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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. Sara that is terrible, I am so sorry about that.


    I actually found it insanely easy to change my name. I took the original, non-translated marriage certificate to the Health Card office and they changed my name, just like that. Then I did the same at the License office and it was just as easy, no hassle, no translation required, nothing.


    So I had the exact opposite experience as you and I am so happy that we did the legal there, that way it was our real wedding and not just a symbolic one, and that was important to me.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SSNM View Post
    though they run the risk of getting a gift that the bridegroom will probably re-gift later or sell or return.
    So what!!! When I get someone a gift I get them something I think they will like. I don't ask them later what they did with it or where it is, if they didn't like it and they re-gifted it, that is their right, its their gift, I didn't buy it for me, I got it for them to use and they see fit.

    Asking for money is tacky, period! I don't care if its a cute little poem or what, its tacky. If you do this, expect that people will be pissed and think you are tacky. I always give money, always, but the 1 invitation I got that said monetary gifts only, I got them a gift. Why, because its rude to ask for money! Also, I think if you expect money (because you asked for it), people will give you LESS money than they would have if you didn't ask because they are obligated to give it to you, instead of giving it to you because they want to.
  3. Cuba is very different than the other countries, stuff is much better than money for the staff there.


    Please keep in mind the other people on the resort, like the gardeners, etc..the maids and the wait staff get the best gifts, try to give them to the less obvious people as well. There are lots of trips to go into town and visit schools, if you can do that and save stuff for them its greatly appreciated.


    The kids can't get candy there, so if you can bring candy, you will be very popular. Also, I brought a curling iron (it cost me $5) for the hairdresser and she literally cried, said it was the nicest thing anyone ever gave her. I also gave her all my left over hair clips and lots of nail polish and make-up because she was going to be doing her niece's hair and make-up for her wedding and the wedding party as well and they don't have access to many things there.


    Hats, toiletries, any thing with sports teams (they love the Blue Jays) on it is really popular. Also stuff with Canada flags. Panty hose (because they have to wear them to work but pay a fortune for them), kids stuff, pencils, books, etc... I have a list somewhere that I got off a site from people who go there on a regular basis just to bring stuff to the poor people in Cuba, I will see if I can find it and post it here. Great thread.

  4. First off BREATHE!!! I suggest you look at Varadero because there will be more flight options from the East and West coast to Varadero than some of the smaller places.


    Second, we got married at 5 (was supposed to be 4 and they always run late) and it was perfect because it still gave us an hour or so to get pictures done before it got to dark, keep that in mind. Also, we had our reception at dusk (started at 7) on the beach and it was perfect. So what about having the reception at dusk instead.


    I got married on a Wednesday, I am pretty sure you are right about not doing weddings on Saturday in Cuba. Why do you need a Saturday? Everyday is the weekend in Cuba :) You can pick any day, what about Friday instead?


    Have you talked to a travel agent yet? They can tell you which resorts are adults only, they have a few of them for sure.

  5. Hey all, I am Julie

    I was born in Scarborough, ON

    lived in TO for a long time, then moved to Orillia

    from Orillia we moved to Barrie and we lived there for 10 or so years

    I moved to Toronto for school and lived there for 10 or so years up till 2.5 years ago when I moved back to Barrie.

    So right now I live in Barrie, ON

  6. There is a market, its not every day though, I can't remember what day it is, but there is also little stores as well. To be honest I never really checked either out, so I don't know what they have or what the prices are. Sorry, hopefully one of the other girls can help you with this one.

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