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Everything posted by aimee

  1. Yup, i'm positive it was you. My husband recognizes you too. We saw some of your wedding from our balcony. What a coincidence! My wedding was on Oct 11.
  2. Your wedding looked absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!
  3. Tammy, Your pictures are beautiful. I arrived in Cabo the same day as your wedding. I think I even saw part of your ceremony. Congrats!
  4. You look stunning Stephanie! I love the colour of your flowers. Where did you have your reception?
  5. When me and my FI went to our DR we discovered that I already had my Hep B vacination (from gr. 7) so I only need to be vacinated for Hep A. My FI needed both A & B so he was given the Twinrix shot. My DR also suggested that we take Dukarol for diarrhea - good advice! Another interesting thing my DR told us was to stay away from needles, tattoos and piercing. Needles can contain Hep C and we are not vaccinated for Hep C. He convinced us to pass on the legal ceremony in Mexico and legally get married in Canada. Even though I'm sure the blood tests are safe, I do not want to take the chance.
  6. i really love this idea. I never even considered it. thanks for anoher great tip
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TOESNTHESND Hey your wedding is right after mine!! So I booked with Suzanne a few weeks ago and I am skipping the trial run only because the others girls on forum looked so beautiful. Besides I am going to use that money on gift certificates for the BM's. I figure they can either get another service done or use it towards the updo cost. Aren't you getting excited!!! Natalie, Your wedding is the day right after mine I just booked Suzanne today too but I wish I read this thread first. I didn't think it was necessary to do a trial either but I got one anyway...just in case. But I would much rather be hanging out w/ my guests. C'est la vie. Aimee
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ajncooter im also having my wedding at RIU Cabo and just spoke with Adriana yesterday and she did not charge me for the use of the speakers for my ipod for the welcome bonfire, ceremony and reception... So this should be great news for you! I'm also getting married at RIU Cabo. I hope Adriana does not charge me for my speakers either. I'm waiting to hear her reply. ...keeping my fingers crossed... Aimee
  9. These pictures are fantastic Juan and Karla, you're beautiful.
  10. You did such a great job with everything Stephanie! You're my inspiration to put a little more effort into my planning. Aimee
  11. These are awesome pictures - beautiful. I can't wait to see the rest. Way to go Juan!
  12. That picture was amazing! I can't wait to see more!!! I wanna do a TTD session too now. I'll have to look at my budget again and see what I can cut out... Aimee
  13. I'm taking salsa classes right now w/ some friends and it is so much fun! I don't think salsa is too sexy at all, I'm sure your guests will love to watch it too. Me and my FI are taking ballroom dancing classes. We can use all the help we can get. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun and laughs too.
  14. Thank you for sharing your special day with all of us! Everything looked perfect, all of your hard work paid off. Congratulations!! Aimee
  15. Congratluation ladies. I know you'll both do a great job helping out. Aimee
  16. Thanks for the review Edyta I'm glad everything went smoothly. Congratulations again! Aimee
  17. Hi Riu Brides! I was wondering if anyone is using the hotel salon/spa for their make-up and hair or are you using an outside vendor? Have you heard any feed back about the hotel the hotel salon? Aimee.
  18. Courtney I thinking sending out your invitations in June or July sounds a bit too early for me. Maybe you should send out a Save the Date Card to your guests first and then your invites sometime in the new year? Just a suggestion.
  19. Hi everyone! I haven't been on this site for a while b/c of some family stuff I was dealing with but I'm starting some planning again and hoping to send out my invitations soon. (as soon as I make them ...) I was wondering if I should send invitations to those that I know for sure will not be able to attend my wedding. I think I should but I just wanted to know what your thoughts are about this. Aimee
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by EDYTA I had 50 roses and paid $112 for the bouquet Wow! that sounds like a great deal. Can you please tell me the name of the vendor that you used?
  21. CONGRATULATIONS! You're such a beautiful bride Edyta and your pictures are gorgeous. I LOVE your bouquet? how many roses did you have and, if you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay?
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