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Everything posted by jthrasher

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Here is a good list to check out - http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2177 Jonathan Thrasher is on this forum as well, but I don't know that anyone has used him ... yet!! just a little clarification.... MANY people have used me... just nobody from this board... yet. But.. that's because I'm new here :-) Lindsey, I am running a giveaway right now where you could win my $3500 package for free! check it out and send in your entry. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2157
  2. you know Leigh, you are going to need an assistant for all this. **raises hand to volunteer** we could tag team. lol
  3. Welcome Jennifer! Glad to have you here. There are great people who can help you with any questions you have. If you are still looking for a photographer, I'm running a contest giveaway now through Jan. 31st. Take a look at this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2157 and send in your entry if you wish. again, welcome!
  4. I used to be a member of both the WPJA and the AGWPJA but cancelled my membership because I didn't really agree with the way that the ran various aspects of the association. It is a great resource for great talent.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Well, hanging out on the DW forum sure can't do much if you're trying to find a single lady! Nor can working all of those weddings, though you're right, bridesmaids aren't necessarily spoken for ... lol true true. I've met some very nice women that were bridesmaids but they usually end up living out of town, or spoken for. Quote: Anyway - I'm sure the right one will come along eventually ... in the meantime, let little Jack do his thing! uh...I just want to make clear,for those of you who don't know, "little Jack" is my dog. lmao
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull well with all these girls in your area-I am sure someone has a single friend or two-maybe you need to go to the girls get together and "take pictures" so they can introduce you to thier friends? why aren't you using Jack to get you some ladies? He could be quite the catch with that little tongue lol, @ "take pictures" trust me... there are NO girls in my area. All the good ones are taken. I meet lots of great bridesmaids, but they haven't worked out. (obviously) Jack is a total chick magnet. I should be using him to my advantage more often.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull Jonathon I think it is time to find you a fiance!!! lmao. ya think? wait... what do you mean by that? Dance Dance Revolution is a really good workout! but believe you me, I'd like to meet someone. (my mother would like it too) It's hard when you work for yourself though.
  8. does getting up from my computer to use the bathroom count? lol j/k Seriously though, I think I'm going to go buy "Dance Dance Revolution" for my xbox. They have a workout mode on it so you can dance and play the game and workout at the same time!!! How cool is that? It's so much fun! Ok.... I'm a dork. lol
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Yes as long as they are guests then they are allowed. But most couples are on a tight budget and are less likely to want to pay for a photog to be a guest. Unless of course they are a fabulous photog like you, then it is so worth it! -Glenda lol thanks. :-D I would assume though that if a couple is flying a photog in that they would be expected to put them up as well. That's what my clients do unless of course we have some other arrangement. If you think about it though, when you're already paying $xxxx for a photographer, it's not that much more to put him/her up for a couple nights.
  10. Even though some resorts have rules, don't they still allow outside photographers as long as they are guests at the resort?
  11. jthrasher


    Welcome! I'm sure you'll be able to find tons of great info on here for your friend.
  12. Welcome! glad to have you here. There is tons of great info and very helpful people as well. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM I would however book your photographer now, as the good ones book really fast. good advice! I may be a little biased though
  13. welcome! glad to have you here.
  14. awwww. are we a wittle bit scared that JT will be the new champion. huh? are we? awww... just a wittle bitty scardy cat. yes we are.... yes we are. Bring it on! lol
  15. nah I don't think so ** as I sit here eating ice cream with carmel stripes and pieces of fudge**
  16. ok. every time I see this thread pop up I feel guilty. STOP POSTING IN THIS THREAD!! I hate feeling guilty!
  17. jthrasher


    Welcome Amy! This is a great place and you'll find tons of info here. FYI I am available on your wedding date so please take a look at my site. I'm also doing a $3500 photography giveaway right now which will end on the 31st so send me your info to be submitted for your chance to win. Here is more info about that http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2157
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Jonathan, would you be offended if we give you a couple of sample shots that we seen by another photographer that we would like to duplicate? I have 100% faith in Juan to take amazing pictures, and I know that I'll love them. With that said, I seen a couple of pictures that I fell in love with and (really just 2) that are unique that I'd like to duplicate. But I don't want to offend Juan by suggested that we take them. What are your thoughts on this? Tammy, I wouldn't be offended. I've had brides do that with me before and i'm fine with that. The problem comes when it gets to be a little obsessive and it seems like the bride doesn't trust you or your talents and judgement. I'm sure Juan would be fine with it. Ask him though.
  19. Welcome! I'm available in November ;-) I'm also running a contest/giveaway right now... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2157 so send me your info! again, welcome!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com oh... we're on top of things here! or maybe because we have no life. No...that can't be it. can it? lol welcome! when I say "we" I mean "I" :-D
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by soon2bmrsbyers Wow! I've only been here for 2 hours and you three have already posted! Thank you! oh... we're on top of things here! or maybe because we have no life. No...that can't be it. can it? lol welcome!
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