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Posts posted by saraece

  1. "As for the future I can never decide if cloth diapers or disposable are better. Obviously it's good not to throw stuff away, but I've read that once you factor in the delivery truck gas usage to get disposables to you and the water/soap wasted washing them that it pretty much evens out."


    I have heard that this is just a fact Disposable diaper companies have put out there. If you do a load of cloth diapers every few days you are still being better to the environment then if you buy disposable. That being said I will admit with my first we used cloth but since hubby is on parental leave this time we use disposable.

  2. I wonder if in Canada it is different. We don't pay the TA, they earn a cut off of the bookings... just like brokers. The tour operator pays them...so I guess we do but it is worked into the rate.

  3. We booked with Sunquest, through a TA and after they (SQ) changed the they upped the price. My TA fought and got them to honour the group price originally quoted, since we had gone in and put 10 deposits down. SQ then gave us a dead line...same price for three weeks then the price goes up by $150/pp for the next month then it goes up $400/pp. Not hte best situation but the ones who wanted to go booked with no problems but he ones on the fence probably won't go now because of the huge cost increase.

  4. Today was my first day of bootcamp. We meet at the local beach/track and field at 5:30 am and run, push up sit up and kettle ball our way into shape. I have always kept active (sort of) I am always doing yoga or pilates or dancing... I don't think I have run around a track though in 18 years (OMG)

    I am proud to say I lasted the 12 mintues required of us today, although I couldn't do a sit up to save my life. One of my team mates coudn't believe it. She kept saying "what do you mean you didn't do any?? Not even one?? Well I can't mark that" I felt like crying, but i kept it together and said, "well I know what I need to work on" and "I can only get better from here" SHe wasn't very supportive. I do have to say that I could crunch my way into tomorrow, just not full sit up. My goal is to be able to do one by the end of the week. And maybe by the end of the camp I can keep up with them.

    Just though I would share and see how others are doing at their exercise programs?

    Is ther one thing that you can't do no matter how hard you try?


  5. I say yes. Our budget is pretty tight and we picked the Riu Bachata in PP.

    Our guests are paying $1500 pp for a week AI out of Toronto or Ottawa on Dec 29/Jan 1.


    RIU Free Wedding Package 2008 includes:


    * On-site wedding coordinator to help plan the special day

    * Decoration and set up of the ceremony location

    * Bouquet of flowers for the bride and a matching boutonniere for the groom

    * CD or recorded music during the ceremony

    * Reception dinner for the wedding group at one of our specialty restaurants

    * Wedding cake for up to ten people

    * Two bottles of sparkling wine

    * Surprise spa gift

    * Ten percent discount on all spa services for the bride and the groom (restrictions apply)

    * Surprise gift and fruit basket






    In order to have a wedding at our RIU Hotels & Resorts, the couple and the 80 percent of the total amount of the wedding guests must stay at the hotel where the wedding will be performed; otherwise it will be canceled.

    *Guests staying in other hotels must purchase a day pass.


    This package is valid from Janaury 1st 2008 - December 30th 2008.


    Civil/Legal Wedding 560,00USD |

  6. Found the dress! After all the other dresses felt like they wore me, I found this one at Tiffany Bridal in Toronto that was going out of business. I wasn't looking at prices but I got an amazing deal....$99!! Mainly because it isn't white, therefore in the BM category.

    Click the image to open in full size.[/img]

    Click the image to open in full size.[/img]

    My BM dress is the convertable dress from American Outfitters. We just have to pick a colour. Here are some of the colours and ways to wear it. These aren't the only choices of colours. Does anyone have suggestions of a clour for the BM's??

    Click the image to open in full size.[/img]

    Click the image to open in full size.[/img]

    Click the image to open in full size.

  7. I am not sure this helps, but we decided against an AHR for a few reasons, some being we are getting married in Jan as well and we would want to have something outside as our yard is huge but our house is not. If we waited until it was warm, it would be like 6 months later. Too long. And we decided to go away so we wouldn't have to have a big thing here, just catch a plane and have a relaxing wedding. So I am with everyone else, have a send off party. That wouldn't be as much stress as a whole reception.

  8. I didn't think anyone was too offended, but those types of pics have no place on our forum.

    Here is the letter I wrote them. I think I worded it nice enough that they make take me seroiusly.

    "I was very interested in your RSA8339 Cotton Spandex Jersey Bandeau Dress. I plan to use it as my bridesmaid dresses for my down south wedding this winter. I think it great. Especially since it can be worn so many ways, making it ideal to fit different body types. I love the fact it comes in many colours. I also recently read in a eco friendly book that your company is a fair trade company and that is great and I love to support those types of companies. Here is my concern...on the page where this dress is posted (on your site) if you click on Part one and Part two the picutres are awful. The model you have looks like she is 15 years old and drunk. You can even see part of her nipple in one picture. And you can see her nipples through the white shirt she wears. Not to mention it makes the dress look cheap. The dress is good, I have gone to see it in the store, but these pictures, I am sorry to say, would make me not want to buy it. The other phots of the models in the different colours and the video looks professioanl and showcase the dress well. I would recomend you remove those from the site as they hurt you more then anything and will offend some."

  9. First I have to say SORRY!! I never clicked on the part one or two on the site. I agree those pictures are completely unacceptable and if I had seen them I never would have been interested in this dress. I am also writing them to complain. I had only clicked on the other views and watched the video. So if I offended anyone I apologize.oops.gif

    Second you ladies were a great help!! I decided that I will pick a colour and the two ladies here can get the dress but in a different shade. For example the dress comes in three blues three purples three greens. So if I pick blue they can each pick a different shade, my BM in Afghantstan can pick up her own dress in a different shade of blue and everyone is happy!! Thank you so much for your help. I am not large chested so I don't always see things from that point of view.prayer1.gif

  10. I hear yah! Sunquest moved my flight date then tried to up the price $400 as well. My TA fought like crazy and got them to honour the price because we did have the 10 deposits already in. Sunquest let us keep the price the same but then gave us 3 weeks to get all the bookings then the price went up $150 with another 4 weeks to book. After that the $400 extra would be charge to anyone else booking. It sucked and there were alot of phone calls being made but we already knew who was going so it wasn't hard to get them to put there deposits down earlier then they thought. Trust in your TA, Sunquest seems to be a little forgiving. But make sure your TA keeps an eye on them changing departure dates as another bride on here got her departure date changed a number of times by Sunquest.

  11. Here is the situation. 1 MOH 2 BM. One BM lives in Afghanstan. After much internet search (because may be eaiser for her to buy) we found the convertable dress at American Apperal. As luck would have it we have two stores in Ottawa and so we go down there with concern because it is made of Jersey cotton and may be too casual. But, we think it is great and it photographs well. 15 ways to wear it (so it will work with most bodies) and comes in 26 colours. Perfect, done they love it and at $45 how can you go wrong...until...

    BM that didn't get to see it (except on line) says that it does not have enough fabric around the bust area. She is a large chested gal. Her bras would never fit under it, and there is no way she can wear a strapless. "what else you got?"

    Problems I see are: how do you corodinate three ladies when one lives abroad? The other two are in love with this dress and we can't have the 3rd wearing something different. I would ship her the dress to try but when mail takes 30 days to get to her and they only have a 30 day return/exchange policy not sure if it worth it. The store doesn't ship to Afghanastan.


    So I need help with sugesttions. Sugestions how you cordinate the three ladies. Even if we tell her the colour how is going to find something in the same shade? Help with a lady who is large chested? Any tricks?

  12. My TA gave me a info sheet to email out to potential guests and have them fill it out and fax it back to her and anyone with questions can contact her. I felt this was a great compromise because those just booking didn't need to have her on the phone tying up her time and those with questions she could get back to the same day to answer them. My TA is also booking another wedding at the same time and with my 35 and the other wedding with 50 guests that is alot of phone calls to answer. As of right now she is able to anwer everyone right away or get back to them within the hour.

  13. So I started the hunt for a wedding dress. All I know is that I am not wearing white. Not one women in my family wore white so I figure it's not our tradition and I don't even look good in white so I am picking a colour I look good in. My sister (MOH) and a bridesmaid went out and power shopped. I threw on any dress that fit to start to get an idea of what I am looking for. I am not a trendy person or one who dresses up too often. I dress very casually as I run a home day care during the day and don't need to dres up for work. What I found was that most dresses I had on, I got lost in. They were so elaborate and fancy that you can only help but look at the dress and not me in it. Does that sound stupid?? Or egocentrical?

    Maybe I am looking for something simple, so people will notice me in it. I usualy don't like being the center of attention and realy hated trying on dresses with everyone staring at me.

  14. Just thought I would give anyone travelling with Sunquest to maybe double check their flights to make sure they haven't changes. Mine changed by three days. I have already placed deposits down. The only reason we found out, was because we were checking on flights leaving Alberta, and my TA said "that's weird..where's your flight??" I know another bride on here has had her flights change as well.

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