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Everything posted by jthrasher

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Yes, Elizabeths packages include albums & cd's, I have her pricing somewhere. actually it appears her lower package at $3250 doesn't include an album. It seems like you don't get an album included until you get up to $4500
  2. actually, it's not that different from what many photographers now call "shoot & burn". Where they shoot the wedding, and burn a CD of the images. No editing. Of course, I personally think the photographers that do this are shady at best.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Bruce had some great photos, but sounds like he uses film only and you develop yourself in the US.. yikes!!!
  4. nevermind, there is more info in this thread another Elizabeth Medina Thread
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jtds2713 The total package for Elizabeth is on her website. Jackie is also having Elizabeth and she put up some information about her. You can do a search for her on this website and the thread should appear. I'm probably blind but I couldn't find any package info on her website.
  6. does $3250 only cover the 8 hours or are there other things included in that price like an album, DVD etc?
  7. Elizabeth Medina, destination wedding photography, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cariandnick ohhh i have my pick. this will be interesting! i really want to enter too but just not sure we'll have our location secured by next wednesday. we have the date set (11/24/07 - which is the saturday after thanksgiving so i dont know if you would even have a desire to do it then!) and we got the contract from moon palace yesterday but havn't sent it back yet as we are still having tiny part of us that would rather do it at el dorado royale that same day! any one else want to chime in and help us decide (no, never mind, not on this thread - that's not fair to the thread) Come on Cari... get your butts in gear! It's worth the shot. even if you don't win, I'm available for that date :-)
  9. lol Tammy. I wish I could pick them all too. BTW, this doesn't meant that you can't enter anymore. If you haven't entered yet.... PLEASE DO SO SOON!!! Less than a week left!! jthrasherphoto.com 2007 giveaway
  10. where are the forums for people who do the $150k-1 Million dollar weddings? lol
  11. I am free that weekend but my schedule is very tight. I'm going flying home from Dallas on the 27th, and then I have a bridal show back home on the 9th. It's possible though. email me and we might be able to work something out.
  12. Sometimes I have clients on a budget and I'd like to know some reasons why a DW could be cheaper than one at home. Thanks
  13. Hey Amy, Glad to have you here. This is a great place and you'll find tons of info here. I'm one of the few photographers that post on the board so if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or visit my website to see my work and information. I look forward to talking with you Jonathan
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I wonder who the remaining mysterious boudoir gal is ... are is she good at hair and makeup? Hmmmm? maybe she isn't really a she but a he maybe there will be a boudoir male joining the group?
  15. jthrasher

    Hi I'm New

    Welcome Andrea, or I guess welcome back? :-) you'll get tons of great info here.
  16. jthrasher


    Welcome Rya! glad to see you made it. Rya is one of the contest entrants.
  17. ok, well, a week and a couple of days. But my giveaway and your chance to get a $3500 photography package free ends next Wed. the 31st. read about the details here: jthrasherphoto.com 2007 Giveaway There have been a few of you who said you were going to enter but haven't yet. please email me your entries to [email protected] and also post all or part of your entry. Thanks!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by akh And there's nothing sexier than a confident woman! uh.... a naked one? lol. kidding kidding. I couldn't resist
  19. I'm just glad (or hope) you girls aren't like this bride crazy psycho bride cuts off her hair
  20. jthrasher


    welcome Christine. You've come to the right place. Hope we can help.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by akh you've done this before, haven't you?! moi? it depends on what you mean by "this"
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