Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Jason that's really cool...the farthest right are 2 separate pics but they look like 1...nice! And who are the munchkins? Why thank ya. The two little ones are our nieces. I got a little of everything in there.... Jesus/Elvis, Misfits, beer, tequila, Yankee Stadium Bleacher entrance, NY and a bit of one of my favorite artists.
Quote: Originally Posted by REBECCA I have found that if you do it in photobucket, you can play with the “Upload Size†(it says: "max image size: 640 x 480 (options)" If you click "options" and change the size to 800x600. Then instead of clicking on the image code, put a check mark in the box next to the photo and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click “generate HTML†Then it will open up and you can preview different sizes. If it is not the right size, go back to the drawing board and try and upload it in a bigger or smaller size, and check it again. I have spent so long trying to resize it before, it might take a while if you have the patience I will give that a try now and see how it goes. Thanks for the tips!