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Everything posted by lambert13

  1. We got legally married in Mexico in July and once the ceremony is over, you are legally married. Being from NY as well the only thing we had to worry about was Karen's name change stuff. According to the county clerks office (we asked a few different ones to make sure) the only way you would have to get the document translated is if you want to use it as a name change document. There is no need or requirement to register your Mexican wedding with the state. Karen got around the name change stuff without getting our certificate translated just fine. The most difficult was DMV and she just worked around that by changing her name on credit cards, bills and such to get the amount of points needed to change her name. So, yes our marriage is legal and we are very glad we did just the one ceremony down there.
  2. That is so awesome! What a good looking couple too. I just love old photos like that.
  3. Welcome! As fr as wedding planners, I think most of us on here have used the wedding coordinators at the resort they are getting married at. Makes it easier and a lot cheaper in most cases.
  4. Go to Plaza La Isla for higher end shopping.(there are also a bunch of the typical souvenir stores there too.) Go to Plaza Kulkukan for more middle of the road shopping. Both are malls and you don't have to deal with all the haggling and bargaining. Kulkukan would be my favorite because it has a bit of everything. And actually it's within walking distance of Plaza La Isla. Plaza La Isla is very nice at night too because its open air with waterways running through it. Makes for a nice evening walking around.
  5. Hi Tare, I'm Jason. Nice to meet you * I am going to try to respond to threads for a while based solely on info in the thread title
  6. lambert13


    Hello * I am going to try to respond to threads from now on based solely on the subject line.
  7. That's a tough one. If going to your boss is not an option the next best thing might be going one step up the ladder from them. You would have to be real careful with that though as that could piss your boss off in a big way.
  8. Thanks ladies (and especially my wife) for the compliments. Yes it hurt. A lot
  9. Believe me I know how difficult it would be to come out from the West Coast to hang out with the group. I think I speak for everyone in that we would absolutely love to see you there, but we would more than understand if we didn't. I'll keep my finigers crossed.
  10. Soooooooo, last month I got my new tatoo started and then I got it finished right after we got back from Puerto Rico. The design is in honor of Karen and I getting married this past July. While we were down there we went to Playa Del Carmen the day before the wedding. While shopping around town we found a really cool tin art for our wall. It has two hearts next to each other with banner across it saying "unidos tu y yo" which means "united you and I". We thought it was a perfect momento for our wedding and now it's our living room. For the tattoo I used the hearts design along with two Mayan symbols which correspond to the month and day on the Mayan calendar of our marriage. It took a total of almost four hours to get done and a decent amount of money. But now, I have a permanent reminder of how happy and honored I am to be married to Karen. It's even on my left arm so that the hearts sit right next to my chest when I have my arms at my side. Hope you like! P.S. On a side note, I got a tattoo on the back of the same arm the day I met Karen. I got a horseshoe, dice, cards, flames and the number 13 to try and change my luck in preparation for our first date. I guess it worked! The tin art I based the design on
  11. I posted a list of people who are interested, date and place on the first page. Of course none of it is set in stone yet. I just figured it would be good to get the plans going as soon as we can.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine has anyone thrown out a date or at least a month yet? We could do August, although August in the city is not very fun (very hot). My brother lives in NYC so its easy for us to find a place to stay. We could come up for a quick weekend. I have no idea where my last reply went. I can't see it at all. But, I threw a tentative date of June 7th out there to see what works and does not work for everyone.
  13. I suggested June 7th as a possibility. I figured that throwing a date out there would at least allow people to plan ahead or help us figure out another date if that one is not good for a lot of people. Kelly, you and Everton were exactly who I had in mind when I was thinking NYC because of your visits down there for family. Even if it does not work out for being in NYC for whatever reason, we could always meet up with you guys again on one of your trips down that way. I will gather up the names we have so far and the tentative date and edit it all into the original post on this thread to make it easier for everyone. Me thinks that Glenda needs to be PM'ed a link to this thread as well..........
  14. Welcome to the forum! I just looked at your website and before I knew it 45 minutes had gone by. Seriously, honestly........ I love your work. The two of you have some amazing stuff on there with a style to really appeals to me. Good job. I will undoubtedly have some questions for you very soon about how you do what choo doo. I am a amateur (plan to stay that way) photographer and I would love to hear how you guys get that look to your photos. Thats all for now. Welcome again. And Robyn.......... I looked at your site again today. Yep, got it bookmarked. Your stuff is still amazing as ever. God, I am almost to the point of jealousy today for all the skills here.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Just give me a 3 day head start and I'm there...make it 5, I like to pull over and look at stuff...LOL I wanna come All of you cool people assembling in one place? Damn this geographical location of mine!! We will pick you up at the airport. Of course our Canadian friends are welcome. I was thinking about NYC because I knew that Kelly & Everton are down there every once in a while as it is, and we would love to see them again. This week I will start a list of interested people and come up with a few potential dates. Off the top of my head I was thinking about Saturday June 7th. As far as I know we are open to just about every weekend around that time as well.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild In 2000 he wanted to visit his family, and he had to get the U.N. involved but and they would only fly him into Kenya. From there he walked for 4 days to reach his village (and back to Kenya), all the while in danger of death. It was very serious but he made it in and out. Everyone isn't that lucky Stories like that make me realize how good we have it here no matter how bad of a day/week/month we think we are having. Your friend and all those over there in the turmoil are in my prayers. Something has to give with that situation over there. I can't help but to think that if it was an area that had resources, money, oil or anything else that the rest of the greedy world governments wanted none of this would be allowed to continue. It's just sad.
  17. Awesome! Looks like we may have a party in the planning. Once more people chime in we can start talking location and date and all that.
  18. Since Karen and I will probably not be able to go to the big Cabo shindig this summer I was wondering about the possibility of a big meetup for us people in this area. Seems to me that NYC would be a nice central location for quite a few people to get to from quite a few states. What I was thinking was a weekend afternoon sometime this summer in NYC or wherever else would work for the most people. For us up here in Albany NYC, Boston, Hartford or a bunch of other places are within a decent drive away. Even Philly would be doable for us. Alas, it's not all about us though, so we would travel anywhere within reason to meet a bunch of you ladies. So what does everyone think? Summer is not too terribly far off and the sooner a date gets set, the more likely it is that people can plan in advance for it. I would be more than happy to take the reigns in planning and organizing everything. It would be so nice to meet a lot of you in person and have us all spend the afternoon together. If there is already something like this in the works I apologize. I looked around and did not see anything. ***update*** Potential name list (AKA the cool kids) lambert13 lucky k72 Mrs.B 2008 Heidi Christine lauren c. JessicaLovesBrian Lizz dragonfly amandalovesryan MelissaH jamisoncollette jilly76 starchild JUSTUSTWO NYJen carlymcmullen TammyB berliewed08 Tentative Date: June 7th 2008 (open to suggestions otherwise) Tentative Place: NYC (once again open to suggestions once more people get on board)
  19. Karen and I were on the same kind of time table you are on. Engaged on X-Mas eve and married on July 4th. It is definitely possible and the beginning is the hardest part. If you are having trouble with contacting them, get on the phone. We found email communication to be sporadicly effective and very frustrating at times. In the end though, everything came together wonderfully.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein Great thread! I am not sure if this is a huge PITA, but is there a way to "pin" this thread, and the "How to do a Search" thread, in each of the location categories? Good idea! Because God knows the people that need to read this post are not going to find it on their own.
  21. Wait a minute..... I am still confused..... Is my marriage in Mexico legal? It was done at an all-inclusive. Does that matter? Also we might be going to Mexico in July for our anniversary. Does anyone know what the weather will be like that week? Ahh, fuck it, I'll just start a new thread in the wrong section and ask a bunch of random crap all at once. P.S. Thanks for getting that out there Glenda. I hope it helps a lot of people on here to use the forum mo' better. Are beach weddings legal? What if we bring our own silk flowers. That might help right? I am sooooo confused.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Write him a love letter and stick it in a case of his favorite beer! That's paper, thoughtful, inexpensive, and guys love beer I like the way you think. There is also paper on the bottle label. Perfect. Aside from that awesome idea I have a few others you can get creative with. Tickets to a sports game or concert (ticket is paper) Gift Certificate (paper again. Karen got me a GC to a tattoo place for Christmas) Photo album with pictures of the two of you (I know I would like that a lot) There are so many ways to take off on the paper theme.
  23. We used Vanessa and we so so happy with her. Her work is awesome and she is a wonderful person as well. Our pics are in the links in my signature if you want to check them out. Her website Vanessa Vargas Photography Her portfolio PhotoReflect - Vanessa Vargas Photography
  24. Isn't someone supposed to say "can't wait to see pics!" Just wouldn't be a BDW thread without that. Very nice gift too.
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