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Everything posted by BayBug

  1. That was a good one! My sister would slap me across the face if I gave her that. It would not be good times.
  2. I am totally missing out. I will have to go to Target after work. I am so excited. I love their little dollar spot. There is always good things there. THANK YOU!
  3. That really sucks! My mom wanted me to buy a grip of cameras, but after reading your thread I am going to re-think the idea. Thanks!
  4. Ann, thanks for that list. I did not see that thread either.
  5. Looks like a lot of fun!!! Cute pictures by the way!
  6. I will be taking 13 days from work! I am so counting the days!!! I need a vacation.
  7. BayBug

    Almost engaged

    I like how you know when you are getting engaged. I wish I knew. I would have worn cuter clothes. CONGRATS TO YOU!
  8. I wonder if they smell real? I like the way they look, but how much do loose petals (real) cost?
  9. Courtney, thank you very much! This will come in handy when I have my shower.
  10. Thanks Tammy! I like to wait until the give me that extra 20% off. Then I pounce and buy everything in sight.
  11. Yeah Glenda!!! I am so happy to hear that you will be keeping me in line. You always have such good things to say and you are very helpful. The ladies knew what they were doing when they picked you! GOOD CHOICE!!!!!
  12. I walked to work today!!! Granted I only live like a mile to work. But I will be walking back!
  13. I was wondering when Hurricane season was! Thanks for that. There is no fighting the humidity!! I have decided that my hair is going to be pulled back when I am in Costa Rica. Sorry I am not a Cabo bride. But I like to read what all you Mexico brides are doing.
  14. First of all GREAT review! You ladies write such informative reviews. There is no need to go to Trip Advisor if I ever want to go to Mexico. Second, I had to stop reading because I almost passed out reading about your blood work!!! I am getting nauseas just writing! That is seriously CRAZY!!! What the hell!
  15. As I write this I feel like the only non-Mexico bride. But it is all good! Hotel Costa Verde, Costa Rica September 6, 2007
  16. Please can we see more!!! That was not very nice. Great tease though!
  17. I agree with the ladies on leaving the train down for the pictures. It will look very pretty in the photos if your train is down. I was thinking the same thing. I really don’t want people stepping on my train. TammyM, I am jealous that only 3 people are going to wedding! That is soooo cool!
  18. Thanks for that! It looks like this place called STATS here in Cali.
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