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Nic Dragomire

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Everything posted by Nic Dragomire

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine oh my gosh, one of my friends was talking today about how at McDonalds in Hawaii one of the meal options for breakfast is spam and eggs. So funny. get out of my head... I was about to post the same thing "The 78 McDonald's outlets in Hawaii have begun test-marketing a breakfast meal that consists of egg, rice and Spam. Spam has been a laughing matter on the mainland since babyboomers were babies, but the Hormel product made from pork parts is staggeringly popular in Hawaii, which has the highest Spam consumption per capita of any state. Spam musubi ("moo-soo-BEE"), consisting of a strip of cooked Spam sitting on a block of rice and held in place by a sushi-style seaweed girdle, is a popular breakfast food and lunchtime or picnic snack. Hawaii residents are mystified by the scorn that mainlanders heap on Spam until they hear that many mainlanders first tried in as a lunchmeat, sliced cold. In Hawaii it is never served that way but is always cooked. McDonald's says it will serve Spam for breakfast through the end of July and then decide if it is selling well enough to add to a menu that already includes rice, Portuguese sausage (another Hawaii favorite -- Portuguese sailors, mostly from the Canary Islands, were among the first non-indigenous people to take up residence in Hawaii) and saimin." of course this was back in 02, but they still serve it.
  2. Ann... you're seriously scaring me with that spam talk!
  3. wow, what a psycho! thats just nuts to think at some point he actually thought "ya.... spamming all the girls on the the forum, ya thats the best idea I've had in a while" the only spam that's good is the one in a can..... umm wait a minute, I take that back.
  4. Question: Have you ever solved a rubix cube? ya right prom queen or home coming queen?
  5. Are you satisified with your salary? yes whats Victoria's Secret? (I must know)
  6. Favorite childhood memory? watching my dad kill a really big rattle snake why don't you go to church?
  7. i want to answer that one too! my first ride was a 69 ford bronco handed down from my dad what is your favorite kind of music
  8. My sister, she was killed in a car accident in 2004. She was 24 would you rather fly or be invisible?
  9. Q: If you were President, whats the first thing you would do/change? um I would deal with the rising cost of gas. if you could be anyone for one day dead or alive who would it be...?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 Whoa ..whats this Nic I believe you should answer a question HAHA you can't watch sneaky girl! well the question was addressed to a girl and Im a boy j/k with ya
  11. oooh this is getting good... im gettin some pop corn
  12. thats easy.. I would not change what I do for anything and thats the truth! my question is: if you won the lotto what would you do first? (after quit your job)
  13. Welcome Yvette! where is Streamwood?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by kristaphoto Hello! I took the time to read the vendor rules, and I promise not to bug anyone I think she's covered
  15. Welcome Krista, this board has the coolest brides on it... watch out though, they really like to steal points. I just read the story on your blog about your new mac.... all I can say is "isn't God good" Thats a very cool story. Say, did you ever find out who it was?
  16. you girls are... OUT OF CONTROLLLLL
  17. welcome to the best destination wedding forum on the planet
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr I sent Michael a follow-up email to let him know that I would be having a close family friend do some of the photography. I also asked him if he had any streaming video samples of his video work. Here is his response: Hello Marsha, thanks for getting back to me - let me answer your questions: We charge a fee of US 200 for every professional (camera) at the wedding site. Regardless if it is a guest, a family member or an outside photographer. Same for video. I can specify if you like. There are no videos as well as no photos online - we can only present it to each individual couple. For the video, its too much data to send so you can have a look at a couple of videos at the resort if you like to do so. maybe the reason why he doesn't have photos online is because a monkey with a camera could do better! these are the kinda people that give us photogs a bad name, and it really gets to me • ask him who "we" is • ask to see some documentation from the hotel with this info on it... he is twisting the truth..
  19. Just from what I have read in this post... the guy is as shady as they come, preying on uneducated brides. Here is what I would do: 1~ write Carolina, and ask her specifically about the photography restrictions. 2~ print out her email back to you and take it with you, you may want to print out a couple of copies. 3~ ask Carolina if this Michael bothers you, your guests, or your photog, what should you do... ie. call her, call security when this Michael character come up to bother you... hand him her email response allowing the outside photog.
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