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Everything posted by Jen

  1. The wedding planner at the resort we were looking at said that they don't start booking (weddings or reservations) for 2008 until around June or July..... so we can't do anything until then......we could probably do a site visit but chances of that are slim to none! I'm sure you'll be totally fine
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MagsieMexico For private receptions, that seems to be the case. But I emailed her again to get more details about what exactly the indoor set up is, is it in a room in a hotel, or is it on a terrace or something at least. I think that if she comes back and says it's at least an open terrace or something, I will go with Grand Palladium. But assuming she doesnt (which her original comment suggests), then I don't know where to look next... Nothing has all the aspects I want... This was Rocio's response about the reception on the beach...... Dear Jen: It is a little far the 2008 year and unfortunately we do not have the prices as either the requirements and openings for 2008 so because of this we are unable to book weddings for that year... Regarding the portofino`s terrace.. we will need to book it and this can be done once we book the date for your wedding but you may notice that the Portofinos terrace has a maximum capacity so if your group it`s bigger than 40 people it will be probably necessary to find another option for your dinner... Unfortunately on the beach we are unable to have receptions.. the only option we can offer you it`s a bbq dinner.. but not a sit down fancy dinner.. I am sorry... I heard alot of good things about Iberostar actually......but it is a REALLY large resort, which isn't necessarily bad. My sister's sister-in-law just got back from the Iberostar in RM and LOVED it....said it was really nice. My sister's Mother-in-law is a travel agent and has done weddings there and also recommended it. I think that may be our second choice. I'm just not sure if I want it on a "mega-resort", but then again Grand Palladium isn't exactly small....hahahaha!
  3. Nice!!!!!!!! (very excited....and message was too short! hahaha!)
  4. I have two....one on the right side of my lower back....not quite a "tramp stamp"....more like an off-center target....hahahaha! Anyway, that one is a Shamrock with the chinese symbol for "good luck" in it. I got it in South Beach my junior year of college on Spring Break (Sober, I swear!!!) I LOVE it....my Dad's family is Irish and most of my aunts and cousins have shamrocks, so its a family thing. My second one is a butterfly and its on my foot, similar location to Nicole's star but further back (under my ankle bone). I got that one soon after my grandmother died. She talked alot about butterflies right before she died, so in memory of her, my mom, my sister, my aunt and I all got butterfly tattoos. I'm itching for a third one, BAD!!! I think I may get the astrological symbol for Leo. I love astrology and thats my sign. Its also Matt's sign, so its symbolic of us, without it being his name..... I am totally opposed to having anyones name on my body unless it is my child....and even then..... hahahaha!!!! Tammy.....I'm not sure how big your dogs are, but my sister has a Doxie, and she is getting his pawprint tattooed on her......I was going to get Remy and Dakota's pawprints but since they are both Pitbull mixes, that would take up WAY to much room.....hahahaha!!!! Okay, I'm done rambling.....thanks for listening
  5. Hi Jennifer! I'm also in Maryland Welcome and good luck with everything, I'm still in the beginning stages and it is super overwhelming at first. We also had a $10k budget but also have a gigantic guest list, so we'll see. Its looking like we won't be able to do it that cheap, but are trying to keep it in the ballpark. Also, there are ALOT of people saying that they are going but I have a feeling that as it gets closer, less people will ACTUALLY go..... Okay, I've rambled on enough.....good luck!!!
  6. Jen


    Welcome....you will find tons of info on here and some VERY helpful people
  7. Did I miss something....what happened on the other forum? I have to admit, I get a little paranoid too!!! I have a myspace but its private....most of my (teenage) clients ask if I have myspace and I always lie....whoops... but seriously, if there are crazy people on wedding forums...let me know!!!!
  8. Oh yes, curly hair ideas!!!! My hair is crazy and I need some good ideas! That would be GREAT!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MagsieMexico Oh, i want to hear all about it! Why did you choose Gran Bahia? I am getting married next February 2008... so am just in the beginning stages of picking a resort... Gran Bahia is one of the ones I'm looking at. Thanks, and good luck! Ooohhh...now we're on the same timeline....YAY!!! I thought I was set on Grand Palladium but of course now I'm panicking that that's not what I want....my head is spinning!!!
  10. Wow! That is coming up soon....CONGRATULATIONS
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MagsieMexico I think my problem is that 1) it's hard to get information, I've never been to any of the resorts! 2) and most importantly, we want a wedding over new year's, and Tammy has pointed out that the rates are MUCH higher at that time of year, so it will be much less affordable for our guests... So, I either need to down grade, OR I need to pick a different time of year. But the problem is that we have teachers in the Uk and the US in both families, and so finding a time of year when everyone has off is tough. I wanted to do this summer, since everyone is off, but Eric's sister is having a baby, so can't travel, and my sister is having her wedding! So they would be too close together. Do I have to push it to 2008, I don't want to... I love the christmas time idea. But it's no good if I have to go for a crappy location because of prices... By the way Jen, Tammy sent me some great info. Just to be aware, the Grand Palladium only has one venue for private receptions, and it's not guaranteed to be available and costs 900 dollars extra... Thanks for all the help Tammy!!! You're wonderful. How frustrating!!! Have you decided what you are going to do?? Yeah, I got the info from Tammy also.....I think that we're not that worried about a private reception.....I don't know....I keep going back and forth. I read all of these great ideas for what people are doing (firedancers, fireworks, Dj's ect) and I think I want to have all of that....then again, if we're already at an all-inclusive....we can just all go to the bar!!! Hahahaha!!! I don't know, I've been feeling REALLY overwhelmed lately
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MagsieMexico Okay, now I'm including Iberostar in the mix, and ruling out gran bahia... thoughts thoughts? I'm NEVER going to make a decision... I'm thinking Iberostar or Grand Palladium (as much as I love the riu Palace I think it will be too costly for our guests.... Did you make a pro/con list What are you struggling with How can we help? I'm pretty set on Grand Palladium, though I have no idea why....I think its the outdoor Mayan shower....hahahaha!!!!! I felt like I was never gonna make a decision either, so I just stopped looking for now! Maybe a good idea, maybe bad!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull Jen I feel you on that, my grandma asked me if I wanted paper plates because she needed to tell the caterer!!! PAPER PLATES, can you believe it. Well I made my dad do some googling and he understands a little better now, but when I first got engaged they were being ridiculous.
  14. Oh okay.....yeah, my dates are too far advanced as well (Feb 2008 ) but I just keep putting in random days and times....for 2007, just to get a general idea.....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull well some of us are being pressured by people who got married 30 years ago to somehow plan a wedding on the budget that they used in 1977 (like my parents) who think I should be able to have a full on family wedding for around $10,000...yeah right!! Hahaha! I think we might have the same parents!!!! Actually my parents are cool about everything, they gave us a set price for what they will contribute and then basically said the rest was up to us! Its the rest of my family that is driving me crazy with their insane ideas of what a wedding costs.....my aunt even suggested that we have the reception at the "Elks lodge" or American legion where they can cater it (out of aluminum trays!!!) Oh lord help us all But then again, this is the Aunt that thinks its rude to have a DW, because SHE can't afford it (she's one of the ones thats pissed about missing out on free food and an open bar )
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com **disclaimer: this post is not aimed at any one particular person on or off this board** This is just coming from a vendors point of view. I get tons of email inquiries and to be quite honest, I get very tired of the emails where the first line is "are you flexible with your rates?". Why should we be flexible with our rates? We have other brides who are more than willing to pay our full prices. Is it fair to them if we give someone else a break? What makes one bride more special than another to receive discounts? Now, that being said, I'll be the first to admit that I have given discounts or negotiated prices with brides but mainly it's because I genuinely liked them as a person and really wanted their business. Of course, some photographers who aren't as established as others might be more willing to negotiate under certain circumstances. But established photographers like Anna probably aren't as flexible because they don't need to be. I don't think I've ever given or ever would give discounts to someone who's first email to me asked if I was flexible with my rates. To vendors, that's one of the first red flags. If someone took the time to meet with me, get to know me and showed a genuine interest in my work rather than my prices, I'd be much more willing to negotiate my rates. ok... sorry for the mini rant. :-) Note to self: "DO NOT ask Jonathan if he is flexible with prices when I contact him about my wedding".....hahahaha!!!! No, that is good to know, from the photographers side, that there probably won't be too much flexibility so what is listed is pretty close to what you will be paying and that cuts down on who I will contact!!! Thanks
  17. I found a website that gave general prices....I don't know how accurate they are but it gave me a good idea for Grand Palladium....I also went on a website and did the "book online"....putting in dates and people, then they gave me the rate and I got out of there! Hahahah!!!! It looks like a standard room, for 2 people, for 4 nights was $1056 (when I fake booked!)... that other website is Colonial Palladium: Kantenah Palladium all inclusive resort, Quintana Roo, Mexico
  18. Hi Jennifer! Welcome I'm pretty new on here and still in the early stages of planning also.....PLUS, I noticed you are in DC and I am not far from there at all (Columbia, MD).....we may have to have a get together I'm jealous of the Chicago girls get together....hehehehe
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MagsieMexico So did you just look at the hotel website? Or did you look at reviews? or did you get info directly emailed to you from the Grand Palladium (if so, wanna share??) . Thanks! I looked at the links that you posted And also got info from Tammy....looked at pictures etc....didn't see alot of pictures of weddings...but I figure, hell, I'm at the beach, how sucky can it be! Hahaha!!! Do you want me to send you the price packages?? Do you have them?? Not for accomodations etc (I found basic ideas for those on the website) but for the wedding packages...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Oooh congrats Jen on picking a location! I am so excited for you! Doesn't it take great stress of your back to just have the location picked? -Glenda YES!!! This was a HUGE stress! Nothing is definite yet but I have a good feeling about it! Not being able to find a location I was happy about, seriously had me almost over the DW this weekend !!!!
  21. Nope....I've actually never been to Mexico! Originally my FI didn't want the wedding in Mexico because "you go to Mexico for spring break, not a wedding"....ummmm....whatever....but I kept getting stuck everywhere else, things were too expensive, flight was to long/to expensive, I wasn't excited about it...etc. Then, I read something about RM and loved the whole jungle/ocean concept....it just seemed AWESOME to me. I found the resort somewhere....looked at Trip advisor, found hardly any negative comments (RARE) and for some reason I just got a feeling that it was right......I don't know. It may change as I get more info but for right now I'm REALLY excited!
  22. I think I've decided on Grand Palladium....I THINK!!! Hahaha...that's today Who knows what I will think tomorrow.....I just felt like it was the right spot... I don't know why but I felt happy when I found it.....FINALLY! Plus, I've been obsessing and stressing so much that I nearly called off the DW all together and went to the courthouse and said SCREW IT! But I think I'm back on track....I certainly feel your confusion though!
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