Okay I'm going to stop complaining about the no alcohol after 2am in CA thing because you guys have it really tough! State stores are new to me too! Yep, some liquor stores deliver direct but we also have something called Pink Dot that delivers until 3am (alcohol until 2). Pink Dot kicks ass because you can order almost anything.
Like say it's midnight and you don't want to leave the party, Pink Dot will bring you a bottle of Ketel One, condoms, tampons, advil, anything. Even pregnancy tests...lol If you're hungry they'll bring hot food. If you're cooking they'll bring groceries. Usually within 30 minutes.
I swear when I first moved here and lived in the dorms our orders used to go something like this - "Yeah we need a 12 pack of Heineken, a bottle of Jack, zig zags, toilet paper, Marlboros, 3 tuna melts, and rocky road ice cream....oh and Doritos". LOL We were young and lost our minds!
And they only charge $3.50 to deliver, usually within 30 minutes. Look: