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can't wait!

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Everything posted by can't wait!

  1. I'm down 2.5 lbs! I LOVE it!! Plus, it got me motivated to work out extra hard today. If I can lose 2 lbs a week until the competition is over I would be a very happy camper (even if I don't win the $$$). We can do it girls!!
  2. Becks, thanks for putting my mind at ease. I've been emailing them and have gotten fast responses with all the answers to my questions. So now that I know he is a great, reliable guy, I will definitely sign him!! FYI...I read he is also an expert on lighting so I'm asking him to create special lighting for our dancefloor. He's gunna try to use our monogram and have it shine on the dancefloor. So excited!!
  3. They are definitely more flexible than other resorts. For example, if you're not using the resort photog in the package you can ask to extend the videographer services. Sandra is great. She may be busy but she will alway listen to you and try her best to work with you.
  4. Yari, I know the feeling. I have tons and tons of clothes that don't fit b/c they're too small. And I refuse to buy bigger clothes so I wear the few things that still fit me ALL THE TIME! I swear, I'm a walking billboard for the same damn outfit. Thanks for sharing. It makes me feel better and stronger. Now off to a last chance work-out before the weigh-in!
  5. I just got back from Target and no luck. Not for the bags and not for the magnetic flip flop thing-a-muhjigs. I'm hoping it will take some time before it gets to Texas and that they aren't sold out. But I have noticed things in that section FLY OFF THE SHELVES!!! Oh, and for those looking for the first aid kits. I read somewhere on here that Target has them for $1. Well, I found those but all they have is band-aids in them. I'm looking for a kit that has more than band-aids...like headache stuff or immodium.
  6. Damn weekend! I just have zero will power. How pathetic is that?! I worked out everyday last week except Sunday but ate like there was no tomorrow over the weekend. Why is resisting sooo difficult? If I'm lucky I will have lost a pound. whoop-te-do!
  7. Can't believe how great these are! Really! And I know my guests will use and re-use these bags. Thanks for posting!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek i haven't had a bloody mary in a really long time, sounds good. i already have what i'm going to eat picked out, this way i don't look at the menu and end up picking something bad out. a grilled tuna salad, the dressing isn't really healthy but it's better than the rest of the menu. I love vodka with diet tonic and a twist of lime! U should try it. It's not so bad. Also, vodka with sugar free red bull has little to no calories. I drink that as well but have to limit myself to 3 or you'll see me jumping off the walls!!! Stay away from margaritas! They're yummy but go straight to my tummy! karla
  9. OK Ladies. Don't know about you but I'm getting nervous now that the weekend is here! This is when I ALWAYS default on my dieting. UGH! I never thought I would get to the point where I would dread the weekends! Anyway...here's to a good, smart eating weekend. I'm gunna try, really try to behave. Oh so hard! Especially since I love me some red wine!
  10. Good question! I want to have fire dancers too but can't find any. My WC says she used to have a # for a fire chick but has since lost it. If anyone has any info there are now 2 of us who would really appreciate it!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel We didn't tell anyone except my parents and my sister that we got married early. No one else needed to know and we only told my parents since it was their idea. They wanted us to save the money. My sister lives with us so I don't think I could keep the secret from her. It was such a great time though. I totally recommended it. Find a drive thru chapel and have fun! That is soooo awesome! If we weren't so strapped for cash for our 'real deal' in Tulum I would totally do this! So jealous! And your cab driver as a witness?! How classic is that?! Lucky you!
  12. I love the idea of using it again. And this soo is a dress that will be re-used...even as a bathing suit cover! If you dress it up with fun accessories I think you can make it more formal. How much is it btw?
  13. Do you have pictures? And what about the quality? Thanks. My older brother lives in Manhattan and I was thinking he could buy them at chinatown for me. But if this is cheaper and easier, I'll do it! Thanks!!
  14. We are currently renovating our kitchen. I've been lucky enough to be able to work from home to supervise the whole thing but I can't imagine what people would do if they aren't home. NOTHING WOULD GET DONE! You are brave for having them work while you are on vacay but I'm also quite jealous. It is a HUGE HEADACHE AND EXTREMELY STRESSFUL and you will be away for it all! Oh, and about the post....word of mouth is the way to go. This way no one gets offended. I personally don't like formal invites with registry information.
  15. The patio is a little further from the beach and much closer to the adult pool. The receptions that I've seen at the patio are out in the open, no roof overhead. The seaside grill is closer to the beach. You can hear the waves while you have dinner. It is open but with a roof. I guess it all depends on what you want. Both places are beautiful. I chose the seaside b/c I felt it to be much more private than the patio. Also because it's closer to the beach.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jaime Just got back from my site visits and wanted to report that the Xcaret Ecopark is beautiful and very expensive. We loved the chapel but to rent it for the ceremony was $1500, and to have drinks after the wedding it would have cost $2100 plus the cost of all drinks ($4-6 each), dinner was $4000 plus $52 per person for food and $32 for open bar. It's too bad it is so expensive because it was an amazing place. If anyone wants pictures of the chapel let me know. Jaime Weren't you just heartbroken when you heard about the prices!? I was! My cousin went to a wedding there and said it was the most beautiful wedding she'd ever been to. The funny thing is she asked the bride about prices and the bride said it was inexpensive and totally doable! Ummm...yeah right! Not doable for me!!
  17. About those wedding guides, Sandra tells me they are almost done with the newest version which will include info about the conference center and the new restaurant policy. She says the conference rooms are turning out beautiful and they will have much more privacy than in any restaurant. Hope this helps put those nerves at ease!!
  18. I just got an email from Sandra who told me the policy of no restaurant receptions applies to "new bookings". woo! hoo! I'M SAFE!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Seahagamy I have just received an email from Sandra saying they no longer allow wedding receptions in the Seaside Grill. WHAT?! As of when? Is this for new weddings, meaning weddings that haven't been booked yet? My reception is supposed to be at Seaside. If she cancels on me I will have to reconsider the entire thing!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by leamil The only thing I was disappointed by was the DJ - I just assumed they would announce our entrance, first dance, etc.. These things weren't really a big deal to me, but I would have planned something if I had known the DJ didn't speak! If you want someone to MC, either ask a guest to take the responsibility (we ended up having the best man do it), or plan on a non resort DJ. Thanks for letting us know! I know now for sure I should hire an outside DJ. Although I think I know the answer to this...can anyone remember with certainty if there is an extra charge for outside wedding vendors? Thanks.
  21. You can also get them at oriental trading! I'm using some for my welcome dinner.
  22. Can I just say how excited I am the weekend is over?!!? It is sooo hard for me to eat healthy on the weekends! I tried, I really tried but we went out to eat every night over the weekend and it was bad. So, thank goodness it's Monday. Back to salads! We have a weigh in in two days! ugh!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by ellsbells Did anybody use a different DJ than the one that Sandra/Landy provided? Music's important to us, and although the boy was planning on using a DJ that he liked from the Blue Parrot in Playa, he's running into some scheduling challenges. Anyone have a DJ that might even be able to MC the event (not a lot, but just announce us and stuff, announce the dance - our tango - etc.), just run the show a bit more than what I've heard the resort DJ does. Suggestions, let me know... I was wondering the same thing about the resort dj. I think (can't say for sure) someone on this forum used them and said they weren't too wowed by them. So I've started researching another dj that has gotten great reviews from other brides. They are mannia and if you do a search you will find them on here. I've actually contacted them and they are very reasonable. Plus, they offer all kinds of goodies like cold fireworks, illuminated dancefloors and special lighting. This is their email address: [email protected]
  24. Matt, where is Coba? Are those the Tulum ruins? And which of the cenotes is your favorite?
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