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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. we got married at a drive thru in vegas a month before the real wedding.
  2. i just joined online today. im excited about getting started. i need to go to the grocery and get good food. will check in here often
  3. ive seen many a bride carrying their dress on the plane to the bahamas and mexico.
  4. thanks everyone! i actually redid it a few hours ago to make the transitions a little faster. it was moving a little slow for me. it was a villa - it was villa maria in pedregal. and as of right now feb 08 is wide open i just booked my first 08 wedding about 2 weeks ago.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by akh oh good - then you and i are going to get along great! we can walk around saying "please," "thank you," and "how are you?" LOVE the slideshow! haha! yes we can. 5 months from today yippee!!!
  6. muchos gracias amigos! thats about all the spanish i know!!!
  7. ps - if anyone has any loading problems could you let me know. this is my first one using this program. thanks!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JUANCARLOST yeah! I told my wife if I wanted to hire a photographer so that I can get photos of us just like if we were getting married again with her white dress but she declined completely. I really wanted some photos of us all over but she will not give in and I did beg her! I will try to get photos of my wife and I dressed in casual by March and I will share the photos. would she wear a fake wedding dress? not her real one? id totally do those for you the next time im out that way juan. i have two wedding dresses myself - long story i could bring one!
  9. i finally got my new slideshow program up and going. im putting together a few SSs for my blog. heres one from sanny and olis wedding in cabo, pedregal actually. i will be doing a few more this week and posting on my blog! have a great week everyone - leigh here it is
  10. thats a great price! ive seen the best priced ones in the most amazing colors in of all places airports. still more than those.
  11. i really hth. i can go back and look at our bahamas planning stuff if you need more. i have a bunch of junk around here somewhere from when we were planning our trip. there may be a bahamas special for ya if we get to go back near our honeymoon spot yes two birds! (ps - my husband actually has two birds id like to kill with one stone - haha!)
  12. not a private island but we honeymooned in eleuthera, bahamas. heres a funny entry in my blog about it, history, etc... Leigh Miller Photography. we would go back in a minute and the owner of the house we rented wanted me to come back and shoot her wedding in may but i was already booked. she had her wedding on the beach at the house. heres a really cool location in eleuthera - capricorn house | Eleuthera Bahamas Vacation Rental Home on the Beach heres a little private island just off eleuthera and harbour island - CARIBE CAY -www.myownprivateisland.com - the cool thing about this place is how close it is to the other two islands where guests could stay. here are two great places to stay in harbour island - Rock House Harbour Island Bahamas The Landing : A Boutique Hotel on Harbour Island, The Bahamas and a few cool places in eleuthera - home pineapple fields condo hotel eleuthera bahamas vacation sales rentals oh this is so making me want to go back!!! i may have to start working on the husband about a trip
  13. i will ask my husband tomorrow. hes already asleep. as we were planning everything i knew he would have been totally fine with just going to vegas and skipping the bigger wedding with everyone in palm springs. during the reception we were dancing and he looked at me and said "im so glad you made me do this." it was really funny. i know he wouldnt change doing the bigger wedding with friends and family. but i will ask him what he would/wouldnt change about that day/wedding.
  14. oh the palmilla! cant wait to shoot a wedding there. beautiful juan! ann i noticed the names too. i thought, oh my did ann and paul run off without me
  15. ann im so glad you found those. i cant wait to look through them! hopefully early next week.
  16. yay! cant wait to hear all about it when you get back and of course see the photos. im anns photographer! have a great time
  17. yes email me. im in and out of town the end of march so that was the problem there.
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