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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull you have already helped by giving me some recommendations. I will contact Liz tomorrow. ps. I e-mailed my friend Courtney your info, she is looking at photographers this week for her wedding. She lives in Valencia, she is my sorority sister. Not sure when her date is, I believe they just got engaged but are trying to do something soon. thanks so much christine. she called last night and i talked to her today. unfortunately i am already booked for her date. i think it was october 13th. i told her if shed like to email me id be happy to give her some names. really that was very kind of you! talk to liz tomorrow. do something fun or relaxing tonight!
  2. well that is tough, im sorry! i remember at times feeling such a sense of urgency. things will fall together though. it seems no matter what there are always some tears shed during the wedding planning. if i can help with any photography or wedding related questions please let me know!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull Leigh that is what I told my mom, since I feel like I have gotten to know you and love your pics I feel like someone you recommended must be a great person, and she agreed. Thank you so much, I almost had a little breakdown about photography tonight (well okay I did shed some tears). tears about what?
  4. yay a groom! congrats!!!
  5. christine - i can tell you liz is just the kindest, most generous person! i know her through an online professional photography organization much like you know the gals on here. no doubt you need to click with your photographer and of course talk to her on the phone but about 70% of the weddings i have booked for next year are with people i havent met and most of them we just emailed. i cant remember - ann did we even talk on the phone before you booked me? this is not unusual on the photography business. you can tell a lot through email exchanges. and mostly i think my couples and i just email because they tend to be busy professionals without a lot of free time on their hands. also with my blog people tend to feel like they know me a bit and get to see some of my personality already. of course any of the photographers i sent you are really good. i always feel like a referral is a reflection on me so i only refer people whom i have the highest professional regard for. im not trying to convince you to hire liz. im just letting you know what my experience with my couples has been. good luck with your search! im glad everything is coming together for you
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I am so glad you started this thread b/c I was going to start one today asking people if money wasn't an issue would they still have had a DW. we had a quasi destination wedding. we rented an estate in palm springs for 5 days and had everything there. friday night BD/welcome party - it was my husbands BD. saturday wedding. sunday pool party. we had 60 guests. if money were not object yes i still would have had the DW only i would have had it here - Villa Hurmuses ≈ Mykonos ≈ Home my dream place we actually thought about going to greece and getting married at this house. only we know we would have had about 4 guests instead of 60 and i would have had to have a party when i returned anyway. so yes but here in greece and i could have paid everyones way!!!
  7. congrats! keep us up to date and please post pics as soon as you get back
  8. welcome marissa. i cant wait to hear about bermuda! have you been there before? have you chosen a venue? its one of those places on my list i want to visit. happy planning - leigh
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by destinationbride07 i am on points flex plan as well....i have been doing it online for a yr... sherri hows the online working. ive been thinking about doing this. but also about doing the meetings. id like to lose about 25 lbs. im concerned though that the last thing i want to do is spend more time on the computer. but in some ways it seems really convenient.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Leigh, I checked out those pic's of the wedding you posted... VERY NICE.. you take awesome pictures. thanks tammy. beautiful place, beautiful couple - makes my job easy
  11. heres a link to the entire pedregal wedding - http://www.leighmillerphotography.co...206/index.html login is "guest" and password is "ng" if you go to the 300s thats when we headed to the beach. you probably dont want to look through all the pics, there are a lot!!! good luck - leigh
  12. its a good story though. kind of like returning a "home movie" to blockbuster. that wouldnt be me btw - i saw it on a tv show. what was that show with helen hunt?
  13. hey amber (sorry i thought i read angela somewhere) - congratulations! pedregal is beautiful. i shot a wedding there in november. youre right about the rules but im not sure what they are exactly. my couple rented a private villa - villa maria and had everything there. we did head down to the beach after the ceremony though for couples pics. we saw a wedding going on and my bride, sanny, commented about the chairs on the beach. apparently they had looked into getting married there and were told no chairs on the beach. a good coordinator will help you tons. and of course the brides here. heres a link to the post on my blog about the pedregal wedding - Leigh Miller Photography im uploading their entire gallery right now. well reuploading, removing some of the getting ready undie pics at the brides request. as soon as its back up i will post it here so you can look at the pedregal beach pics. hth - congrats!!! - leigh
  14. just lovely. i love the one of you looking out the window before the wedding. especially in BW. and the kid picking his nose - haha! nice shoes too congrats!
  15. my husband and i walked down the aisle together to some music from the english patient - kips lights. we walked out to mr blue sky - ELO - from eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Lingerie party in Chicago! WOOT WOOT!!! Careful Leigh - we may not let you leave Chicago! yes honey im running off to chicago to hangout with a bunch of half dressed women what a hoot! look at you girls!!!
  17. wow how many chicago brides are on here? we havent set a date yet. im waiting to hear back from my friend. shes oot until the 8th. the more the merrier. i have some ideas about locations if we have enough gals
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM OMG, see yet another reason why I"m glad I'm not doing the "getting ready" pics.. tammy those arent getting ready pics - those are "getting ready, rrrrr" pics. jk! as a photographer and a former bride, i feel the GR pics are some of the best of the day. they are so filled with emotion and anticipation. i love them. please dont NOT do these. if you want just have your photog leave while youre changing. just my thoughts there are just a few here but i love these getting ready pics, just one example - Leigh Miller Photography some in a ss here - Leigh Miller Photography
  19. no but ive been sick, still feel like crap. i will tomorrow! were all inspired by the BD session thread.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Dang - I was going to see if I could steal them from you, they're gorgeous - it's the color I am going for in my wedding I think. And I really thought about wearning some jewelry with those colors, but I really haven't decided on jewelry yet, that's one thing on my list left to do! If you wear them to my wedding, you'll match the decor perfectly! ann it could be your something borrowed!!! do you need a sash too?
  21. thanks ladies. its a bangle. the earrings are beautiful too. and the sash i wore was the color of the stone in the center. ive worn those earrings to every wedding ive shot since i got them. even before my own wedding. call me superstitious (or just plain weird). i feel like im spreading a little good wedding karma!
  22. liz palacios has some beautiful jewelry. you can find it at nordys. heres the bracelet i wore at my wedding with matching earrings.
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