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Everything posted by BayBug

  1. I have been striped of my title!!! Oh well. I guess I need to be here than working.
  2. Those were great photos!!!! I love them! Now if only I had the confidence to do that.
  3. Good Luck and have a wonderful time!
  4. Those are bad come backs! Very funny!
  5. That was seriously FUNNY!!!! I am going to send it to my office mates here. Non-profit = no money, so they will get a kick out of it!
  6. There are a few ladies that I have purchased a dress on-line. I haven't, but if they accept returns and the shipping isn't outrageous then you should buy it and see how it looks. Who knows it might be the one!!!
  7. Some of the dresses are kind of cute! Here is one that I think is cute:
  8. Congrats!!!! It is good news that the two of you had fun! I want to see pictures!!!!
  9. That is such a cute site. I love the tiki theme you have going on. Good work! It must be such a relief to finish that. Hopefully your family will appreciate your site rather then telling you your site sucks and that they refuse to look at it. Okay, that was me getting upset at my family!
  10. Welcome to the forum!!!
  11. Welcome! I say pick the place you will be most happy with and go from there.
  12. Congrats!!!!!!! I can't wait to see the pictures.
  13. This is great news!!!! Yeah for you ladies.
  14. I love your postcard. I think it is so cute and goes with the wedding. I hope your guests appreciate all the hard work you put into it.
  15. Very pretty dress! I just don't know about ordering a dress online.
  16. BayBug

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the forum! There are many places you can choose from and lots of information here.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I know there are a few other men on this forum.
  18. Oh man! That really sucks. Note to self, put stamp on return envelope. My family is not going to RSVP anyway. I am sure they will just throw it away.
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