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Everything posted by aimee

  1. Season 1 is ready for me to pick at the library today but I'm not going to watch it until next weekend because me and the fam are taking a road trip to Ottawa. I'll watch it on my portable DVD. I can't wait!
  2. I haven't seen a single episode of The Tudors yet but I am also so interested in this part of history. I read the Other Boleyn Girl and also watched the movie and IMO the book was way better than the movie. I am waiting for a copy of the first season to be available at the library. I didn't want to buy it in case I didn't like it. Now I can't wait for it, hopefully I get it in a couple of weeks.
  3. Jen has a weird mouth? Kinda like a muppet or something.
  4. LOL. I was ready to stop watching too if Melissa left too.
  5. I may not have been Lil Kim's biggest fan but I was still sad to see her go. She was slightly growing on me. I hope Ty goes next then Shawn. Go Melissa!
  6. I was freaking out when she took the pills. I was like "what message is this show sending to kids and mothers to be??" Seriously, I was ready to turn it off.
  7. I was so scared Melissa was going to be eliminated. I really like her, it would've sucked if she left. But why did Chuck say that Melissa obviously has a bigger fan base than him? He kind of sounded bitter. The 'single ladies' group dance was great!
  8. I love this show, especially this season! Melissa is my fave, I hope she wins. I like Gilles too but I'm not a fan of Cheryl, she really annoys me. I heart Mark, I wish Melissa ended up with him. Quote: Originally Posted by Dayla911 It's so hard to look at Lil' Kim since she had her face work done.......She kinda reminds me of the Jacksons She was much prettier before! 100% agree. She's messed up! LOL
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by chocolatedrop04 Can somebody please tell me when did Audrina and Brody start having feelings for each other? That is so shady to date a best friends ex. and to think she used to be my fav I know. It seems like this came out of nowhere. Do they actually hook up?
  10. Naveed and Adriana are super cute together. Are they really going to raise the baby together? I'm surprised the show would introduce this story line so early in the series. I agree Christine, bring on the boys! I heart Dylan.
  11. If Heidi came to my bday party with a Chanel gift than she's more than welcome! LOL.
  12. I'm not sure if someone already mentioned this but Chris Harrison is on Ellen today.
  13. Jason is a real idiot! First of all, did you notice how many times he said that Molly is her 'best friend'. Isn't that why he dumped Jillian? What a hippocrate!! And I truly believe that he and Molly were talking before the whole breakup drama. They kept on reiterating that they did not talk until after the 6 weeks, give me a break, as if! And why did he keep on caressing her arm when they were being interviewed together, gross! They better get married because no one will want them after this. I'm so excited that Jillian is the new Bachlorette (GO CANADA!) but I hope the producers of the show don't make her pull a stunt like Jason.
  14. I'm so excited to watch it tonight. I'm even recording it in case I miss anything.
  15. I have such a love/hate relationship with Heidi and Spencer.
  16. Last night I saw previews for the next Hills season and it looks sooo good. I don't care if The Hills is real or not, I love all the drama!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 I couldn't have said it better Alyssa! I thought Jason was a great guy in the beginning, but he really started to piss me off in the last episode when Jillian said she wants to marry her best friend and Jason kept putting that down.....I thought Jillian was the most headstrong and independent out of Molly and Melissa. And the amount of kissing that is going on PLEASE!!!! 100% agree! Jason is so sleazy to me! How come he has to kiss everyone before a rose ceremony. What's up with that?!? As much as I don't like Jason, I can't help but watch the show every monday. I've read Reality Steve and I can't believe it! Holy crap! I'm so excited to see it all go down.
  18. I like Navid. He seems the most genuine and like the most 16 yr old. I still think they could've done a better job with Ethan. LOL. I don't watch Gossip Girl but they seem to have a good looking cast.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Tori is back for sure! I know the episodes that we don't have Kelly or Brenda just aren't as good. I am glad Lori Laughlin is getting more of a part because I HEART Aunt Becky. hahaha. I heart Aunt Becky too! 90210 did a horrible job in choosing their young cast. If it wasn't for the old gang this show would definately be dropped from my Tuesday schedule. Couldn't they find a cuter Ethan?
  20. I don't really like Noami, Annie or Ethan. Silver is definately my favorite. I must missed the 200k swindle, can anyone fill me in?
  21. I'm usually not a bachelor fan but I really want to watch this season. I watched it last season and I was blown away when Deana chose the snow boarder guy. And I can't believe she has the balls to come back to Jason after that relationship flopped. Surprise!Surprise!. I like the girl, I think she was from Calgary, but I she didn't get a rose.
  22. I can't say that's it my favorite but there's something about it that draws me to it every Tuesday. And is it just me or isn't kinda gross that Naomi is flirting with her 'so called' half brother. I had the heebee jeebees watching it last night. I just read on Perez Hilton that Tori Spelling is coming back. I love the old 90210 crew!
  23. I went with Suzanne Morel for my wedding and I have no regrets. They did a fantastic job on my hair and makeup! I went to her salon for the trial and then they came to the resort for the day of my wedding. You'll love her!
  24. I used to always get that. I HATED sundays because that meant that I had to go to work and my weekend was over. I hate/hated my job. I'm on mat leave now so I don't get it anymore but I'm sure when I go back it will come back too. I hope it gets better for you.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie welcome back! glad to hear things are settling down for you i remember your parasol pic is one of the first i saw, and a big reason i chose to use them too Awww, thanks. I'm flattered.
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