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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I've been blogged! Leigh Miller Photography It's the same slideshow that's in the first post on this thread, but Leigh just put our wedding in her blog! well you werent a blog virgin to begin with. youve been blogged plenty
  2. so awesome! lovely pics juan. congrats again sarah. im so happy for you guys. were going to have to have a chicago BD gal reunion sometime cause i miss all of you
  3. hehehe! ok gals. i have to get back to work. ive got to go blog ann. and thats really no fun for either one of us
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Umm maybe Jess is still "honeymooning" :-) yeah but jonathans not!!! hes so going to kill me! and this for you courtney - ps - i posted something about you in another thread. i wonder if you can find it? good luck man - im feeling a little snarky today!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Wow! First off, I was excited that you have joined our forum! Now I'm excited that Leigh is so excited! ha, that's funny! Anyway, welcome to the forum! now that is funny! pretty soon people are going to start calling me courtney! louisa - the wedding im shooting in the UK is another photographers. apparently he shot a wedding for someone who has an in - works in - downing street. im so ignorant about UK history that i had to look it up when the groom emailed me. should be fun for the day after shoot though im excited about shooting. but thats almost always really - hehe!!!
  6. welcome and congrats! i spent half my life in kansas. so were neighbors. hope all is going well with the wedding
  7. hi millie and george! welcome. congrats on the engagement. ive been to EDR twice for weddings and really like it. have you been? here are a few weddings ive shot there. thought this might be helpful - marie and jocelyns EDR wedding http://www.leighmillerphotography.co..._nate_wedding/ el dorado royale pics elizabeth medina and matt and sol also have posted slideshows on this forum so if you search you should be able to find those too. lots of chances to see great weddings from there!!! also im so glad you are here for another reason. where are you in the UK? im coming to london in september to shoot my first UK wedding. im so excited. the wedding itself is in canterbury kent. did i get that right? ive been promised that hugh grant - or at least my couples version of hugh grant - is going to pick me up at the airport and wisk me away to where i need to go for the wedding weekend. they are having a barbee and a marquis. which to us yanks means a cookout and a tent - i think! we are also doing a day after and have an in to shoot in the downing street area. i guess thats a big deal. did i say im excited? anything i need to know? anything i shouldnt miss? im sure there is so much to do in my off time in london i will be completely overwhelmed. sorry to jack your thread but id love any advice you have to offer. thanks for your time. and let me know if i can answer any questions about RM or the EDR. congrats again!!!!
  8. has anyone seen pics yet? i cant wait. sorry jonathan. im as bad as everyone else
  9. i really like EDR. ive shot a few weddings there. and did a photo review of the place for people last time i went. its not small though. but thats one of the things i like about it. that its spread out. you dont feel on top of other people. the sandbags dont bother me. but they do some people. here are some links - el dorado royale and two weddings with slideshows in each blog post - April and Nates EDR wedding Marie and Jocelyns EDR wedding hth - leigh
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Oh ok, I never thought to bring one, I'll add that to the list. I planned on mailing one to you.... do you want me to mail it now with all the others, or once it gets closer to the wedding? whatever is easiest for you. and if its too much trouble to take one dont worry. i can take it out by the pool and throw some sand on it. make it look all cabo like
  11. congrats! have a wonderful wedding day. wishing you the best
  12. congrats jessalyn! cant wait to see the pics im sure jonathan did a great job!
  13. wow courtney! awesome please be sure and mail me one. and bring one to the wedding so i can photograph it. the one you mail to me is just a back up in case you forget the other one then i can photograph it here at a neutral location. love them!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ok, here it is ... eBay: VINTAGE IVORY SATIN CLASSIC EVENING HANDBAGS BAG CLUTCH (item 250132277393 end time Jun-24-07 02:46:49 PDT) Also, I've defintiely had plenty of offers for the hair flowers, so we can consider those sold! I will update the original post. yay!!!! now i can sleep tonight!
  15. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear sarah, happy birthday to you!!! and since theres no blowing out the candle smiley -
  16. tammy - take care of yourself! that burn sounds awful. im sorry! i missed the forum too. but this one was down AND a photojournalism forum i belong to and i have been SO, SO productive the last few days ann and i were emailing about that. i think she got some thank yous and laundry done. and tammy i heard from carrie whos all excited about doing her first "destination" baby portrait. shes so excited! im glad it worked out. shes so much better at that than i could ever be!
  17. ann! dont sell the purse. it already looks vintage. if theres anything ive seen brides use of moms or grandmas it is their little clutch from the wedding. please keep it! sell the dress after the ttd session. they will never wear it, but they will use the purse or maybe even one of your nieces will use it. they will remember the awesome wedding you had in mexico and feel honored!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by PDCwedding Thank you! Loved the song choices!!! youre welcome! honestly, finding the right music usually holds me up for a day or so on the slideshows. i try to find the right music for EACH wedding. its hard!!! if anyone ever has any suggestions id love to hear them. i try not to do the obvious and not use music that is really HOT right now that people are going to hate in two months.
  19. welcome! congrats what about ameila island? carillon beach? the southernmost house in the keys? is the breakers on the beach? good luck!
  20. thats a great story. what a thoughtful guy. congrats
  21. funny! when we were shooting the pics of just ann and paul paul said - when am i going to get to see you in some of those things you had on in the pics? ann said - never, most of it was leighs! but not pauls shirt and tie, so im assuming she will be playing dress up with that. courtney you dont need much. im getting away from focusing on the outfits so much. three things will be plenty.
  22. here ya go - take me to aruanda - astrud gilberto - one of my favorite singers of all time! when you say nothing at all - ronan keating - loved the irish sound to this for ann and paul mi guajira con gloria - la carpool - this was going to be the day after song. cant you just see that! so sassy. i will probably use it again sometime signed, sealed, delivered - the great stevie wonder, love everything he does. well except - i just called to say i love you...
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