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leigh miller

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Everything posted by leigh miller

  1. i just shot elizbeths wedding at las ventanas and it would be perfect for a smaller wedding. in fact she had about 20 guests. i will post some pics early next week. and the wedding isnt on the beach. las ventanas is the best place ive ever stayed in my entire life!!! i cant wait to go back and i shot a wedding at villa maria last year. it would also work well. and you can stay there. if i remember correctly it has 4 bedrooms. beautiful place. we went back and drove around pedregal a few days ago. both places are fabulous for different reasons.
  2. hey everyone. im leaving cabo today. i cant wait to get home cause i have so many fun things to share. but please give me sometime. im home for a few days then off to sonoma for a wedding and then back to SD for a wedding sunday. this is one of those rare weekends when i do two weddings. but to hold you over a few pics from courtney and aarons es in downtown san jose del cabo-
  3. hey ladies! im getting ready to jump in the shower and head out. elizabeth and ben are so great! we did a little couples session last night and then went to the welcome dinner. ben has a great sense of humor! and elizabeth is going to make a beautiful bride. they are so laid back. i was at the pool today and saw them about 2 hours ago eating at the restaurant - reading books and doing a puzzle! no stress here! i will post some pics when i return weds. after today riccis and i are out exploring, roughing it and doing some personal photography! have a great day. i will send elizabeth and ben your warm wishes
  4. i have to have your email and invite you but please hold off. im trying to find someone to take that over for me at least until i return from cabo see two posts above. anyone?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller can someone take over the activating new people and moderating comments? i cant seem to figure out how to turn off the comment moderation but will figure it out in a few weeks when i have time. everyones admin now so you should be able to activate new peeps. shoot me an email so i can tell you how. thanks! - [email protected] bump. as soon as i get someone to take over please send your emails to her
  6. can someone take over the activating new people and moderating comments? i cant seem to figure out how to turn off the comment moderation but will figure it out in a few weeks when i have time. everyones admin now so you should be able to activate new peeps. shoot me an email so i can tell you how. thanks! - [email protected]
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 I think I'm stupid...I went to Admin and Write and posted something and hit Submit, but I don't see it anywhere? But I did successfully post a comment? HELP I'm a nerd! youre not a nerd. i have to move you to admin once you join. all done with everyone so far. its probably like here where tammy has to activate you. anyones whos joined should now be able to post.
  8. well you can email about other stuff. just didnt need an email to put you on the invite list
  9. better not. my inbox is about to explode right now! youre in. im working too. i swear
  10. ok gals. ive just set you all to admin so you should be able to publish on your own. when you join can you go to categories and name one your name and check it everytime you post. for example see "farabee's posts". i will work on the categories later. when your write make sure you hit publish. not save. unless you want to save it and not publish it at that time. you can always edit later. play around in there. i will continue to work on it. please post here if youre having problems. its easier now than answering emails. im going to delete all the emails ive gotten today as you all should have received an invite and all you need to do is respond to it to sign up. i will change the rest of you to admins later today so you can post. thanks - leigh
  11. go to "my dashboard" and "write". i want to make sure this works and someone else can manage it while im gone and everyone can post. let me know. thanks - leigh
  12. if youve sent me an email you should have gotten an invite. please let me know if its letting you login. if it is why not post a hi! on the blog. also i want to create categories for each poster. its not letting me right now for some reason and i need to get to work. so i will be tweaking all the issues as time goes on. start your posting and chit chatting. no need to wait on me! thanks - leigh Workoutgals’s Weblog
  13. eating breakfast and answering this! (disclaimer cause i just said i was logging off! and getting to work ) here are a few of my favorite places - capricorn house eleuthera bahamas the landing harbour island bahamas the rockhouse harbour island bahamas the rockhouse jamaica cocodimama eleuthera bahamas and heres a little about our two weeks in the bahamas a little over a year ago. as you can see im partial to eleuthera oh and ive loved this place ever since i saw a wedding here on the today show. Caribbean Resort | Caribbean Hotel | Cap Juluca, Caribbean Resort
  14. robyn i have so much to do today before i leave for cabo but let me see how it goes. ok off to start working so maybe i can get to this today. be back soon - leigh
  15. im in. i really need this! i was thinking about starting a workout blog. separate from my website. we could start one together. all log in and post our progress, trials and successes! we can have code names like they do on the wedding bee. i would want to be mrs tirimisu - haha!!! im off to cabo tomorrow so i plan to walk and do yoga or something like that everyday while im there. then when i come back. i cant believe im going to do this and im scared to death but im going to start a bootcamp at a gym here in town. a friend of mine is back in town for a month and shes doing it so im starting too!!! you have no idea how much this terrifies me. me whos been sitting in front of the computer doing nothing for 3 years! i had to weigh yesterday (i actually was weighing an album and to get the weight had to weigh me with it and then without, ugh!) its hard to believe but ive gained 50 lbs since i moved to CA! who moves to CA and gets fat? ive gained about 30 since i got married almost 2 years ago. my husbands going to leave me if i dont do something soon hes 10 years younger than i am and if i cant make myself younger i will just have to take better care of myself, be healthier and then hopefully lose weight and look better! i dont know if i can lose 50 lbs. that may be too much. but id like to lose 30 and get back down to where i was when we got married. i felt good then. about a size 6/8. im cool with never being a 2 or a 4 again. im almost 40, not 25 anymore. life goes on. so anyone want to do the workout blog? i can start it if you want to do the workout blog please email me at [email protected] and leave your real name and email. oh and your BDW sign in so i will know who you are. when i get it started i will email everyone the admin info. nice little project for my off time in cabo if i have internet access. if i dont i will start it as soon as i return around the 8th. thanks! - leigh ps- did this jack your thread? if so im sorry. just thought this might be a great way for us to work at this together!
  16. 1. How's your heart lately? racing 2. Do you find these surveys silly but take them anyway? yes 3. What was the last movie you saw? elizabeth 4. The last place you went? target 5. Miss someone? my husband. we hardly ever see each other right now. 6. What made you laugh today? age of love 7. Are you scared to fall in love? no 8. You get in the car and drive 2 hours in any direction you want - where did you go? palm springs. where i got married 9. Have you ever peed in a pool? not lately! 10. Ever have someone bring you breakfast in bed? my kids 11. Did you dream last night? yes. weird dreams lately. 12. What were you doing yesterday at 7 am? sleeping 13. What were you doing yesterday at 10 am? working 14. What were you doing yesterday at 12 p.m.? working, the same at 1 am 15. Name a country you want to visit: Greece, Greece, Greece!!! 16. How many piercings do you have? 2 ears 17. Are all of your piercings visible? yes 18. Do you have a tatoo? no 19. What was the last thing you drank? h2o 20. Favorite author? Harper Lee 21. Do you have a nick name? my brother used to call me leigh pee (nothing to do with swimming pools i promise) 22. Which do you prefer - a sunny day and popcorn at the zoo or a rainy day and movies on the couch? rainy day and movies on the couch, if only it would rain here! 23. Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt? no 24. The last person who called you? a bride 25. What beauty product could you not live without? lip gloss, mac, viva glam 26. Anything exciting happen yesterday? not so much 27. What color is your underwear right now? black, is there any other color 28. Do you ever lie about your age? why? 29. How many things in your past do you regret? a few 30. Do you have a best friend? my husband. i work too much to have friends really. its sad 31. What do you want to be when you grow up? happy 32. Who was the last person you hugged? my son 33. Have you ever had your heart broken? of course 34. Whos the last person you called? my husband 35. Do you like your life? love it! just wish for a little more r&r lately. but thats normal for this time of year 36. White or wheat? wheat 37. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? yes 38. Did you forgive them? sure 39. Would you ever join the military? im too old! but when i was in high school i thought i was going to join the navy 40. Do you regret the last person you kissed? no! 41. Have you ever slapped a girl in the face? yes 42. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? no. anyone who knows me well knows NOT to do that. im not a surprise kind of person 43. You just won a cruise for 4....who do you bring? husband and 2 sons 44. Are you supposed to be doing something else right now? not really. decided to call it an early night. working hard, hard, hard tomorrow.
  17. my son actually has the target tan suit. it looks nice. photographs well. probably not the most comfortable fabric. a little thicker and stiff maybe.
  18. banana republic is going to have to start paying me a commission! they have tan and white linen suits on sale right now on their website.
  19. we got ryan a great suit yesterday at banana republic. nice tan color not linen. and on sale. they had a ton of them.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 hmm..I wonder if they will want the one w/ a seal?? I made photocopies of ours before I sent them off?? yes they will. but they will return it. i just got all my stuff back thursday morning.
  21. you can always use a passport expedite service. actually this is something you can do yourself but it was worth it to me to pay this company $200 to not have to drive to LA and spend all day at the passport office. with proof of travel within 2 weeks take all the stuff you need to the office and they will give you a passport right there on the spot. i accidentally washed mine and it was trashed. so last week i sent all my stuff to this place. they received it monday and i had my new passport by thursday morning at 10 am. even if i would have wanted to do it myself i really couldnt have because i couldnt get an appointment. they were all booked. im sure this place has standing appointments. they have offices in LA and DC i believe so they operate nationally.
  22. ok i didnt read the entire thread but have you picked the location yet? now that youve got the bling i cant wait to here the where and when!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by bbdq_21 Thanks Leigh.. I am really curious to know what its like.. and if its worth the price tag!!! everyone i know who has stayed there or shot a wedding there says it definately is! but i will be happy to give you my 2c as well. normally i wouldnt stay at a place that expensive but this time i thought - what the heck! at least once a year i should really spoil myself on a DW and live like the rock star photographer i AM - haha!!!
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