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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. I really don't think its a big deal at all. My MIL thought she was supposed to get a dress that matched my wedding colours, but I told her my colours were pink and brown and she asked if she could get a different colour (not liking those colours) and I told her to get whatever she wanted. I really don't think its an issue.


    If it really upsets you, you really should have told her that you didn't want her to match the bridesmaids, I think she thinks she is supposed to match them. Can you tell her that you wanted the BM's to stand out and so you want only them to wear sage green and is it possible to get a dress in another colour?

  2. Yup, and its cheap, I think it cost us 35 CUC's. I thought it was going to be super cheesy, but its actually not to bad, its kinda cute :) I say this because I am so not into wedding video's, so I was expecting it to be terrible, but I actually like it.

  3. Sparrow, that poor boy is going to get made fun of, a lot, for is whole life in fact. Hopefully they don't use that name as his first name, they are just cruel if they do. My friends last name is Sparrow, so that is what we call him, but this is not his name, its Dave, so that works for him, but as a first name, just WRONG!

  4. My fingers are crossed that she redeems herself and gets those flowers to you ASAP. Hell if she was a good vendor she would drive them to you if she messed up and forgot to ship them, because she messed up and she needs to fix her mistake. I really hope you get them on time, and I also hope that no one else from here uses this vendor. She said she is back on track now, in another thread, and that no one else will be without their flowers, well here she goes again. Stay Away, bittersweet is just bitter if you ask me.

  5. Yari was saying that "how sad" meaning she would be sad for your step daughter because she knows her feelings would be hurt if you told her she was no longer your MOH. There was no reason to get to pissy and nasty about it, when you ask people for opinions they are going to give them to you, if you don't want them, don't ask. In her opinion it is selfish of you to demote your step-daughter and appoint your friend instead because really you would be thinking only of yourself and not your step-daughter, so if you did that, you would be being selfish.


    Also, if you noticed her siggy, she is having a baby any minute now, so I would watch how I say things to people and maybe try to read more into what they said instead of just taking out the sad and selfish words, read the whole post.


    I think 2 MOH's is a good solution, although I think you need to make sure your step-daughter is okay with that since she was your original MOH, make it seem like its to help her, not to make her less of an MOH in anyway.

  6. I agree with Yari and the others who said Do Not demote her. She is 14, calling her Junior is going to make her pissed because you are acting like she is a kid. You never asked her to be JR MOH, you asked her to be MOH. You already asked her, you can't take that back, that is just plain WRONG. I was a BM in my best friends wedding and her sister was her MOH, I did all the work of an MOH because her sister could not, and I didn't care that I didn't have the MOH title, she was my best friend and she deserves the best. So, your best friend should do the same thing for you while being your BM and your soon to be step-daughter should still be your MOH, plain and simple. If you demote her or call her a junior, you are going to piss her off and she is not going to forget it anytime soon. DON'T DO IT.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by niclec View Post
    Ok - My husband to be was married before but it was annulled...so legally it never happened. Do we still need documentation? He never received any certificate or anything - we are getting married in December...

    Thanks in advance!!
    I would say no, annulled means the same as never being married. I would look into it to make sure, but I don't think you have anything to worry about.
  8. I set a rain plan with Yaly, even though she told me I didn't need it, and it was to have the wedding ceremony in the lobby (which is very nice BTW) because we had too many people for the gazebo, and the reception in the meeting room, which is actually very nice and very big. So do not worry, they can make rain plans really fast.

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