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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by NABUMBAH Hi Ann, ours is from 6-9. We are doing a beach bonfire. We also plan to do our slideshow at the WD. hey ann. do a slideshow of your BD pics. that would get a reaction from paul that would top andre's!!!
  2. awesome! congrats to you both lenita. i wish you the best. your wedding looked beautiful and such a celebration. so were all wanting to know - what did andre really think of the BD pics? did he freak? was he totally surprised? and what was the one that made him make that funny face, the last in the series that jill posted?
  3. #2!!! yes! yes! yes! i love it. you look beautiful. and curvy in all the right places. thats the one
  4. ann id just keep it simple. i dont think you really NEED to have anything special. being there is already special & different for most people. one wedding i shot had a donkey at the reception/rehearsal dinner but honestly i felt sorry for the donkey. it was hot. and the donkey didnt smell so great. and the girls would come pet the donkey and then go "ooow it stinks!" well yeah its a donkey - haha!
  5. leigh miller


    let me know if i can help. i live in southern california. and ive shot weddings in lots of states plus mexico and the bahamas. will be back in mexico 3 times this year
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by arribidibi Thanks guys--kinda new to this forum stuff--thinking about going with an all-inclusive resort beach wedding -- not alot of time to research non resort venues -- originally we wanted Belize but heard about pesky bugs "no-see-ums" and changed to Mexico. Maybe Barelo -- oh i dunno Marrying again and excited! oooh! we had the no-see-ums in the bahamas. they joined us on our honeymoon congrats on the engagement!
  7. hey all - i was just talking to one of my brides today and telling her i saw this dress at old navy this morning. it looks like a fun casual option for a romp on the beach session of you arent wanting to worry about your real wedding gown. thought id share have a good weekend - leigh Oldnavy.com: CS Home
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by andreslove Hi everyone, We're back! Looks like Jill has filled you all in with the pictures. I still have to write my review, but I'm trying to get caught up at work. I loved Andre's reactions! I can't stop laughing at it. The first thing he asked though was who tooked the pictures. He was totally surprised because I would never do anything like that which made it even better. that question is ALWAYS asked!
  9. if i listed all the names ive ever gone by it would look like this - cynthia leigh cooper miller gordon miller ive been married only twice! ok if you really want the rundown - my fathers name is cooper. but when my mother remarried, when i was very young my step-dads name was miller. apparently she wanted all our names to match so she started putting leigh miller on everything (yes this has caused me some major problems as she never did it legally!) so i was leigh miller. then i married a gordon. leigh gordon. we got divorced and i married a miller. back to leigh miller. havent changed it legally yet. so officially i am still cynthia leigh gordon. sometimes im very confused! and for some reason people just cant get that leigh even though its my middle name its still the name i go by and a REAL name. so many times i hear "oh so cynthias your REAL name!" i think my kids will only get a first and a last name - no middle!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I am getting married at Las Caletas in June 07. The idea was that I'd get in better shape before these pictures, but it really didn't happen. The good thing is that Leigh did a good job of hiding my "trouble" areas! I'd love to do these again when I am in better shape, but not sure that will happen! trust me. ann has no trouble areas! whats wrong with you ann! on a side note i did finally work out today. i did the elliptical for 15 minutes, yes im a wimp and then free weights, bouncy ball thing for about another 15. i hope i can add about 10 minutes a week on the elliptical until i get to an hour. pray for me
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jillhigginsphotography Alright - I give up on uploading it here. I'm going to try hosting it on my server... im so curious as to which pic that last one was!
  12. glenda said it all. please ask her. it might work out she could go!
  13. i would loooove to go this immediately reminded me of one of my favorite weddings of all time. one that really made me think wedding photography might be cool! it was a wedding meg smith shot in 2003. i guess it was the cool stone work! i had to go back a ways to find this to show to you. meg smith is just amazing and in my top 5 fave wedding photographers! here are the links - http://www.megsmith.com/images/featu...caribbean1.jpg http://www.megsmith.com/images/featu...caribbean2.jpg http://www.megsmith.com/images/featu...caribbean3.jpg enjoy!
  14. looks like an amazing place. i love all the old stone around. it will make for lovely photos! congrats
  15. ann - andres reaction is going to be pretty hard to beat!!! wonder what paul will do? i cant wait. i probably will be with you though and my second shooter with him. it will be great though
  16. jill that last one in the series is an absolute hoot! way to go thanks for posting those. im dying over here. have to clean the diet pepsi off the keyboard. cant wait to see the rest. see you in vegas?
  17. look at you busy little bee!!! awesome. they look great!
  18. sarah - i really like them. to be honest i can see the ribbon being red/maroon. i think id prefer the ivory even if you had the other. make sure you take one with you for your photographer to take pics
  19. great! im glad that helps. if only everyone had unlimited funds to spend on their wedding. i would have gotten married here - Villa Hurmuses ≈ Mykonos ≈ Home - but alas, im saving and planning to spend one of my wedding anniversaries there!!!
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