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Everything posted by lambert13

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Thank you all so much!!! Im going to have a lot of CD searching/downloading to do!! LOL FI is a hufe metal head so if anyone can think of any metal songs too let me know (not 80s hair metal, more like thrash/death metal stuff.) Not a whole lot of romance in that genre A few that come to mind are........... "Sanctuary" Sick of it All "Before Dishonor" Hatebreed "Tangerine" Life of Agony
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by laura b I agree with "Punk Rock Love" "Chesterfield King"...jawbreaker "Last Caress"...misfits "Your Name is Tattooed on My Heart"...screeching weasel I forgot all about Chesterfield King. Such a great song. Nothing says I love you like the Misfits. Kind of hard to choos which one of their songs is more romantic though between "Last Caress" or "Skulls" And the Screeching Weasel is just sexy music. I might go with "I Wanna Be Naked" though myself.
  3. I am all about the punk rock. Are there any certain bands or styles that you are leaning towards. Some of my choices would be Leatherface "I Can't Help Falling in Love" Rancid "Corazon de Oro" Jawbreaker "Jinx Removing" Ramones "I Love Her So" or "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" Tiger Army "Cupid's Victim" The Casualties "Punk Rock Love" Social Distortion "Let it be Me" Alkaline Trio "You've Got So Far To Go" The Dead Milkmen "Punk Rock Girl" I am sure I can think of more when I get the proper amount of coffee in me. Its too f'ing early on a Sunday and I am at work.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Hey how about some great old skool: Ladidadi-Doug E Fresh Freaks come out at night-Whodini You be illin-Run DMC Completely forgot about those. I actually heard Ladidadi on the way to work this morning (yes on a Saturday) on Sirius radio's old skool channel. And the "Freaks Come out at Night"........ that song reminds me so much of livign in NYC when I was a hellraiser in my younger days.
  5. To keep with a Mexican theme..... Mexican Radio by Wall of Voodoo Some of my other favorites are "Lips Like Sugar" Echo & the Bunnymen "Just Like Heaven" The Cure "Panic" The Smiths "The Safety Dance" Men Without Hats "I Want Candy" Bow Wow Wow "Der Kommissar" After The Fire "Rapture" Blondie "Bad Reputation" Joan Jett Rap stuff.... Vapors - Biz Markie The Show - Doug E. Fresh/The Get Fresh Crew The Message - Grand Master Flash My Melody - Eric B & Rakim Roxanne, Roxanne - U.T.F.O. Rock The Bells - L.L. Cool J South Bronx - Boogie Down Productions Planet Rock - Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force (one of the best electro-hip-hop songs ever)
  6. Thanks for posting all that info. As an add on, we are booked with Vanessa Vargas for our July wedding. She has been absolutely wonderful to deal with so far. She answers emails the same day, welcomes questions and concerns and put together a package price to meet our budget.
  7. 1. I am terrified of the dark. Not just creeped out by it or uncomfortable, down right paralized by it kind of terrified. I need some sort of light on when I go to sleep, I wait until its light out to change a light bulb in a room without another light and one of the worst experiences of my life was when the power went out at night while I was in the shower alone in my apartment. 2. I believe in ghosts and have had more than enough encounters to rattle my cage pretty good. 3. One time in college I tried to drive my car using "the force". I put a motorcycle helmet on backwards so I could not see and started driving through a parking lot. Of course it ended badly, and of course I was not in my right state of mind while doing it. 4. I think everyone here probably knows, but I have the most wonderful fiance in the world!!!!!!!
  8. Nice one. I think I will keep any further witty comments to myself due to being outnumbered 1000 to 1 here.
  9. I got me a few. 5 to be exact and more to come when I get more money. I got the first one when I was just 15 and have been hooked ever since.
  10. Thanks for giving the rundown on the places you visited while you were down there. I think anyone considering any of the places you are writing about will appreciate it a lot. Cant wait to hear about the photographers you met up with also.
  11. Personally, I think that adding some blinking lights to your dress would really class it up some.
  12. Actually, Karen and I are going to get married there site-unseen. We chose Dreams for a number of reasons like price, location (we love the town of Tulum), availability and it just looks like a great place. Some other people on here like Laura have been there and loved the place which made choosing Dreams a little easier. We leave in less than a month now though. I would be more than happy to fill you in when we get back though.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ooohhh - i vote against the tux! not only would i hate to be wearing a tux if i were a guy, but personally i don't like the look, especially for a beach wedding. I agree with you Ann. A tux seems too formal and stuffy for a beach setting. A sharp black or charcoal suit can look very good for a beach wedding. I saw some photo sets with the groom wearing a black suit and it was almost enough to make me switch gears from the linen suit. But, wearing what you want is a personal choice when it comes down to it. I like what I like, and others like what they like. It took me months of looking around until I found the suit that matched up to the vision I had in my head.
  14. I bought a tan colored linen suit on ebay that I am wearing with brown sandals and a plain white un-tucked button up shirt with no tie.
  15. Looks like a good seller to me. Its very difficult to have over 3,000 positive feedbacks if you are not a reputable dealer. I would just ask about warranty information. Sometimes a warranty is not valid if an item is not purchased from an authorized dealer. Ask about return policies also just in case something is not right when you get the watch. Other than that, I would have no problems buying from that seller myself.
  16. With a little over a month to go I finally made the reservations and plans for our wedding night dinner. Since it is going to be a surprise for Karen I can't give away any details out in the open here, but I can say that it will be the two of us in an incredibly romantic setting. If anyone needs ideas for a romantic dinner idea for two in the Riviera Maya, I would be more than happy to give you all the info through PMs. I have read some good reviews about it so far and I will give updates when we get back also. Sorry for being vague, but thats the way it gots to be! So, if anyone wants the info or just curious, let me know.
  17. They also make sandals with a flask built in to the sole. For the alcoholic on the go I suppose.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Jason I love everything. I've told you before I love the Mexican feel of it. And what a great bargain for that price! Nice job. You and Karen must be so excited. It is almost here! Yes we are getting very excited/stressed/worn out from all the planning. To complicate matters my Father is getting married on June 23rd which is one week before we leave for Mexico. Its going to be a very busy June for both of us. Thanks to everyone for the compliments on the announcements and invites. We both liked the idea of having a postcard as an announcement to stick with the destination theme for our wedding. I can't wait to see how they look when they get here.
  19. Thanks everyone. the best part is how much they cost us also. For 100 postcards and 50 invite/thank you cards we paid around $50 including shipping.
  20. Karen and I finally ordered our announcement postcards last night along with our reception invitations and thank you cards. We got a great deal on everything through VistaPrint. I designed the announcements with Photoshop using stuff I cut out of a Vintage Mexican Graphics book and the photo on the back is one I took. The invites/thank you cards were designed using the editor on VistaPrint by Karen. Here is the front and back of our announcement postcards. And here is the front of the card that we are using for invites and thank you cards. The inside is blank for the thank you cards and the ones for the reception have the usual info.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha The Core plan, eh? I need to look in to this. I have heard of so many people gaining weight on WW, I have always been fearful of trying it. They were probably just doing it wrong. With Karen's help I have lost over 30 pounds in the past year by doing a half-assed version of the core plan. It really does work, and for someone like me it is much easier than the point counting system where you are always hungry. And............congrats to the most beautiful woman in the world on being within a few more veggie burger for dinner days of reaching your goal. You look wonderful now and you always have looked that way to me.
  22. I cant think of anything with your requirements in that area. Everything is lacking in at least one of your categories. Have you considered anything outside of that area? Is there any specific reason that you are limiting the search to that area? There are beautiful beaches along the coast in other areas as well though, not just in that one stretch. Secrets Capri might be a good option up near Playa. Have you talked to a travel agent yet? They would be able to give you some ideas to help you narrow it down a bit.
  23. Nope, you're not the only guy here. Being the modern groom that I am, I joined this site before my fiance Karen did. Welcome!
  24. The whole legal marriage in a different country is very confusing. Here is what I have found out so far and how I interpret it........ - If you have a legal ceremony in Mexico you are legally married. Getting legally married in Mexico would be similar to getting married in a different state here in the US. If I got married in Vegas it is still legal in the eyes of New York State. The whole idea of the Apostille seal is to make legal documents acceptable in the nations that participate in the Apostille process. The certificate of marriage you get in Mexico is used for things like name change, social security, legal matters, etc. - Our WC (Sandra at Dreams tulum) has implied that the official document we get from the State of Quintana Roo is official and translated into English. In light of what you said though we might have to check on the translation part. I assumed from what she told us that part of the reason it takes so long is due to the translation and Apostille seal. Once again, this is what I think I know and as far as I can remember I have been wrong on at least a few occasions so far in my life. The city hall here sounds to be about as helpful as yours. I took all my questions right to the New York State Department of Health which oversees marriage licenses and such. Your state government might be more helpful than the people at the city level.
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