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Everything posted by jthrasher

  1. Jessalyn, I don't know how long your train is. I would say at least butt length but preferably longer, like the on in the pic. It doesn't have to drag on the ground though. I love veils with some sort of design in them. Doesn't have to be lace but patterns are very cool. but... you do what you want. Im just the photographer ;-)
  2. Jessalyn, as your photographer.....PLEASE wear a nice long veil :-) no tiara. flowers are good though :-) Veils are SO much fun to work with photographically.
  3. The pics listed on the site look great, But how do you know they were taken by Daniel? I would assume they were taken by Manual.
  4. Welcome Elizabeth! I've heard lots of great stuff about you. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
  5. It's no surprise because this is the BEST forum!
  6. congratulations man! that's awesome. Good to have that out of the way. Looking forward to seeing the final results!
  7. wooohoooo! another Michigander! Welcome! You've come to the right place. we need more Caribbean brides here too. :-) let me know if I can help in any way.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jillhigginsphotography Now, if I had something like my friend Josh does, that would be a different story. Check out his videos! Cinematic & Elegant Productions International Award Winning Wedding Videographer AMAZING!! um.. yeah.... that's some serious quality work right there. I think if I could afford to do something like that I would do it, otherwise I wouldn't bother. That's something I would watch again and again. probably not cheap. but VERY cool
  9. I have an Uncle that lives in Chaska. My relatives are spread out all over the cities. Apple Valley, Lakeville, St. Louis Park, South Minneapolis, Stillwater, you name it, I probably have a family member living there lol Not sure what area I want to move to yet.
  10. Wow... another EDR November bride! This place is packed full in Nov. from brides on this forum. Welcome to the forum. Glad to se another Minnesotan here too. All my relatives live there and I'm going to be moving there in the next year. I hope anyway. there are brides from this forum who are getting married there the next three weeks after your wedding so I'm sure you can talk with them and maybe even plan together. I hope I can help in any way I can. Jonathan
  11. I don't think Juan's lower rates were because he was just starting out. I think his rates changes because of the sudden high demand. There are more reasons to raise rates than just demand, so we don't really know all of Juan's reasons. But, he's good enough that he can charge what he does and still get the number of weddings he wants. I could be wrong though. Yes, there are some photographers who offer specials when they are just starting out, but that doesn't mean that it's a great deal. They could just be bad photographers to begin with. It all comes down to what you like and if you like the photos that you see, it doesn't matter what skill level a photographer is at, as long as you like the photos and know you'll be happy with them, then do it. I just sense some reserver since you are asking the question. That's why I would think twice about this offer.
  12. I think her B&W's are nice but her color shots need work. To be honest, I'm VERY leery of photographers that charge that little. It's usually for one of two reasons. 1. they have no experience and are trying to build their portfolios. 2. they can't charge more because they aren't any good. I've been around photographer forums for a long time and I see this ALL the time. When it comes to photography DON'T look for a deal. Especially one's that look "too good to be true" because more often than not, they are. These are the photos you are going to have FOREVER Jules. I'd hate for you to get back and be disappointed and regret something. If you're going to save money on something, do it with your food, or flowers, or something that you won't have a lifetime. trust me, I hear this time and time again from brides about their photography. "I hate my photos, I wish I would have paid more and got what I really wanted" nothing's a "great deal" if you aren't happy with the results. If it were a stereo or something you could return if you didn't like it, I'd say go for it.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Bring out the sexy in those midwest girl, Jonathan! aight. like the other JT, I'M BRINGIN SEXY BACK!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by akh That's a good question, Jill. With Leigh, it actually came up as a result of this forum I think, for me anyway. But I also don't know if I would want my FI to see that listed as an option, I like the idea that he has no idea that people do this, so he will be just that much more surprised when I show him. I guess you could just list that as a service on your website, and if the bride has more questions she can ask. Jonathan, Leigh - how do you handle this? To be honest, I've only done these sessions with models, so it's usually more for their portfolios. I need to start asking my brides if they are interested in doing something like this, but it's harder for a male to bring it up without looking like a perv. Plus, my area is very conservative so I think a higher percentage of brides in my area would be very shy to do it.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Yes, I think it will be cheaper to get someone already in mexico, at least thats what I've found, because if you bring someone with you, the package prices are usually about the same and then you still have the travel expenses tacked on. Good luck! that's not necessarily true. Keep in mind some packages might not include an album, so if you want an album too, that could be another $1500-$2000+. Which would end up being about the same as travel expenses to fly someone in. So, you could fly someone in if you really wanted. You just have to weigh what's in the packages and what you really want.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jillhigginsphotography Oh girl - you are going to be a photographer's dream! We beg girls to trash a dress! Ditto! I would love to help you trash your dress and capture those moments for you. ;-)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Natalie M My FI calls it the "target" what ever that means!! Guys are funny! lmao. you don't want to know.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jillhigginsphotography One quick question. What does all inclusive include in terms of destination weddings? Do you mean everything on is available on site, like ceremony area, food, etc. Or do you mean everything is included in one package price, like ceremony site, officiant, food, flowers, photography, etc? All Inclusive usually means everything you would need while you are a guest there is included. i.e. food, drinks, activities etc. Everything that pertains to the wedding is a whole separate package.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Well so far I can't think of a darn thing that I want to put on my body that I'll still like when my boobs are sagging to my knees and i'm one big wrinkly rasin.. :-) just don't get one on your boobs then. duh. no one has the "tramp stamp"?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by akh not fun at all when you're a Vikes fan! lol yeah.. I hear that. I'm not really a Chicago fan or a Colts fan but hey... none of my teams made it so... when life gives you lemons....
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Are you going? You better take some pics of the GTG and post them then.. yeah, I'm going. I think I'm going to try and spend the weekend down there. I forgot the Super Bowl is this weekend. How fun would it be to watch the game at a bar in Chicago!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM I think I should get some sort of special prize because the contest ends on my Birthday.. lol... What do you think Jonathan.. lol lol to bad you can't make it to the Chi town GTG. I would have bought you some drinks
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