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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. I totally see your point when it comes to Cain, I guess it just makes me mad for some reason, not sure why, I think he is just being a jerk and trying to get full custody and that is wrong, you don't take a child away from their mother unless the mother is causing them harm.


    Victor should not be able to have kids, give it up already.


    Kevin is driving me nuts as well, I hate that story line. I do think Clint died, he is in the closet right now. lol And what is Kevin going to try to kill Katherine, its so stupid.


    Why is Katherine's DNA not coming up? Is it because Jill is not really her daughter? What do you think they are going to do with that whole thing.


    And Sharon is back with Jack because Phyllis knows about her and Billy? WTFhuh.gif


    I think I am just super annoyed at the whole thing. But yes, I still watch it every day. lol

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sarafish81 View Post
    Thanks Julie - I think she sent that to us already (an excel document?) that we filled out for us and our witnesses and sent back. I will be sure to bring copies to the resort too. I have a binder full of wedding stuff. My wedding bible!
    That is it, that and your passports and tourist visa's are ALL YOU NEED. Its great and sooo easy. You have to wait a little bit to get your certificate when you get back, and then you use it to change your name. It was sooo easy. The only thing is waiting for your certificate, but it doesn't take that long at all.
  3. You just need your passport and tourist visa. You need some info to fill out the forms though, I filled them out beforehand and emailed them to her, and I brought copies with me just incase. I think some birth certificate info might have been on the form. It was just a 1 page thing though and didn't really require all that much info.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bridalbloomsbylaura View Post
    I wouldn't take a chance on doing that either. Bacteria travels up the stem into the flower heads as well.
    I think you are wrong here. I have done this many times and had many cakes with fresh flowers on them. Sorry, but I disagree with you.

    You are from Toronto, so I know you have heard of Bonnie Gordon and I took lessons from her, I would think she would have had an instance or 2 in her many years as a cake decorator of where someone got sick from real flowers and would have steered us away from them, but she made no mention of this and would have for sure if it was an issue.
  5. Thanks so much ladies. So far its a good day. I jumped on the wagon and got new hair today, and had lunch with my sister and nieces and we are going out for dinner soon, so far its been great. The party is this Saturday though, that will be the real fun day :)

  6. So, let me get this straight, she thinks she can sue you and Heather for giving her a bad review and using her real name, but thinks its okay to talk nasty about you, a non-vendor, and use your FULL real name? Does that make any sense at all? If anyone should be able to sue its you, for using a username, and not your real name on weddingwire to keep yourself private, but she is using her full business name, but its slander if you use it and give her a bad review.


    She really is insane, she just keeps proving more and more how unprofessional she is and how she is in serious need of some meds for her psychosis and to help her get a grip on reality.

  7. All I know is we have to make sure this thread is constantly bumped so that all new members to the forum can see it. EVERY BRIDE needs to know about this crazy non-professional vendor so that they can steer clear of her. I am sure she will keep causing drama and this thread will not need to be bumped, because she is obviously a drama queen, but I just want to make sure.

  8. She is batshit insane!!! Does she seriously think she can sue you? Any lawyer would tell her she does not have a case. She was your vendor and you posted your review of her, that is not against the law! She is a moron who is pissed because she can't be on this forum anymore for breaking the rules. Vendors have to take criticism, that is how you get better and learn from your mistakes. I hope no one on this forum ever uses her again.

  9. Heather, thank you so much for having the cahones (sp?) to tell everyone on the forum what happened to you and to save another bride from going through the same thing.


    2K for a deposit is crazy expensive, right there I would have said "Hell No!" you are a nicer person than I :)


    Morgan you are amazing, we all know this about you, but this is just above and beyond and so very generous and thoughtful of you.


    Heather, I hope you have a great new photographer and that your pictures turn out amazing, you deserve it.

  10. There is so much going on right now, and so much to bitch about, it kills me.


    First off, why the hell does Cain want the baby so badly. He didn't even know about it for more than 6 months, she had the baby at 7 mons and she could not have known before at least 1 month. Move on Cain, its not your baby.


    Sharon just kills me, why is she a kleptomaniac, whore? How does that help her character and why Billy? They need someone new for her to sleep with.


    With the Katherine thing would just be over and we just know its her already, how long can they drag that on.


    And Ashely pregnant and Victor wants to marry her, Sabrina has been gone all of what, a month?


    Nick and Phyllis need to end their marriage already, he cheated on Phyllis and has in the past, give him the boot already.


    Gloria, can you just leave the show already, you suck.


    Clint, Annie and Roger are the WORST actors ever, I can't wait till they are gone. Annie makes me want to scream, what is with her hair.


    Kevin going insane, I am not buying it.


    Ahhh, I have watched this show for a million years, and this is the worst it has ever been. Why are they causing so much stupid drama all at once? It makes me mad, but of course I watch it EVERYDAY!

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sarafish81 View Post
    I kind of feel the same way!! Why go all that way to get married on the beach to not get married on the beach, right? I suppose we could always ask a few gawkers in speedos to fill our seats if we really wanted to...LOL Thanks Julie.
    Actually, you think that is funny, but we had a guest be the person to deal with the beach gawkers. Just so that there was no speedo people in my pics, a family member asked all the people just standing around to sit down in one of our seats if they wanted to watch the wedding. It worked out perfectly, we have some people we don't know in the seats, but they didn't ruin any pictures :) So its not a bad idea at all.

    Seriously though, no one will even notice that there are more seats than people, that is the way it is at all weddings. I say go for it.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sarafish81 View Post
    Thanks for posting all your pics Julie! Goodness, you sure have a lot wink.gif

    Julie or Colleen, did you check out the gazebo as an option for your ceremony at all? I haven't seen a lot of pictures of it (only on facebook and it doesn't give a great idea). I'm wondering because our group is so small if it would be a better setting. As it stands, we are going to have more chairs than guests on the beach just so it looks like a proper aisle and I was wondering what you thought of the gazebo if you looked at it at all....

    Only 35 days till we leave...bunny_4.gif
    I personally didn't like the gazebo, it seemed kinda cheesy, painted cheesy, in my opinion. It was too small to hold out group, so it was not an option anyway, so I didn't give it much thought, I just went and looked at it. I personally felt like I went there to get married on the beach, so that is what I was doing. I do not think it would look silly with just a few people at the beach wedding and not all the chairs full.

    Its totally up to you, AND, you don't have to decide till you get there, so go and check it out first and then decide. I know its hard to wait that long, but that is what I would do if I was unsure.
  13. I figured I might as well just post my pictures here since people ask me for them on a regular basis, it will save the new people from asking :)




    The folder called Jennifer Klementti is our pro pics and the other folder is pics that our guests took and one that we took. Enjoy :)

  14. I have to agree with lolkitteh, you can't have a wedding celebration in any sense and ask people to pay for themselves. You are going to have to do something that you can afford, like just cocktails and appetizers or finger foods or something like that. Lunches or Teas are usually cheaper and still a very nice way to have a wedding reception. Or you could just invite as many people as you can afford to pay for.


    I am sorry to say it, but I really do not think you should invite people and ask them to pay for themselves. I personally would not come to a wedding event where I was told I needed to pay, I would just find it rude. This is why we never had an AHR, the more we thought about it, the more we thought it would just be waaay to expensive to do it the way we wanted, so we opted not to have one at all. Its like when I get an invitation for a wedding shower that says "monetary gifts only", I always always bring a gift instead, why, because I think its rude to ask people for money, I give gifts for showers and money for a wedding, and that is my choice, if I am told to do it differently I get pissed off.


    Does that all make sense? I really think you just need to do something you can afford to pay for even if its just appetizers (I went to a wedding that did this once and it was really beautiful) just mention in the invites that its just appetizers so people are not expecting dinner.


    Sorry to hear about your mother and I hope she is on the road to recovery.


    Good luck with whatever you decide. smile03.gif

  15. I have not heard of it either. I have been to almost all the bridal stores in Toronto, where is it located?


    For my wedding I almost bought my dress at Windsor Bridal, I had a good experience there (I know some people who didn't though). Whatever you do, if you buy a dress at Sposabella, be careful, they are shifty there and its not a good place to buy, even though they have an awesome selection and DO NOT get your dress altered there, just a word of advice.


    If you have any questions on stores in TO to go to, let me know, I have been to 98% of them. :)

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