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Everything posted by lambert13

  1. Ok kids...... I think it's time we get some concrete details in order as to help everyone interested plan for the big day. Here is what I am thinking.. and yes smoke does come out of my ears when I think. Saturday: Circle Line 2 hour Semi-Circle Cruise. Circle Line New York around Manhattan sightseeing tours Experience the grandeur of New York on our 2-hour city highlights tour. You'll enjoy magnificent views of the world's premier skyline and a close-up view of Lady Liberty. Sail down the Hudson, cruise around the Battery, up the East River, and under the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg Bridges to the United Nations and back. From Pier 83 at 42nd Street on the Hudson River. The cruise takes 2 hours. Leaves port at 11:30AM Cost is $27 for adults, with online buying of ticket possible. Food and drink is available on the ship. From there, I was thinking we all go somewhere for lunch and drinks a plenty. Depending where we go for that, we should all be there by 2:30. That way, if some people are not doing the cruise, they could meet up with the gang for the afternoon festivities. I have no idea where to eat and drink for everyone. I have a few ideas, but perhaps some of our NYC residents can suggest a good place for us to meet up that would not mind us being there for quite a while. Some sort of pub type restaurant might be a good option. For people planning on staying over: I have started to look on hotels.com for decent yet affordable hotels in the city. A few that looked good to me were.. Best Western President Hotel: right in Times Square. Seems affordable and gets decent reviews. Lowest price is $249 a night. Marrakech Hotel: Upper West side boutique sort of hotel. Good reviews overall. Smallish rooms and no elevator though. I like the looks of it as a funky kind of place with a Moroccan vibe. Roosevelt Hotel New York: Midtown area. Very well reviewed hotel. At $249 a night you get a pretty good room for your money. As with all NYC hotels the rooms tend to be on the small side. Maybe one of our TAs on here have some recommendations or deals on hotels in the city. There are a bunch of cheaper options outside of Manhattan too. They would all require either a subway, taxi or train ride to get into the city. But, for a 30 minute $2 subway ride you could save a bunch of money if staying for a few days. So....that's what we are looking at for now. I just wanted to nail down some details so we can all plan for this accordingly. Saturday June 7th Cruise at 11:30Am Lunch/drinks/mayhem at 2:30 or so. Possibly dinner/drinks/debauchery that evening too.
  2. Sorry to hear that. Our thoughts will be with you and your family. I hope everything turns out for the best
  3. Their vendor policy is why they never even got put on our 'possible' list when we were planning our wedding. I refused to let a resort blackmail us into using their house services. Just say no to resorts that make things difficult for you. Dreams Tulum was more than accommodating as far as using outside vendors.
  4. It sounds like a muscular problem. Well, hopefully that is what it is. Has this happened before? Is it an ongoing problem (weeks or months long)? Does your head, face or neck feel numb or tingly? I am dealing with some sort of neurological issue in my neck and head right now which is why I ask. If it is not a continuous thing lasting a long time, chances are it is muscular. In that case some rest, ice pack or even a chiropractor if needed should clear it up for ya. Some muscle relaxers and some painkillers work wonders too. Hope you feel better soon!
  5. Congrats Heidi!!!! I didn't read through all the posts yet on this thread. I just wanted to say congrats and that you looked beautiful and both of you look so so happy.
  6. Every AI beach hotel I know of supplies beach towels. I usually bring my own to put on the chairs though. It helps he remember where my stuff is if my towel looks different than the rest.
  7. Welcome to my world! It's like that 24/7/365 for me. But, I get the added bonus of ringing in both ears all the time too. It always feels like I have to 'pop' my ears, but never can. I do have a condition called Meniere's Disease though that causes all of that. Fun fun fun.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 I'm in, but I'm not sure about Chris. I can always make him come! You can tell him that there will be at least two other guys there (me and Everton).
  9. For anyone worrying about money (just like all of us), we can do this whole thing pretty cheaply. The cruise could be done for as little as like 25-30 dollars if we don't include lunch. Then after that we could all just hang out at a bar/restaurant somewhere and do our thing. The hotel part is just for anyone who wants to stay the night in the city. Hell, if money is real tight for us (we go to Jamaica a few weeks after) we might stay at my mother's house right outside the city or even head back home on Saturday night. We still have to figure all that out.
  10. I hear ya Tammy. I think you are justified as well as possibly over-protective at the same time as far as placing the dog. And best of all, it comes from you being an incredibly caring person who only wants the best for the pup. What I would do is find a way to tactfully bring your concerns up to them. There is nothing saying that you can't ask them anything. With the restaurant thing it is possible that they just like going out to eat. With the basement thing, maybe it's a long term goal once the two dogs are ready for it. But, it is important to know those things or to at least be able to educate them about it. They may have no idea about when to leave the dogs alone together. And that does not automatically mean they are going to be bad pet parents. I say have some more discussion with them. If you let them know you just want to know some stuff because you care so much about the dog, I am sure they will have no problem talking about it. If they have a problem with it....they are obviously not the type that you want to give the dog to. Its a win-win if you talk to them. Hope that helps some!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Looks good to me, what do the rest of you think? Who do we have on board for this meetup as of right now, just curious? Add your name to the list if you are a for sure. Karen & Jason Everton & Kelly I would say we are a maybe at best. I want to try to avoid those Kelly and Everton people. Naw......we are definite! Would not miss it for the world. I got a PM from Glenda saying she is in it to win it also. MelissaH, TA Jill & Lizz are on the not able to make it list. Christine is on the probably list.
  12. Hell yeah I was hot. Karen thought so too. But looks aside..... I was absolutely roasting by the end of our 10am ceremony. I wore a tan linen suit with a white cotton shirt under. I was sort of ok without the jacket on afterwards, but still pretty uncomfortable. It was July in Mexico though.
  13. I am a villain. Actually I am a civil engineering tech who works in an office located in a 200 year old building that smells like dead animals and mold. I hate my job right now. But they pay me pretty well and I can wear jeans and a t shirt to work.
  14. Alright ladies and germs. I am sending this message to everyone that posted in the meet-up thread via PM and will also post the info in the thread itself. The screen names of everyone getting the message will be at the bottom also. What we have nailed down so far:: 1. Date: Saturday June 7th and possibly into Sunday June 8th if people stay over in NYC 2. Place: New York City 3. Time: Early afternoon on Saturday (most likely) What we need to figure out:: 1. What we all want to do. Karen came up with the idea of a harbor cruise on Saturday afternoon possibly involving lunch on the boat. Even if we do a regular ol' sightseeing cruise it would be a whole lot of fun and we could do lunch or dinner afterwards. Any other ideas? I will keep sort of a vote list on my computer to see what everyone is into. 2. What to do on Saturday evening for people staying till that time of day and/or staying the night in NYC? There are thousands of bars, clubs and restaurants to choose from. Perhaps some of our NYC residents can suggest some ideas? 3. Hotel info. If everyone staying the night wanted to be in the same hotel we need to figure out a location. We might even be able to get group rates if there are enough of us. 4. The idea of doing brunch on Sunday morning was brought up. If there are people that can not make it on Saturday, Sunday might be a chance to get together with everyone. We need a location for that as well. That's about all I can think of for right now. Hopefully we can get some details planned relatively soon. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, etc. post them up in the thread. Both Karen and I are so excited about this. It will be so nice to get to meet all of you (except Kelly & Everton.... not that we are not excited, we already met and became instant friends with them). Hope to see all of you real soon! List of people interested so far.....(please add to it if I forgot anyone or you know of anyone else who might be interested). Alyssa, Heidi, Christine, lauren c., lambert13, JessicaLovesBrian, Lizz, dragonfly, amandalovesryan, MelissaH, jamisoncollette, TA Jill, starchild, JUSTUSTWO, NYJen, carly, TammyB, lucky k72, berliewed08, becks, Jenn, froggie1013, tlomlad, Nrvsbride
  15. That happens all the time in the Riviera Maya south of Cancun as well. If you are going to be driving, keep $20 in your wallet and leave the rest of your money in a different pocket. If they say something about taking your license to the police station.... say go ahead and tell them that you will follow them down there. Ask for their name and badge number too. Most of the time that will make them give up all together. It sucks that it happens, but that's how it is there.
  16. 1. I would tell her she is absolutely responsible for that money if she does not show. 2. You said there is only 1 flight a day to Cancun. What if she books a flight to a connecting city in the US and then on to Cancun. There are a bunch of flights everyday from a city like Miami to Cancun. That's all I got.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Sounds like a plan. Thanks Jay! Not a problem.
  18. I think what I will do tomorrow if I get a chance is to draft up a poll of sorts with the date (already set) and options such as what time for various activities?, dinner?, who is staying over?, and possibilities for Sunday. I'll post it here and send a PM to everyone who has responded on this thread so that nobody misses it. We can see what everyone wants to do and take it from there.
  19. You mean that you don't want to make the little man sit through 2 days of adult stuff this time?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 This link should give everyone a good idea of what's available: New York Boat Tours and Sightseeing Cruises in New York City That is a great link! Thanks
  21. Wow! Sorry to hear about all that. Sure is a lot to handle all at once. As far as your guy seeing something... don't sweat it. Even if he did notice it the whole scenario does not compute. We have trouble putting 2 and 2 together sometimes. As far as mom, keep your head up. I have a mother with problems like that also and I know what you are going through. It also seems like you have the right attitude about her getting better. You can be there to help her in some ways, but the responsibility is on her. There is nothing that you guys can say or do to make her get better. Is this her first offense? If so, some probation and drug court type stuff would be most likely. Depends on what the actual charges are and how much the possession was. I hope things get better for you and your family.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine DH and I are still maybe's I will be hugely fat and preggo at that point, but any idea on how much $$$ those cruises cost? It depends. If we all wanted to do a cruise with a meal and all that jazz it would be around $100 and up per person. Some are a little less. If we just did a standard cruise around Manhattan (around the lower half where everything is anyway) it can be as little as $25 per person. Those prices are approximate and from memory. I could be a little off. Actually, I am a little off, but that's besides the point. The standard cruises run on frequent schedules and only take an hour or two. If we did one of those we could always go to a restaurant/bar afterwards and hang out. If nobody is feeling the cruise or if there are people that get sea-sick, we can surely find something to do in NYC. Some other ideas.. museums, Empire State Building, Central Park picnic, pub crawl, etc.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Lilpaisley My sister got married last June and they got 3 digital picture frames as wedding gifts...and they didn't even register for one. She couldn't return them because she had no idea where they were purchased...so she and I gathered and scanned all the family pics we could get our hands on and gave one of the extra frames...loaded w/ family photos to my parents for Xmas. My parents loved it as they had long ago divided up the family photos among us and didn’t have copies themselves. I think they are great and the scanned photos…even those horrible ones from the 70’s looked really good on the frame. I think I want one now. That is an awesome idea for a Christmas gift for family members. I know my Grandmother would get a kick out of it.
  24. That would be so awesome if you guys could make it Jamy. If not for the meet-up, we would definitely come down to the city when you guys are there to say hi.
  25. Thanks for the heads up Jamy. Better safe than sorry when it comes to stuff like that.
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