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Everything posted by mexico15

  1. Not sure exactly about the score portion...but that game is addicting! I wish you could hit the balls harder than it does. You can make the pink ball that has a 1 on it, if you bank it off that red one next to you. You have to utilize that ball in order to get the pink one in. Keep trying! It is really hard to stop playing that game!! My finance is addicted to it too...that is what he asks to do when we get home! hehe! What a nerd
  2. OMG!! thank you soooo much for posting that!!!! That helps a lot! I have been waiting for a PV Dreams wedding review!!
  3. Yea...I am just using the WC from the hotel as well. We are only 16-18 guests as well, so there is not as much detail for us to be concerned about. How many people are you thinking about inviting?
  4. Welcom Tanya!! Congratulations! You will find more than enough info on this site.
  5. We are getting married about 2 weeks before we go to Mexico. It saves time and around $500 to do it in the states. There seems to be so much extra stuff you have to go through to get married down there, so we wanted a "worry-free" trip down there and just enjoy our family and ceremony.
  6. Why can't people look where they going. I get so tired of stupid drivers who think there is nothing else around except themselves. Sorry to hear about your car...I hope everything gets straightend out for you!
  7. It all boils down to what would make your day special. If you don't mind about unrelibity and it doesn't bother you to make changes at the last minute, than go for it. However, even if you can change things around due to weather, you also need to think about what kinds of things you want to do on your honeymoon or things for your guests to do. If it is bad weather the whole time, everyone will not be albe to enjoy the atmosphere and culture. I personally would not want to risk it. Make sure your trip insurance covers both land and air. Many insurances only cover one portion and don't specify before hand. But if they are both covered, that is a good option to be safe.
  8. I think it would be cool, very sheek, just as long as people in your group enjoy that. Good idea!
  9. Welcome! You will find all the information you need on this site.
  10. Thanks for the advice ladies! I will try some of those out!
  11. Welcome and congrats! I need to start recruiting more Dreams PV brides Cabo and Las Caletas has so many here
  12. thanks Amy! I will start researching those sites and see what I can find. I appreciate the start
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Ok I also had no idea what OOT meant. It was killing me but I felt too stupid to ask. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know what it meant, now I don't feel so bad. LOL. -Glenda You are too cute! LOL! I was the same way with most of the lingo, but after you continue to read and read and read...it all starts to hit home. We were all at that stage once
  14. I thought about that idea, I think it would be great for the families to mingle and enjoy each other. Great find...and the cost is amazing!
  15. Does anyone have a favorite eyeshadow brand?? I don't usually use makeup, except mascara and eyeliner, unless it is a BIG event, so not sure what to get. I want a brand that is good for humid climates and not turn oily fast. Is there such a thing?? Or tips that help out with this?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TAMMYM Hey everyone, I just seen this posted on another forum.. Great price for OOT bags, check it out.. Promotional tote bags custom sizes and styles from cheap totes Yea!! This site is wonderful! I have been looking for cheap totes, but the ones I seem to have found, look very cheap! I like Zipper Poly Tote I think they will allow everyone to continue to use them afterwards too!! Thanks for the site!
  17. Welcome! Thanks for your message, hope we get a chance to chat more.
  18. Welcome! There will be lots of answers from everyone here to any of your questions. Good to have you aboard.
  19. Wonderful pics!! Thanks for sharing. I hope the Dreams in Puerto Vallarta offer similar options
  20. Yeah, I feel the same way about the pictures!! That is a GREAT tip! There were a few dresses I LOVED, but saw them in the picture and hated them on me!! I also did fall into the trap of buying too quickly b/c they offered 15% to buy that day. Afterwards, I regreted it and hated my dress!! However, I feel differently now, and it ended up being ok...I was just in a "depressed" mood, which made me hate everything There are just so many different styles out there that I LOVE...it is too hard to only have ONE dress.
  21. Congrats and welcome! Everyone here is great at helping out, so ask away. Europe would be amazing, but could be very expensive. You may also lose a day each way of vacation for your guests with the flight and jet lag. All depends on your guests and money...I would LOVE to get married over there. How romantic and a great adventure!! Good luck!
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