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Everything posted by JulieG

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jaysgirl119 Now that I have sent out my passport std's out. I have no need for the stamp. Anyone looking for the stamp for the cover page please email me at [email protected] Here is a pic http://tinyurl.com/2nvdpx Ooh, I love it. I don't need it, I have done my STD's, but I would have loved to do these ones.
  2. I just asked them. lol I did wait till we knew exactly what the trip was going to cost, so I could tell them the price before they said yes. I also told them that if they could not make it I totally understood. I had one back out recently and I picked another person who had already booked, that way I did not have to worry about it being a money thing. She is still helping with all the things locally, shower, stagette, but just not coming with us.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by playagirl That's a great idea about the dryer sheets. I didn't know that. Thanks. Has anyone seen the Off towelettes in Canada? I looked on the weekend at Walmart and they didn't have any. We do have them here, I have seen them. I just can't remember where. I will find out and get back to you.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz He is going to look so precious in that suit! Thanks, I think he will too! We were seriously gushing at the store, we were not leaving withouth it. Oh, it was $34.99 for those of you who wanted to know.
  5. Happy Birthday, I can't wait for you to tell us all about it I hope all your birthday wishes come true.
  6. That is awesome Myles, the best stuff is yet to come. Picking the spot was the most stressful thing and it feels good to be over it.
  7. Congratulations, that is so awesome. I have thought about doing this many times, but its just too much money for me to spend right now. I wish I could though. 5.8 lbs is awesome and not gaining any weight while on vacation is even better.
  8. I went to bootcamp tonight. I swear it gets harder everytime. Isn't it supposed to get easier? Oh well, I am so proud of myself for doing it all. I was not feeling too hot at the beginning, stomach issues, but I toughed it out and did the whole thing and did a pretty good job. I have boot camp again on Thursday and I plan to hit the gym on Friday and Sunday as well.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ncainey OMG! Where is that suit from for the little boy? I neeed one for our nephew! (Although he would ruin it in two seconds flat) It came from Burlington Coat Factory and it was CHEAP!!! I can not remember the exact price, but under $40. The shirt and tie were separate, but I think they were $10. It was a great deal.
  10. Has everyone checked on ebay and other sites for them. I bet you could totally get them somewhere cheaper.
  11. I wanted to go more casual for my nephew, but we all fell in love with the suit and the whole thing was sooo cheap, we had to get it. Here are some pics, in case anyone wants to see it. I wish I had some of him in it. I know he will not wear it all night, he will be too hot, but just for the walk down the asile and some pics (hopefully), we will not torture him.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Awww...all those little girls are so cute! I'm jealous, I have 5 little nephews but no nieces to dress up! Actually my nephew's outfit is my favorite, all little girls wear dresses, but not many little boys where linen suits and pink button up shirts, I can't wait to see him in it.
  13. OMG, tears again. I love this story, its so great. Even more great that it happened to a BDW girl. Those pictures are beautiful, perfect actually and they tell the story so well. Congratulations again Trisha. BTW, wow that is one huge rock!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford Are you mixing pink and brown sand? Those are so my favorite colours and Im pretty sure they will be my wedding colours some day!! I am using pink sand and then the sand from the beach in cuba, so not quite brown, but I wanted it to be the sand from the actual beach we got married on.
  15. I think its a great idea. I have never heard of it before, but I love it. I also think you should include a label and a letter telling everyone to watch it, but I would totally run to watch it. So, I say go for it.
  16. I agree with Tammy. People will look at it and think Oh, that is nice, then it will be forgotten. You will save it forever, but most people will not. And, your parents will save it and love it no matter what paper its on. So, if you have a lot to send out, I think you should look for something similar that is much cheaper. Spend your money else where!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by chrisnessa Just got HOME from 9 years with the Air Force. I'm soooooooooooooooooooo Happy!!! January 5, 2008 Las Caletas Here We Come!!!! That is sooo exciting!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Thanks for all the comments girls. I feel great in the dress, but it is nice to hear that others think it was a good choice as well. Now I have to wait 8 loooooooooooooooooong months to wear it. :-( Oh trust me, it will come up a lot faster than you think. I am a month and a half away from my wedding and we started planning 1 year before, I thought it would never come and now I am scared cause it came too fast. So, do not worry about it being far away, before you know it, it will be biting you in the butt.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA I did 50 minutes on the stairclimber this morning. I was a sweaty mess!! Anyway, today was my weigh in day for WW and I'm down about 2.5 - 3 lbs from last monday. I'm trying to stick to 2 lbs a week so I have to make sure I'm not starving myself. Kate that is awesome!!! Congratulations, I wish I could lose 3 lbs.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I did turbo jam on saturday and turbo sculpt yesterday. Nothing today (I know bad) but I was so busy I had no time, but I will tomorrow, promise! And I'll work extra hard! That is awesome Jill. I did nothing all weekend, unless you count dancing at a wedding? lol But I was really hung over on Sunday and I ate really super badly. I did okay today for eating, but was too tired to work out. I have boot camp tomorrow night.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I have always loved brown and pink together. I love this candle: Pink and Brown Polka Dot Wedding Unity Candle Pillars and Tapers - Exclusively Weddings Its beautiful. We are doing a sand ceremony though, no unity candle required, but I would totally have bought it if we were doing that.
  22. I know I am not the only person on here who's colours are brown and pink and I thought I would share this. I found it today and wish I had found it a long time ago. Brown/Pink Flower Girl Basket Ring Bearer Pillow Custom - (eBay item 150139515157 end time Oct-03-07 18:29:28 PDT)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride Julie, here is a pink one that ships to canada... pink starfish pin Thanks so much, Amy sent me this one as well. I am going to look at it tonight when I get home and probably buy it. Its cheap and I only need 15 days for delivery. Perfect.
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