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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Actually PhotoDiva, I love when you photographers give your two cents. Oh, and I'll be sending you my 657 item list of my must-have pictures!! great! be sure and put - pic of rings - on there. i dont always do that and i saw in another thread someone asking for the pic of ann and pauls rings!!! there are pics of the rings. actually pretty funny ones of everyone gushing over them. even pauls. but no pics of them sitting in sea shells or champagne glasses. dont tell ann!!! im sure shell want to me!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride right... so, I was just curious if the brides that just got married and saw their pics, had any they regretted NOT doing! im sure that happens sometimes. at my wedding i forgot to get a more formal pic of me and my boys. i have a few that we are all three in just goofing around. i was a bad bride though and never got a list to matt of the formals i wanted. we just told everyone to scram that we didnt want the formals with and hollered - ok your turn - to those we did. im sure it drove matt crazy!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i would agree - i'd skip the big list. write down the "must haves," like "mom, dad, and couple" or something - but let the photographer do their thing! other than calling out the family photos as we went along, paul and i didn't have a list. my sis was able to point out a couple that we missed (just cuz we were scatter brained) but i think we got them all. as for the creative ones - i just let leigh and matt do their thing. i was looking for my shoes at some point and they were hanging from the shutters - i know leigh was up to something! i just can't wait to see all of the shots i DIDN'T know she took! actually ann i was prancing around in your shoes acting like i was the bride! heres my take on the whole picture list thing. i DO need a list of family/group shots you want if you want to make sure we dont miss any. that being said on DWs i find that list rarely makes it to me and thats ok because #1 its a much more laid back event (usually) and #2 there are usually fewer guests/family members to shoot so we just shout out - hey you come over here and be in the photo or you wont have a ride back to the resort. everyone pays attention to that what i dont need is a list of photos that say things like - bride and groom kissing, bride and groom leaving ceremony together, back of brides wedding gown, brides shoes, etc.... what i tell people is - if its happening, if it was there - i shoot it!!! now that doesnt mean im opposed to hearing id really like a pic of this or that. there have been a few times that brides wanted something very specific and told me and i made sure i got it. both times they were in fact shots i would have taken anyway - one was the bride getting dressed and one was the couple driving away at the end of the ceremony in a sassy sportscar. so im open but i agree with matt kim, if you start bogging me down with lists its going to be hard for me to do my thing and produce what you gals are used to seeing. so from now on just call me photoDIVA
  4. hola loreta! i finally got a chance to sit down and watch your ss (please dont tell anyone that i took a break from working on anns pics!). OMG - how fun was your wedding!!! i love it. the pics are great and you guys just look like youre having the best time. its a hoot at the end when the staff is getting down with you guys. i love it! did i say i love it congrats wishing you both the best - leigh
  5. they took lots of prom pics. i will probably post some on the blog for the fam. please dont feel bad. how could i know they were going to change the date?
  6. oh no! i dont think anyone else would think that. its just a more serious portrait. do you want me to take it down?
  7. one quick portrait of ann, plenty if smiley pics coming later but i like this one cause she so stunning!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Ann that stinks that you didn't feel well! After reading your review I want to make sure I pack every medication under the sun to make sure I feel good on the wedding day! do you think it was the food? despite being sick it sounds like you had a fabulous day, congratulations! after being sick 2 out of the last 4 times ive gone to mexico i did some research on this for my next trip, cabo in august. heres what i found. go to your dr before your trip. tell them you are going to mexico. they will give you a RX of cipro only to be taken if you start to experience sxs and of course started at the first sign of stomach problems. strangely enough i never get sick until im on the way home - on the plane - or until i get home. but i am going to do this for the next trip. being sick for a week after returning is so hard for me and i get behind - especially considering ive been out of the office for the wedding week itself. so thats my 2 cents. heres to healthy travels
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Has anyone worked with a planner from Baja Weddings? I have been working with a planner from there and so far she seems good. Although they have never given me a formal "brochure" of their services and prices. Is that normal? jen - katie at weddings in paradise did sanny and olis pedregal wedding. i dont know if anyone here has used her but i know sanny was happy with her. no matter who you go with make sure you get a contract and everything in writing of course!
  10. omg - all the gals i know are getting married!!! (well except the rest of the gals im shooting later this year and next year.) congrats jessalyn. have a great time. hope he loves the BD pics. cant wait to see the photos. congrats!!!
  11. congrats! we have a lot of brides traveling to hawaii recently so hopefully they can help. happy planning! ps- and i just had a bride this weekend in san diego who lives in hawaii. im sure shed help out if you have any questions. she lives in maui.
  12. i personally dont know any CR photographers to recommend. im sure many photographers would be willing to travel though. if you send me an email with your budget i might be able to recommend someone in the states. just let me know anyway i can help out.
  13. lovely, lovely denise. thanks for the email or i may have missed it!!! i have to tell you ladies denise is so awesome. she contacted me about shooting her wedding a while back and i was booked or something and sent her some names. isnt she lucky she got elizabeth? anyway the point of my story is shes so sweet. after i sent her the referrals she sent me this gift package with all these amazing mario russo hair and skin travel products. isnt she just awesome. not only lovely inside but out too!!! the gals on this forum are the best!!!! wishing you the best marriage denise. lets keep in touch
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen Okay....I have an appointment with Andrew on Sunday....WHOO HOO!!!! Thanks again Leigh!!! how did it go with andrew? i actually shot his BFs wedding with his bro jay. the times ive been around andrew hes been a gem. as is his bro jay. hope it all worked out
  15. omg - ann i looked through scotts pics and im in so many of them. i hate seeing pics of myself yikes!!! so i made it through the week. ann whatever you had on the wedding day i got as well. or maybe something different or worse. i spent three house throwing up on the plane on the way home and have been so sick all week (my getting sick when returning home from mexico is now at 50%!) i ate today for the first time all week really. but i made it through the week, the graduation, the party i hosted complete with my ex-husband, his wife, their kids, and my ex MIL oh and shooting another wedding! everyone behaved themselves at the party and graduation and my son had a wonderful week. pics coming soon on the blog. so on to anns pics....i will be posting the slideshow by midweek and of course will come back here and make an announcement! it was a beautiful wedding! and so fun. so ill be back soon off to bed early so i can get busy when this week starts!!! have a good weekend everyone - leigh
  16. sorry . not sure what's wrong. I'm out getting a pedi. I will check later today if I have time. bunch of family stuff today and tomorrow. then a wedding on friday. be back when I can
  17. tammy that just might be too hard for me to remember!!!
  18. i shot a wedding here - Villa Maria-Cabo San Lucas Mexico Luxury Villas - last year. it was beautiful. if you want to see the pics from it heres the link to the slideshow - Leigh Miller Photography - everything was really beautiful.
  19. heesyun - i cant believe you moved. we will have to catch up! congrats. how exciting. let me know when youre back this way. ttys - leigh
  20. welcome sylvia!!! im so glad youre here. and you found a wedding location. i dont think you had one picked last time we spoke, right? i remember you saying EDR was out because you had kids in your wedding party. i hope all is well. im sure we will be in touch often and of course see each other here. ttys - leigh ps- look for anns pics coming soon!
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