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Everything posted by jthrasher

  1. welcome! there are lots of other dominican brides here so you'll find tons of info
  2. welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  3. Welcome to the forum! WOW! 4 months!!! Good luck! There's lots of info here though so you can do it. Let us know how we can help
  4. Here are a couple of slideshows of a couple of BDW members weddings I shot. Jessalyn & Tony - Cabo, Mexico Fotini & Jay - Santorini, Greece Lots of wedding photos on my site as well.
  5. Welcome! Do you have a date and/or place in mind for your wedding?
  6. from a photographers point of view, it's nice to do some photos before sunset as well as during so that you get a nice variety of lighting. Personally, I like to have an hour or so before sunset to take photos and then maybe 30 mins during. Once the sun starts to go down, you lose the really good light really fast. The best light is 15-30 mins before the sun sets.
  7. jthrasher


    Congratulations! and welcome! lots of info and helpful people here. let us know how we can help.
  8. Congratulations! and welcome!
  9. Welcome! You'll find tons of great info with lots of helpful people here. Let us know how we can help
  10. welcome! Lots of great info and great people here to help in your planning.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Yay another new location for BDW. And another 8/8/8 bride! Happy Planning. let us know how we can help.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO At the Riu, you have to use their photographer or pay a cancellation/breach of contract fee because according to the photographer, only he is contracted with the hotel to do ALL PHOTOGRAPHY. I think the cancellation/breach of contract fee is like $250. Also, if you're using an outside photographer, they have to be your guest at the hotel for I think a minimum of 3 nights. For me, I'm using their photographer not because I want to but I just didn't have it in my budget to pay for an outside photographer & his/her travel expenses & accomodations. Here's my take on this situation. The resort and photographer are feeding you a load of crap. The resort has a contract with the photographer to do all the weddings at that particular resort. You don't have a contract with the photographer at all so you aren't obligated to pay him anything. It's not your fault the resort made a contract with the photographer. If you don't want to use him, you shouldn't be penalized for it. Ladies, It's a shame this resort is scamming you like this. However, YOU are the ones with the power in this situation. You and your guests are throwing thousands of dollars at this resort so just tell them they can pay THEIR breach of contract with the photographer, or lose thousands of dollars by taking your business elsewhere. You shouldn't have to pay because you don't want to use their photographer. That's ridiculous. We need to teach resorts NOT to enter into these "contracts" with photographers because brides want a choice in who they hire. Take a stand against them. This resort isn't the only one to do this and it needs to stop.
  13. ooooh Vegas!!! very cool! I've never been, but I'm going there in March for a big photo conference. I can't wait! I'll let you know if I have any suggestions after my visit.
  14. Welcome Amanda! There is tons of great info here as well as great people to help so you won't have any trouble planning. 09/09/09 eh? Very cool! 7/7/7 was popular date and 8/8/8 is this year. Let us know how we can help.
  15. when is your wedding date? If all the local photographers that you like are booked, there are tons of great photographers from the U.S. that are available for travel and while that might seem like an expensive option, many times you can get a very good deal that includes travel.
  16. I'm just curious, but are you forced to use this guy if you're getting married there? If not, why are you?
  17. Welcome! Israel is going to be awesome! I've been to other middle eastern countries and it's a very cool area. HOT, but cool ;-)
  18. welcome! find a location can be very difficult. Have you been to any of the locations you are thinking about? Happy planning! let us know how we can help
  19. welcome Gretchen! let us know how we can help in your planning
  20. welcome! the Sheraton is beautiful! I shot another members (Jessalyn) wedding there this past summer. Here is their slideshow: Jessalyn & Tony's slideshow
  21. Welcome! Happy Planning, let us all know how we can helpl.
  22. You don't owe him anything. Just tell him you don't owe him anything because you have no contract with him. I don't think using him is part of any contract you have with the resort. The resort probably has a contract with him and you not using him would be a breach of contract for the resort. That's not your problem though. The resorts need to own up to the fact that not all their brides are going to want to use the photographer they have a contract with. I would trust your attorney instincts. He's just telling you this so he can make some money. If the resort asks, tell them you don't need a photographer and leave it at that. Is your photographer staying at the resort? If not, just get a day pass for him/her.
  23. I would think it could be possible. The only thing is the card, depending on it's thickness, by get bent, mis-shaped when going through the printer.
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