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Everything posted by AmyInMI

  1. Hey there and welcome to the forum! I thought I would add some info about our wedding. 1) What resort are you getting married at? Dreams Tulum 2) What made you decide those? We REALLY wanted to have our wedding at Secrets Capri but the prices were a bit too high for our guests (>$1900 per person). We began looking at Dreams, which is in the same chain as Secrets but not Adults Only like Secrets. 3) When is your wedding? May 10, 2008 4) Did you have a hard time choosing too? YES!! There are sooo many nice resorts to choose from! We were engaged on Christmas 2006 and did not finalize our decision on a resort until May or so! It is really hard not to think about all of your guests, but remember to choose the resort that YOU TWO want to go to, not your guests! GOOD LUCK!!
  2. I am trying to come up with a new playlist too!! Thanks for starting this thread!!
  3. I am glad I am not the only one experiencing this! I thought it was something with my PC or internet.
  4. The forum has exploded since summer time!! There are so many new people that I have yet to even "get to know"!! Congrats to you all and welcome!!!
  5. I bought the starfish online from Oriental Trading Company. They were super cheap. They varied in size but most were 1 to 2 inches.
  6. Ok, now I am really starting to freak out!!! I knew I had a lot to do because I did NOTHING from August through December while I was in school... Now I have one week until I return to my nursing classes and I am really worried I will not get everything done in time!! Luckily the most of it requires just being at home working on some crafty things but I still have A LOT TO DO!!! What I have done: - bought dress, veil, & accessories - purchased FI's suit, just need my mom to do a few alterations - booked our trip - ceremony location reception confirmed - boarding pass invitations done and sent out - purchased Aaron's wedding ring - purchased flowers (using artificial ones) for BM's - applied for passports, have Amy's, waiting for Aaron's - purchased OOT bags and most of items for them - purchased parent's gifts - figured out seating for tables at reception - Aaron bought all of his clothes for trip - booked pig roast/ caterer for AHR - AHR invites just arrived, need to put them together and mail in April Need to do: - decide on and purchase my wedding band - get Aaron's ring engraved - write vows - decide on and purchase BM/GM gifts - finalize bridesmaids dresses - find more pics of what I want for my bouquet - order flip flops for guy's OOT bags and decide what else we need for bags - make hang tags for OOT bags - finish programs - buy cake topper - decide on groomsmen attire - book BD session - printed out list of required photos for wedding photographer - buy starfish bouquet jewel - plan welcome dinner - make welcome letter - make wedding day timeline - decide on my hair & makeup - decide on my shoes - decide what to do for guest book - decide on what we want for centerpieces - finish fans - finish tissue holders - decide on what to do for place cards/ table numbers - finalize menu for reception - book hair appointments - download a ton of music for reception and make playlist - decide on excursion for guests - buy more clothes for me - find more pics of cake - go register for bridal shower gifts - finalize AHR guest list and start getting everyone's address - book DJ for AHR YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I am creating my list right now! I feel as though I am "on track" but I know I still have a lot to do!!! AHHH!! Just over 4 months!!
  8. Thanks for posting such a good laugh Shelley!! And what cracks me up the most is that they have the curtains "closed", I am assuming for "privacy" but they are so sheer that you know EVERYONE driving past can see in! Imagine driving past their house!!
  9. We are going more casual with our AHR. We actually decided on a pig roast at my parent's house. I just booked the hog-roast/caterer today!! I plan to wear my dress (as long as it is ok after the TTD session). We are going to have a DJ, although it is at my parent's house.
  10. The newsletter looks great Kelly!! Wow!! I unfortunately do not have the slightest idea where to begin when making one so mine will definately will not look so snazzy!! Way to go!
  11. Congrats Jessica and Brian!! How exciting!! He is so adorable!! I hope you are able to get some rest!! Take care!
  12. I love your pics, thanks for sharing!! This is a great location I will have to remember when we have our wedding at Dreams Tulum in a few months!! Thanks again for sharing!!
  13. We are planning a group outing to Xel-Ha and also a "girls day" shopping in PDC while the guys go deep sea fishing.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I sent you a PM Amy for the other 30 if still available. What a great idea. I know I will have a ton of cake left over. They are yours then!! I will let you know the details once I get them from Angela. Thanks a bunch!!
  15. No problem! If anyone is intereted in some, they can contact me then, no biggie!! I will PM you my address. Thanks Angela!
  16. Hey there, I am interested in the cake boxes. Please let me know if they are still available!! Thanks!! Edited to add: I only need around 22 or so if anyone is interested in buying the other 30.
  17. Thanks for the great review!! I can agree with everyone regarding the concern related to the lack of communication before the wedding but it is very reassuring that everything went so well!! Thanks again and congrats!!
  18. I am interested in ordering 5 pink ones if anyone else is interested.
  19. I definately feel your pain... as I sit here in bed listening to Aaron snore his little heart out!!! Ahhh no wonder I have insomnia!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian That was me! I was going to put my BDW name but thought about that after hitting the submitt button! Glad you got it. When I ordered it they said Dec 7th would be the ship date. Ohh I guess they were early!! Thanks so much Jessica!! I am hoping to do some BD pics so I am super excited to start getting some things!! Thanks again!! Merry Christmas!!
  21. I got my Secret Santa gift yesterday!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Jessica O (do not know what her BWD name is). for the Victoria's Secret gift card!! I can't wait to go shopping!! Thanks again!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford She got me the exact book I wanted, For One More Day, which I have already started reading and its excellent!!!!! I have read this Robyn and it is a great book! It is also on tv on Sunday so you should try to finish the book by then
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