experiment 'cause if you decide you don't love them, you can still grow them out before the wedding.
  3. Quote: I emailed this lady yesterday and her prices are super reasonable! I think we're going to use her for our engagement photos and she's giving me a good price to do a BD session too so I'm super excited now. Thank you so much for info! Yay! I'm glad to hear that!! I wasn't sure if she did BD pics too, so that's really good to know! You'll have to post your e-pics and tell us how it all went once you have them done! :-)
  4. hey girls, I know this is random, but I thought I'd post it anyway. One of my friends just had her engagement pics done by a great photog in BC. Susie said she was great to work with and I absolutely LOVE their pics! So I figured I'd post the website in case any of our Canadian girls are looking for someone to do e-pics or anything like that. Tickle My Heart My friend is Susie and her FI is Marty. They have some pics on the photog's blog right now, they are on the page once you open the site (the brunette and the guy w/ glasses) and also here is their slide show... http://www.ticklemyheart.ca/2008SusieandMarty/ I think they turned out beautifully! Hope this helps someone! :-)
  5. omg! That book is SO great!!! You really did an amazing job putting it all together! And yup, you're a hottie, that's for sure!!! :-) Your FI is going to L-O-V-E it!!!!
  6. sounds fun!! Hope you girls have a blast!!! (and just so ya know....I think it's pretty much impossible to mess up jello shots! I sure they're fantastic!)
  7. I had no idea that people didn't like Maxim. I'm of the same mind as Morgan...to me it's just a boy version of Cosmo. Goofy articles, sex tips and girlie pics. (whereas Cosmo always has the cheesy boy pics) IMO it just depends on the crowd you're making the bags for. If it were my & David's peers then I'd do it for sure. But yeah, I can't see me putting a Maxim in my FIL's or an uncle's bag or something - that would be a little odd to me. I'd say do a variety if you want. Some Maxim, money mags whatever.... Depending on how many you're doing this for, you could always supplement the maxim subscription with a few new mags...like Golf (my dh would LOVE this), car mags, Sports Illustrated etc. And I think Half Price Books even sells magazines...so that might be worth a look if you need extras.
  8. Oooh! LOVE those Carlos Santana paisley ones!!! And I really really like the Jessica Simpson wedges too!!
  9. I totally go to this website to cheer myself up when I'm having an esp. bad customer service day. :-) Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes I think we can all identify with some of these!
  10. I'm really bad at coming up w/ ideas for hair. But what I do to get inspiration is do a google image search of celeb's w/ skin or hair color similar to mine and see what different styles they've had. Since most celebs change their hair pretty frequently, there's usually a good variety to choose from. people I look up for myself are: Kate Beckinsale, Natalie Portman, Penelope Cruz, Rachel Bilson etc. Rachel McAdams also has had some cute hair...maybe check out some pics of her?
  11. wow...those are some doozies!!!! Quote: While I was working at a coffee shop, I had a customer tell one of my coworkers she was a F***ing idiot because the eclair she was going to order got sold before she could order it. I totally relate to this one...I used to work at a Starbucks and had this happen a couple times. Like, what I am supposed to do?! NOT sell a bagel to someone because MAYBE someone else 5 people back in the line might decide they want it?! And they get SO mad when stuff like this happens! I had a good one the other day....totally pissed me off! This old lady calls in to ask a very simple question about a feature on her car. I start to explain it to her. She totally cuts me off and says that she wants to speak w/ someone in service about this, not me. I explain that I AM in service and can help her. She interrupts me again - this time like a decibel short of yelling - and says that she does not want to speak to me, she wants to speak to "a MAN who actually knows what they're talking about!!!!" omg...there is no quicker way to piss me off. I put her on hold and found a guy to talk to her...but damn, it sucked SO bad.
  12. omg!!! your customer stuck her hand up your skirt?!??!?! WHY!? Like seriously....I'd flip the F out if someone tried to do that to me!!! My clients are just all kind of mean or nuts. I work for a car dealership in the service dept...so helping people w/ maintenance or repairs on their cars. Probably the most common issue is that people never want to pay for stuff...so they're always asking "Is xx item under warranty?" Fine...but when it's really obvious that it's NOT, why are you calling me?! Like, "I backed into a pole in the parking lot...is that covered by my warranty?" And they're serious. Or the lady that called in a PANIC for roadside assistance...I ask what she needs help with and she tells me she's at the dentist w/ her kid and she's afraid she's going to run out of gas. A lot of questioning takes place, but suffice to say that the woman STILL has gas in her car she just thinks it's low and doesn't want to take the chance of running out so she wants us to bring her some. I ask where she is...and it turns out she is literally within walking distance of a gas station that I've been to numerous times. She refuses to drive the 1/4 mile from the dentist office to the gas station becasuse she's afraid she might "break down and get stranded with her child". OMG. It was unbelieveable. Our service driver had to go take her a gallon of gas because she refused to put gas in her own car literally just yards away. Or my favorite, which happens on a regular basis...at least a few times each month. Someone calls freaking out that "both the blinker lights are flashing at the same time!!!!" I ask could it possibly be that they accidentally hit the button for their hazard lights? No, no...that couldn't be it. The client is postive there's no earthly way that has happened...the light just started flashing for no reason whatsoever. I reccomend just TRYING to press the button for the hazards to see if they turn off. Of course the refuse 'casue they're so sure that isn't the problem. It usually take a solid 5 minutes of talking to convince them to just TRY it...and then another couple minutes to describe the large, rectangular button w/ the flashing red triangle on it -IN THE CENTER OF THEIR DASHBOARD - (literally right next to the cd player!!!) then they finally push it and go, "Oh! Well I guess that took care of it. Why did that happen?!?!" Are you kidding me?! 'cause you or something in your car accidentally pushed the button...that's why it happened!! People are f'ing DUMB sometimes. I've got literally hundreds of stories that would shatter your faith in the intelligence of the human race. My friends actually request my work stories just to laugh at how ridiculous our clients are. At least they're good for something, right?!?!? ;-)
  13. omg - cute!!! Congrats to you Mrs!!!! :-) yeah, the "real" wedding will be awesome...but it's still fun and special doing the legal part too. I remember David and I were just giddy getting our marriage license...and that really truly was just paperwork! lol! yay for you!
  14. those are seriously cool! I had always said that I wanted "super bowl style" confetti at my wedding. (you know, the un-effing-believeable amount of confetti that pours out of those stadiums when someone wins?! lol!) Anyway, that's a little hard to pull off...but I think this must be the next best thing!! Great find!!!
  15. yup - I was going to reccomend Benefit too. I LOVE benetint!!! It's such a nice color and I'll even layer under lipstick/lipgloss sometimes since I'm terrible about remembering to reapply. At least there's a little color even after the gloss wears off. I totally reccomend it! AND, you can even use it on your cheeks. Sounds weird, but honestly, it's amazing and by far the most natural looking cheek color I've ever used. go to Sephora and have them show you how to use it....you'll be impressed I think. :-)
  16. I voted for the jade. I agree that the re-wearability is better with that color. also it will be really easy to find shoes, accessories etc. to go w/ that color. And if you want pink you can still use a lot of pink in the decorations and flowers...even have the girls wear pink flowers in their hair if you want. I love the pink...it's fun and tropical...but I think the jade is more versatile...and I think it would look amazing w/ your sister's blonde hair! ;-)
  17. You looked gorgeous!!!! And I have to say, I think your cake was beautiful too....LOVED the lemons and limes surrounding it!!! I can't wait to see more pics! Welcome home!!!
  18. I'm glad you kids are getting a little smile from that today! It totally cracked me up when I saw it...one of my friends emailed it to me. I need to see if I can get the pic to post a little bigger...it's hard to see the details. But yeah, they've got little dollars, chairs (that we decided are probably made out of starburst candies) and even pasties on of of the "dancer peeps" lol!
  19. I'm sorry....I couldn't resist! Peeps crack me up!
  20. That's so great! I'm so glad that guy wasn't even further away then he already was!!! Good job Kate! :-)
  21. Quote: out of interest, how long does it take in the US once the contract is signed until closure? In my state, you sign the contract and 30 days later the house is yours. It takes the impatience out of things but makes for a very busy month! I think it can occasionally vary if there are certain stipulations in place with the contract. But for the most part, once you close on the house, it's yours! Typically the part where you're waiting around is when it's under contract...it's essentially going to be yours but all the finanaces and everything are still in the works. The closing is the big finale - you usually get your keys to the new house that day! :-)
  22. Congrats on the house!! It looks great! And good luck w/ refinishing the floors and everything...it will definitely be nice to have the done before you move in!
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