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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. we were just at banana republic and picked up a really nice tan suit for my husband. the jackets were marked down to about $130 from $250 and then pants were about $79. not sure of their original price. just an fyi if youre looking. also the tan and white linen suits are on sale on the br website. happy shopping
  2. hey jen glad to hear it! andrew sent me an email a while back telling me it was a go! you will love your pics congrats!!!
  3. im actually leaving on weds. the wedding is saturday. i cant wait. i will give a full report when i return around the 8th. with photos of course its elizabeths wedding. shes a member but i dont think spends a lot of time on here.
  4. bride and bloom is a great magazine! i love it. i think im going to submit this wedding. lots of color and great details
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston good night girls i will talk to you all tomorrow i have to go be with my fiance...lol...sounds so good...thanks girls for all your wishes and praying...... now youre talking. good night!!!
  6. congrats!!! thats awesome. now go celebrate. we can hear about it later.
  7. the parker is an amazing hotel. i shot a wedding there last year. i love it! they are supposed to be working on a new website and are going to use my wedding as one of the features. i cant wait. ive been looking forward to this show.
  8. i used to manage a few nutrisystem stores in kansas. this will work. just stick to it. no cheating. you will lose the weight. im thinking about doing it again. i need to lose about 30 lbs. i might do weight watchers instead though so i can feed my family what im eating too.
  9. last time i was there the room keys were cards but the safe keys were actualy keys with a lock. i remember it being very heavy. and i remember they charge you a lot if you lose it.
  10. thats because some of the gals acted like big time bullies! hopefully it will calm down and people will give you the thanks you deserve.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by akh one girl from the NY boards did say she entered the contest. so hopefully the nice girls win! if it weren't for the fact that i might bring you, leigh, down with me - i was all ready to launch into super-bitch mode on there. some people are just too uptight. thanks for worrying about me ann. i want to launch into super-bitch mode myself. really thats so rude. i cant get over it!!! and ive had some great ny brides. just awesome great gals. one was supposed to be in san diego this weekend and we were gtg but her kitty got really ill and now shes not coming. so feel free to launch away at them if you want. how much can it hurt. i mean really if it was a vendor posting, would it be for something free?
  12. no good deed goes unpunished!!! i cant believe this. but i shouldnt be surprised. i would even get on there and respond but it would just add fuel to the fire. i appreciate your efforts ann. trying to get the word out and doing something to help two couples win photography. and i appreciate the rest of you sticking up for ann and me. this place is the best! please dont waste anymore time and effort on this. its not worth it!!! their loss! im so disgusted right now. the contest has found its way onto the indie bride board as well. i think that is a much nicer place not as nice as this place mind you ....
  13. thanks everyone. were going to stay at the sheraton the first night. it was one of the easier ones to book online and i earn points there. about $200 a night. then were at las ventanas for 3 nights and i havent decided where the last two. maybe back at the sheraton. i didnt even think to ask you courtney. where are you staying?
  14. congrats and welcome! youve chosen a beautiful location. of course you can access it from anns post but heres the worlds longest ss from LC
  15. that sounds great. maybe you can even make that one your legal ceremony and not mess with the out of the country mess, kill two birds with one stone my husband was bound and determined we get married on the anniversary of our first date. so i totally put him in charge of it. we got married at a drive through wedding chapel in vegas. legal part done! its nice that he cares about his family
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Oh, and Tammy, you just need to get Juan on here and then post a bad non-pro picture. He'll feel sorry for you and send you some! lol i feel so used!
  17. i think you need to ask a seamstress. ive heard you can only take a dress down 2-3 sizes but who knows really. it may be possible but a lot of money. im sure it depends on the dress. ive been a lot of help huh?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by host can i be your assistant at las ventanas? i used to be an assistant photog for a wedding photog years ago.. the more the merrier!!! haha! im excited this is my first time staying there. and riccis and i are staying some extra time to do some leisure photography. capture the locals and area. its the first trip since the bahamas in 06 when im staying a little longer to have some fun.
  19. congrats laura! im sorry to hear your were sick. yes i think ann cursed us all - haha!!!
  20. another one bites the dust!!! nice work jill. where did you shoot that? i really like the room too. thats always a challenge isnt it? finding a great place to shoot. the gals are easy though oh wait! that didnt come out right. i meant easy to work with!!!! congrats tami, he will love them!
  21. well that may make things very interesting! i usually end up doing a lot of room service cause im working but i do eat at least once at the restaurant down by the beach. next door to the candlelite dinner. is it jojos? great seafood. but i also only have 1 day where i can eat there. cause i get in and its already full that day, then i make reservations for the next night (usually i cant get in until about 10 pm) the next night im at the wedding and the next day im gone. maybe someone will be there soon? i have a wedding there again but not until next year. if your group of 50 is going to want to eat together a lot it may be a problem if they arent taking reservations. and i never knew that about the reservations and the casitas.
  22. welcome riccis! ladies riccis will be shooting elizabeths wedding with me at las ventanas and courtneys ES! im so excited to be working with him. and you can see why!!! and on top of being a great photographers, he such a great guy too. we initially met online (photography forum, did you know we have them too?) when i was having some computer problems. he called me and walked me through fixing my album design software problem. then he overnighted me a dvd of something we were talking about on the phone. we met face to face in vegas this year and he generously offered to come with me to cabo in august. can you tell i just think hes fabulous? such a talented, kind and generous person. and we are going to rock cabo in august!!! so glad to see you here riccis. and i will see you for real in a few weeks.
  23. we used these, the tropical wedding themed ones, for our save the dates. Thank You Cards - MVS Wedding Invitations
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