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Posts posted by JulieG

  1. If you do have your photog photoshop them out, be prepared for your friend to be really hurt by that. If she is a really good friend, which I am guessing she is, then her feelings should matter more to you than a small tattoo in your pictures. But if vanity is more important than your friend and her feelings, then go ahead and get rid of a part of her, just be prepared for the outcome.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Betsy View Post
    WTF is up with this talking squirrel head and Kevin? That is the dumbest story line ever! It is sooooo annoying me!!!!
    I agree, it bugs me so much that I leave the room while its on and do something else. Its soo stupid. I am kinda hoping he did kill himself, is that mean. lol

    Is it Jeffery that is bugging him and who he thinks is the squirrel? I realize that she sees a lot of people with the squirrel head, but is it Jeffery that is making him like this? I think they alluded to that, but what does everyone else think?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by krayzeekitty View Post
    Hi Ladies - this has been a quiet thread lately. Just wondering if when you booked the date with Yaly if she then told you she has to get confirmation from the notary? It has been over 2 weeks since Yaly said she will get confirmation from the notary and get back to us - I am trying to be patient. FI thinks I sould e-mail her but I am not too sure as I don't want to annoy her. Any suggestions?
    She has to make sure the Notary is available in order to make your wedding legal. She will have your date and time written down (she is very very organized and very good at her job), she will not let someone else have your time if you asked first. But she does have to get the okay, its not up to her. I say wait a little while longer, she will get back to you and I am guessing you will get the date and time of your choice.
  4. I totally can't remember my newbie thread. So now I am curious and my mission today will be to go and find it. I love how so many people don't read the whole thread and just welcome you, that makes me laugh. Sorry I never welcomed you when you first came, not sure what I was up to that day :)

  5. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Sometimes these things happen close to the wedding because one of the people has cold feet. BUT, telling you he is embarrassed of you, that is WRONG. Even if he didn't mean it, he should never have said it. You need to sit down and have a talk with him. He can't just take your ring away whenever he gets angry, that is wrong on so many levels. He sounds pretty controlling as well, like you can come to the party when he thinks you can't come, but when you can he decides he doesn't want you there, he is telling you what to do and that is stay at home. Telling you he is embarrassed of you is again controlling, he is telling you he is better than you and you should do what he says. He has issues he needs to deal with and therefore you both have issues that need to be dealt with. I suggest counseling . If he will not go, then you know he is not willing to fight for your relationship and if he is not willing to fight, then why are you fighting?


    I really hope this gets worked out soon, no matter what the outcome is, you need and deserve some answers and so do your kids.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JCrosby View Post
    I forgot about this until now but our TA recommended that we use the free flights for ourselves (every 21st flight booked is free). I thought that was a bit sketch too. Has anyone else heard of this? Her reasoning was that nobody cares about getting an extra $10 - $20 off their trip so we should just take the free trips...
    We used our free trips, instead of taking the $10 off each person's trip, we used one for a GM who would not have been able to come otherwise and the other for our photographer. I asked my guests and they said they didn't care about $10 when the free trips would help us out so much. But never would we have charged them more, I felt bad enough not saving them $10.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chloe55 View Post
    Our TA does a lot of destination weddings and she told us that she recently had a bride who asked her to add $50 onto all her guests trip and then give her the money so that it would cover the cost of her wedding. She also did not tell the people that she was doing it. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that, but it does sound like this may be something that some people do.
    Wow, that bride is the one who wanted a DW, she should be paying more not having her guests pay more. I am shocked and sooo glad I don't know her, she would be getting a piece of my mind that is for sure. That is so low and scummy it makes me sick.
  8. I was just about to say the same thing. Sorry if it seems like no one is answering you and just telling you to search, but really we are all tired of dealing with the same questions over and over again. The search function is a great feature, I use it before I start any new threads just to make sure its not already on here. Just a tip. Search and you will find your answer :)

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jamaicabride09 View Post
    I can't believe that Sharon is pregnant!!! I hope it's Nick. That will just fuel the fire!! Do you think Tyra and Neil are going to end up together?
    I think I am in the minority here, but I hope Tyra and Neil get together, I liked her from the start and I never liked Neil and Karen together. BUT, I think Drew might be coming back, if so, Tyra and Drew would totally make for good enemy's, so that might be where this is going. I could be wrong, but I really don't think Drew is gone forever.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JTAlberta View Post
    JUlie G
    Did your certificate come in Spanish?
    It did. You can get them to translate it, but it takes a lot more time and you have to pay for it. There is no need to translate it, the government offices take it as in, in Spanish. So it was super easy to change my name. smile29.gif
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ltoxopeu View Post
    K'osh I would love to get that forward. Thanks! I will PM you.

    And thanks everyone for your responses. It's very helpful. I didn't realize a symbolic ceremony would be so much cheaper.

    It depends on when you are getting married and how many people you have coming. Our legal ceremony was totally free, we had a lot of free stuff included in our package, like my hair and flowers, etc... We got married in October and had 52 guests, but I think you only need to have 10 rooms booked to get the free wedding package. The beach BBQ was extra, but was worth every penny.
  12. Welcome to the forum. You picked an amazing resort and you are going to be soo very happy with your choice. Check the Cuba threads there is a lot of good info on there for you. And do not hesitate to message me with any of your questions.

  13. Just an FYI, I did not get any documents before I left Cuba with respect to the wedding. So not all resorts give you this unofficial document. I waited till I got my wedding certificate in the mail and that is when I changed my name, etc...


    As the other girls said, it was very very easy.


    I was told that your passport should always be good for 6 months from the date of travel just to be safe, so I would suggest you get a new one if yours is less than that, just to be on the safe side, I would hate for that to cause you issues and keep you from getting to your wedding.

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