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Everything posted by KellyandMatt08

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I'm trying this out with my STD's. i sent 2 boarding passes per STD and pre-stamped the second one so that they can mail back as a prelim RSVP. I just mailed them last week and gave them until July 4th to respond (1year before the wedding). I haven't mailed mine out yet. Can you keep us posted on how the RSVPs come along? I'm wondering how many people are going to respond to them.
  2. I am thinking about doing them to send out with our STD magnets to get a preliminary RSVP. I might change the back a bit. I made these on VistaPrint. I think right now 100 for FREE!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL Yes - definitely spring for the collapsables! I wish I had... I love the collapsable ones, but they don't come in the color I want. How did you lug yours down there? Was it a PITA?
  4. 11 working days. I am graduating from college the weekend before the wedding!!
  5. I've used the Crest Whitestrips a couple of times. I loved them. Make sure your don't drink coffee or dark sodas, your teeth become more porous (sp?)while using them.
  6. Thanks girls, I'm using WedQuarters. I've figured it out!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Debs Here is our site. With the exchange it was pretty good, and by paying $$ you don't get the ads like you do on some of the free wedsites, I didn't like that at all. (Here you are trying to book your friends in for a group rate, and there's ads for CHEAP PUNTA CANA HOTELS!!) lol Anyway, here's our site: our site! How did you get the daily weather on the site? I can't seem to figure that one out!
  8. I was actually wondering the same thing. We are have a AHR about a month later. I wonder how you can somehow tell people or clue them in to bring something to that instead.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by VALERIE Leigh - Your invites are very similar to the ones I sent out, so I'm going to share what I learned! I put mine in regular 'greeting' card envelopes from Staples. I found that the smaller the starfish, the better they traveled (the larger starfish seemed to break easier). I made sure to get glue on each arm/leg of the starfish, this seemed to help (versus just a dab in the middle). I also think that my ribbon was thick enough to take the brunt of some of the post office handling. Also, when you take them to the post office, be sure to ask that they not put them through the machine (this will smush them completely!). In the end, I wish I would have spent a little more and got the padded envelopes. Hope this helps! Where did you get your invites from?
  10. We are actually using the bride dragging the groom for our cake topper. We are just going to paint the hair to match us. Our friends will get a kick out of it. We are going to do this for our thank yous to match.
  11. Those are cute!! Where did you get the shells from? How did you get the ribbon to stay tied?
  12. I don't have enough points as well, can everyone send me theirs? LOL I'll PM you my email address...
  13. I am using Vistaprint for our STD magnets. I just got samples in the mail today. We are using one of their designs. Here are the 2 we are considering:
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I do have one, let me know if you need it. Yes please! I'll PM you my email address.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen Hi Andrea, if you pm me your email i can send you an example of my save the date letter. I remember Christine had an excellent save the date letter too! If you need any help with magnets I can try and help . I helped Deb with hers and I've been quite the photoshop junkie lately Melissa, would you be able to email your example too? I've been trying to think of things to put, but can't come up with anything.
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