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Nic Dragomire

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Everything posted by Nic Dragomire

  1. i believe in God ive never broken a bone i suck at photography
  2. Im just a friend that has a couple of cameras.. I travel light (small bag) and use camera bodies that are small and they "look" like the same ones other people in your party will have.. no problems yet...
  3. Hi Nicole, I met you in Jan at Marcus and Katie's wedding, congrats on the pub. You are great at what you do!!! Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR not only that - but the boat ride is what makes it exciting and different, IMHO. and it's just an extension of the party - you're served drinks, listen to music, etc. i wish they served spam
  4. welcome!!! Danielle errr...NEWBIE... i just love that word... this place is really cool, and tons of cool girls to help out...happy planning. if you have photography questions... ask Jean-Marcus
  5. I belong to a huge network of photogs... PM me when you have a chance, I may be able to help! nic
  6. these are great.... I will have to look through my archive when I get home.
  7. hey ya Natalie, nice to have ya
  8. I <3 Maui. I've been there 3 times and want to go back.
  9. Welcome aboard... this place is rad. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus welcome welcome.... its a great place to help plan it all and im sure you are gonna be suuuuper critical for your photographer hahah. i know i will be when i .. if i ... ever find someone to marry don't worry Dude, I've got you covered.... =)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus PS MORGAN.... "you got serrrrrvvvvedddddd" now thats funny!!
  11. 1. born 2. graduate high school by 18 3. college by 22 (the timeline here was more relaxed) 4. married by 30 years 9 months and 17 days... thats my wifey!!!
  12. unplug their mouse or put tape underneath if it is one with the red light take a roll of oatmeal cookie dough... the kind that comes in the tube and carefully leave it in the toilet... =)
  13. Hey Marco, thanks for posting. Thats really cool of you to set the record straight. I had no doubt that it was the WC that misled the bride into thinking you were available.
  14. Nic Dragomire


    Hi Heather, welcome to our little slice of heaven! =)
  15. This is what I would do: 1) continue to look for a new officiant (*edited to add - that can accommodate your time line) and 2) contact the new coordinator and let her know her proposed "music off" at 11:00 is unacceptable, ask to speak with the Hotel's catering Manager. or the Manager who over sees her. Send him or her the email you received from the other coordinator that was "representing" the hotel and ask them how they plan on compensating you!
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