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Everything posted by lambert13

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Jason that's really cool...the farthest right are 2 separate pics but they look like 1...nice! And who are the munchkins? Why thank ya. The two little ones are our nieces. I got a little of everything in there.... Jesus/Elvis, Misfits, beer, tequila, Yankee Stadium Bleacher entrance, NY and a bit of one of my favorite artists. Quote: Originally Posted by REBECCA I have found that if you do it in photobucket, you can play with the “Upload Size†(it says: "max image size: 640 x 480 (options)" If you click "options" and change the size to 800x600. Then instead of clicking on the image code, put a check mark in the box next to the photo and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click “generate HTML†Then it will open up and you can preview different sizes. If it is not the right size, go back to the drawing board and try and upload it in a bigger or smaller size, and check it again. I have spent so long trying to resize it before, it might take a while if you have the patience I will give that a try now and see how it goes. Thanks for the tips!
  2. I got mine started, but it is a little too small I think. Now I have to figure out how to make the image show up larger. The image is plenty big to begin with. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I just PMed this to jason, but i thought I'd share it with everyone else. Not as funny, but almost as funny as a cat that likes cheeseburgers. I just laughed so hard I snorted seeing that picture again.
  4. So I guess this means that I don't have to change my signature picture then. Sweet. I'll see what I can come up with.
  5. I follow a WW program too. Karen is a paying member and I just piggyback on the Core Program that she is doing. If I am correct, the core program is very effective for men to lose weight. When I started it last year I lost almost 40 pounds within about 8 months. I gained almost all of it back due to medication I am taking, but it was not very hard at all to stick to that program. He might want to ask about it. Its more about eating only healthy foods instead of portion control. I ate all the time and still lost weight.
  6. Welcome to the site! There is plenty of info about Dreams Tulum here and if you need some help or have questions feel free to ask. My wife Karen and I got married at Dreams Tulum this past July and absolutely loved it.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I found a TON of great ideas on the www.michaels.com site -- but I am going to stick with the starfish and flip flip molds. I think I know how to do the different colors now ... but it will definitely be an all-day project! lol. I hope I can find the time to get it all done with trying to get our house ready for new hardwoods and possibly selling, starting the new job, showers and b-party, final fittings, trying to come up with extra $$ for this wedding out of my a$$ and final prep and planning. AARRGGHH!!! Is there a smilie yet for :pulling my hair out: ?? I made soap a few years ago for Mother's Day gifts with stuff bought from Michael's and they came out awesome. One idea I used was to buy some fake flowers there to suspend in the soap bars. They came out so cool looking. I did orange on the bottom and yellow on top with the flower in between the layers.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina hey now.... that's my FI. he was born and raised outside schenectady and doesn't think there's too much in upstate new york to be a fan of... Having lived in Schenectady (I am impressed that you can spell it!) before, I can almost see his point. That city is a dump. But still, you gotta support the home team. Up here in the Albany area, there are a lot of Boston fans for whatever reason. Possibly because we are close to MA. I dunno. All I know is that shit doesn't fly downstate. You would catch hell for being a Mets fan, nevermind being a cohort of the enemy.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards Also, I have absolutely no preference about major sports teams...so I don't care about all the Red Sox (or Yankees! lol! ) nonsense. Now I'd better get out of this thread before Glenda and Jason get me! lol! Nah... you played that one nicely. what gets me is people that were born and raised in NY but end up being Red Sox fans.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Hahaha! Oh yeah their bagels are not so good either. I realized that I am spoiled b/c I work in Brooklyn which has the best bagels possibly in the world. And the pizza is damn good too! And those are just a few more reasons why NY is the best.
  11. You're right Glenda.... Boston is cute. Kinda like NY's cute little sister city. Pizza sucks outside of NY. Period. I dread the thought of being without a diner for too long. F**k the Red Sox. And I always wear my Yankee hat in Massachusetts. And my "Boston Sucks" tshirt.
  12. Even if a videographer does not use the actual 8mm film, a good one would be able to replicate the effect in the video editing. Just an idea.
  13. By far my favorite beach is on the Southwest tip of Puerto Rico. It's called Playa Sucia which strangely translates to Dirty Beach. The water is clear turquoise blue, sand is powdery white and there are cliffs on either side of orange and red rocks. There are no services there and outside of some locals, nobody is there. No tourists at all. I would tell you how to get there, but then I'd have to kill ya. I attached one so so photo of it that I have.
  14. I believe the story. But, I also believe that she is extremely pissed off and possibly exaggerating a little because of her anger. The only people that cannot get into a room safe is other guests. Have you ever had a problem with your safe? Who do they send up? Usually it's a maintenance guy, someone from the front desk or whoever else is available. When Karen and I got married at Dreams Tulum I kept our wedding bands in the back pocket of a pair of cargo shorts in my suitcase. I felt way safer having them in there than putting them in the room safe.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley when you can type out the smilies instead of picking them from the images in the reply box That is too funny Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 ~ When you have met with other BDW friends in foreign countries. And the reason for being in another country is that you are there for your other friends destination wedding.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Omg you guys, can I put this on my resume?! As strange as it seems that you honored me for talking too much, potentially crashing your wedding, and drinking beer...I am totally flattered! Thank you We wouldn't like you any other way
  17. That was too funny. My dog loves to smell shoes and goes nuts whenever we take our socks off. She grabs them and runs off with them and lays there with the sock in her mouth. She is a gross little creature sometimes.
  18. ...........when you are a guy who got married 6 months ago and still sign on every day to see what the girls are up to. ...........and have to try to rearrange group vacation plans with your sister to accommodate for the BDW get together you are planning.
  19. Congrats to all the winners! It's too funny how most of my votes ended up the same as a lot of other peoples too. That was definitely a lot of fun too. Thanks for putting all of that together Tammy! You did a great job. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OK so when are we going to request a picture of DreaW, Jamy(Starchild) & Christa all doing the keg stand competition? And what evening works for everyone to invade TammyHost's house for dinner?
  20. The Great Procrastinator just sent his in.
  21. The Great Procrastinator just sent his in.
  22. Quote: Quite the newb... When I first read that I thought it said "QUIET the newb" I was thinking damn..... someone is being a little harsh to new people today. OK.. new rule newbies are to be seen and not heard. /End Sarcasm.
  23. Was up NoOb! Welcome to the forum.
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