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Nic Dragomire

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Everything posted by Nic Dragomire

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR as a guest, i probably wouldn't even notice or give it a second thought. Ann nailed it. Your guests will not even notice. All of the attention will be focused on the two of you. And if they do.... hey its mex. Maybe they could dim the lights back there?
  2. Welcome to my new favorite forum. Now Im no bride, but I've been to Maui 3 times for a total of 23 days. I know the island a bit. ask away... ~ nic
  3. People swiping images and using them as their own (sad to say) is almost common practice on the internet.
  4. Welcome aboard. Have a great trip! ~ Nic
  5. might be of some use to take a screen shot of the site with the pic on it for proof.
  6. wow!!! no bueno which looked better her or the cake?
  7. Hey Mateo nice first dance. That big fellow in the white shirt looked a lot like Sergio
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Linz2511 My (soon to be) husband will be able to "retouch" them, like a professional would. Maybe a more cost effective approach (if cost is important) is to just hire someone afterwards to do the "retouch" work. All this means is that they will take the raw picture and add the nice effects that we all like...black and white with the color of the flowers, etc. I hope this helps. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you. You could even hire my (future husband) for this. He's a professional photographer and would charge a fraction of the cost! I just want to add a little caution here. While this may (and I hope it does) work out for you, some thing you should consider is what your future husband will have to work with. What I mean is your FH may be the best retoucher, a photoshop genius but if he doesn't have a good quality image to begin with there is not much he will be able to do. The old adage is "garbage in = garbage out". Im not trying to scare you, but I think a lot of the ladies here will agree that there are better options when it comes to saving money for your wedding. Photography shouldn't be where you cut the corner. just my .02
  9. Congrats, and welcome to the forum Kelly...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jayreilly i think that andrew reilly guy is pretty good ;-) jay I heard he had a good teacher
  11. ya thanks Jean, I know what a proof is. However all photographers have different views on what is a proof very and that was my point. Some call them 1st edition prints some call them proofs I call my final images "Digital Negatives", but the main point was you need to find out what that photographer means when they say proof. My guess is for $3 a pop they are fully edited, and ready to be printed files. While we are on the subject, its important to note that brides should always know exactly what they are going to receive as far as product, after the wedding. In other words don't leave any grey areas and no question unasked.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus wow 3 bucks for a single PROOF? AND 2,500 for all the images on a disk ON TOP of the cost of the photography?? good lord. for that kind of money you could bring in two photographers from the states for a week practically. ya sounds expensive to me... what is a proof? is it an image straight out of the camera or an edited photo?
  13. Christa, I have never been to Cabo so I'm not going to be any help there. But if I were in your shoes I would hire a travel agent that knows what there are doing with travel south of the border. Planing your wedding is not the time to be giving a friends friend a start into the biz. You need an agent that you can place your trust in to get things done the way you want them. just my .02 nic
  14. welcome aboard! this place is full of people willing to share.
  15. I have traveled to HI every year for the last 4 yrs. Our last trip was to Oahu and we spent a week there. The food is as expensive as home here in San Diego. Dinner for two at Cheeseburgers in Paradise will run ya about $30.00 with a drink each. On Oahu you have many more choices than on Maui. I mean if you want McDonalds its there or if you want to eat fresh seafood and spend $$$ on a really nice dinner you can. Maui has less choices to eat at depending what part of the island you stay at. We have stayed up on the northwest part of the Island by Kaanapali Beach. Its about 10 min outside of Lahina. Lahina is full of places to eat but its gonna cost ya more. hope this helps some? nic
  16. Hi Shea, you could say something like: "In memory of our loved ones that will be forever in our hearts" or "In memory of our loved ones that are no longer with us in body but will be forever with us in spirit" nic
  17. I agree with Leigh. Although it would be a nice gesture, its not necessary. I don't think your photographer would be expecting to get one, or at least he shouldn't expect one. nic
  18. I shot a wedding in December where the bridesmaids were wearing black dresses... here is a link to my blog where you can see the dresses. Tamarack Studios Photo Blog: Kelsi & Russ I think the linens were back as well, I really didn't care for them that much. nic
  19. So the newest info now has Dean crashing into the Yucatan Peninsula as a category 5 with 160 mph winds. I didnt catch the day they expect Dean to make landfall.. I am a photographer willing to help if I can?
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