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Everything posted by saraece

  1. ooopps posted twice.
  2. Welcome to the forum, I hope to get married at Dreams Tulum Jan 2009. I have only heard great things about it.
  3. Great question that I didn't even think of. My daughters will be 3 and 1, maybe our kids should "hook up"
  4. I love the bags but had to do a double take at you with the bags. I said to myself "I thought she made original bags, who is that model in the picture." Then of course I noticed it was you. Your pics look like ones you would see in a magazine. Great job! You are an inspiration.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by destaney22 Hello everyone! This is my first post to this board!!! I need sooooo many questions answered!!! Welcome to the forum. Which Breezes are you looking at?
  6. What bugs me about crying kids at the store (I have a two year old) is the ladies who tell you whats wrong with them. "Your baby needs to be fed..." "she's tired you should take her home for a nap...." As a mom I generally know what is wrong and am moving my ass to get out of the store and don't need to be stopped to be told why my child is freakin out. Sorry, little vent. But on the topic I have to add people who go through the self check out with a full cart of grocieries. It's worse then the ones who go through the 8 items or less with 20 items.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride I have heard of these before and they sound like fun. Like many said before, it would not fly with my friends and family but if it is common in your area with your circle of friends then why not? It does not sound the same as having a shower. It actually sounds like when we throw beef and beers here. My friends and I throw a beef and beer every year to raise money for a scholarship fund in memory of one of our friends that died a few years back. We rent a hall, have tons of food and drink, people donate gift certificates and stuff and we wrap everything in nice baskets and have a silent auction for it. We also do a 50/50 and door prizes. All the proceeds go to the scholarship fund. This is pretty common around here but the money always goes to a scolarship fund or for someone who is seriously ill and can't afford all the medical costs. So if someone had one to raise money for a wedding it would be seen as selfish and frivolous I think, but again it's a regional thing. What you do is a wonderful fundraiser for a great cause. I don't think we want anyone to feel Selfish or Frivolous for having one for a wedding though.
  8. Welcome to you!! I am looking at Dreams Tulum as well, tons of info on here to get you started.
  9. Thanks for the info. I hope they allow people to use it for receptions and the cost won' t be too high.
  10. Reading the post a stag and doe do sound like a money grab. But I have been to a few and it never felt that way. We usually pay $10 to get in and booze is super cheap ($2/bottle of beer) that is why so many get drunk. You usually walk away with a prize worth more then the 10 it cost you to get in. And you get to party with friends. It has always been a good time and cost me about what it would have cost me to go to a bar for the night. Better the money go to someone I know.
  11. I know this has been said but I am betting it won't be said enough to convince you or any other girl that size 4 is not normal, and that anyone else is over weight. You are absolutely gorgeous!! I don't care if you think the air brushing helped or camera angles were at its best, you are beautiful. Don't you ever think that you are big or "over weight" Your FI is going to love the pictures and no matter how he looks you love him so much right. He loves you, why would you or any of us try to lose a few pounds or skip dressing on our salad to save a few calories? Sorry for the rant but I love the femal body and I love how it changes as we get older and I wonder why we as women can't accept that we are going to sag a bit? Remember we also get more curves and now we know how to use them! Here is to all the women with all our non size 4 bodies, that have men who love every inch of our skin. Why can't we?
  12. Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! You will find lots of tips, tricks and great ideas from the group here. Don't be afraid to ask any questions and use the search function on the top to see past threads that could be helpful!!
  13. My plan is to walk to everyone's room, a little after they arrive, and hand them out myself (with FI). Everyone is staying (so far) at our resort and I thought this is a good way to see how everyone is settling in. It is also a good way for me to catch any problems with rooms or what-not. Most of our guest haven't travelled much, and they may not how to deal with room issue. We aren't having a welcome dinner either.
  14. I am going to wear orange or even (gasp....) red. I look better in colours and no women in my family (sister, mom, grandma..) wore white so I figured it's not my family's tradition so I might as well wear a colour I look good in. lol
  15. saraece

    Dreams Bride

    Welcome to the forum. I am gettting married at...well...Dreams Tulum is the top of the list, but since I am not getting married until Jan 09 that could change many times. This is a great place to get lots of information to get you started.
  16. I don't know if this is tacky but there are lots of coupons for attrctions and since they just spent all this money on a wedding you could throw in some coupons for some of the attractions in TO. Here is one website with a bunch of coupons on them. FabulousSavings.com - Toronto here is one for dining Toronto Restaurant Coupons, Specials and Savings You know i just went to TO and didn't think of searching for coupons for discounts. What's up with that??
  17. Not that you need another reply, but a work shower is a work shower. You don't even usually hang out with (or even like) all your co workers, why on earth would you force your mothers to go to it?? But I bet in this case knowing that you are in the right doesn't help much. No one like conflicts with their MIL's. Try your best to get through it.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Canadian couple murdered in Mexico The murder suspects are candian women. We have followed this story as it was a couple from Ontario and the news kept it in the lime light. The women accused are only being accused by the Mexican governement and the Canadain investigation team has eliminated them as even a possiblility. They believe it was a worker who was harrassing the couple earlier that day then disappeared that night. Who knows what really happened but the fact that they were murdered in there rooms doesn't help my cause. We may do a legal ceremony here before hand and then a walk down the eisle and vows down there without her. Florida isn't a bad idea, except we did fall in love with Mexico. I haven't seen many weekend trips from Canada. It doesn't work the same here. I guess it could though. Here people pay one price for the whole package (flight, transfers, room food beverages...AI). I'll talk to the FI and see what he thinks.
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