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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. I believe they're made by gluing a paper doily to the inside of a paper bag. We bought inexpensive votives from Linens-n-things (with 20% off coupon). Our wedding coordinator arranged to have sand put on the bottom.
  2. From your jeweler? Wow all we got from our jeweler was a large bill! lol They turned out great. I don't know why but I love the butt shots.. Shots from behind are always cool!
  3. I would be concerned about the timing of things but I'm a bit anal about that. I'd prefer he was closer to the resort just incase they're running late. (Hello, they're on Mexico time!) and drinking/traffic/etc. I would also be concerned about the sunburn. My girlfriend's husband to be when to a baseball game the day before they're wedding and had a bright red forehead and raccoon eyes.. not cool. You get a lot more sun out on the water than golfing (IMO) BUT if that's what he wants to do and he thinks it will be fine I wouldn't throw a stink about it. It's not worth fighting if it's something he really wants to do and it should help to take his mind off of things if he's nervous. Just a warning.. the day goes fast!
  4. It's true. Many of us have been in the same exact position. You're life is being restricted but I promise it will all be worth it. Maybe getting out and not focusing 100% on your wedding will help. Stress makes EVERYTHING so much worse than it really is. You always have us to vent to!
  5. How fun! Try to set up appointments before going so you can speak with the wedding coordinators. Also check out our bride's reviews to start to narrow down your choices. AND don't forget to have fun while you're there!
  6. I'd be more worried about weight than anything else! We brought so much stuff that there's no way we could bring a bunch of vases with us. Best of luck! Edit: nevermind.. I just re-read and saw they're hurricane glass so it should be thin and lightweight.. what will you do if they don't make it?
  7. Where's your reception being held? We were at Oceana and it wasn't windy at all.. in fact it was hot because there wasn't a breeze. We had glass votives, luminary bags with some sand, and pillars in a vase and floating candles as part of the center pieces.
  8. Is she too young to eat ice cream? I love those messy baby photos with the ice cream dripping.. but she might be too little for that?
  9. Tami! I love the umbrella photo! Too funny! I can't wait to read your review. I hope everything went as you planned it.. it all looked beautiful!
  10. Erica.. first of all you're gorgeous and could wear a burlap sack and still look stunning on your wedding day, but WOW! Perfect dress for you!!! Donnie is going to cry like a baby when he sees you! lol
  11. I brought pictures of Edyta (a former Cabo bride) for hair inspiration and he had a great book with different makeup styles to help me choose. He used Bed Head makeup products and did a great job considering my face broke out two days before the wedding due to a reaction between my sunscreen/makeup and I'm sure stress didn't help.
  12. Not being able to reach him now before the wedding is a huge red flag! I would continue your search. There's NO reason this day and age with all the technology out there that you shouldn't be able to get ahold of someone for that long. Take it as a sign!
  13. I have a brand new tube of Lustra-AF (unopened) but it expires 5/08.. if anyone wants it, just send me a PM and pay for shipping. I bought 2 when I was trying it thinking it was one bigger tube for cheaper. I got a stronger hydroquinone cream from the doctor and used that instead. Lustra AF has SPF 20 in it. I have pigmentation under my nose and on the side of my chin. I'm very self-conscious but nothing seemed to help so I gave up on the creams. I just make sure I wear a good sunscreen to keep it from getting worse.
  14. Modelo Light and dark were on tap at the bars Corona (mini bottles), water/juice/soda in the mini fridge We received a bottle of champagne on our wedding night and a fruit bowl at checkin. I believe we also had a bottle in our fridge when we checked in. I was on a champagne kick during my stay.. they also serve it at the bars and keep it sparkling with a tap on the bottles.
  15. I agree.. trying it on is very different thank thinking it will look great on you. I tried on many different styles before finding the dress.. then I looked for a great price. BUT you're correct.. don't try on dresses that are out of your price range (although in the long run you may kick yourself for not spending the extra $200 or so).. remember alternations can add a few hundred to that number too.
  16. As long as they're in something they should be fine..we had glass votive holders (from Linens-n-things) and I don't believe they blew out at all.
  17. Nooooo! lol I eat bananas all the time. I was hoping for a girl but guess I'll take a monkey boy.
  18. I'm sorry you're having trouble with the $$$ part of being a BM. It's probably helpful for the current/future brides to hear about your situation as a reminder on how to treat their girls. Being a BM is such an honor but when accepting remember all the responsibility financial and supporting that goes with it. In the long run, you'll have the money and I'm sure you'll be glad you were part of her big day. Hang in there and just because the other BM's have jobs, they may be having $$ problems of their own. (for some, the more you make, the more you spend.)
  19. You should probably figure out location/date before beginning your photographer/video search.. one thing at a time. You may want to start with the reviews threads. Girls are very honest about what they did and didn't like about their locations/vendors.
  20. How much it too much? There are websites that also price match + a discount. I bought my Casablanca on e-bay as a sample dress from a salon.. sometimes you'll find something at a local salon when the new styles come in too. Also, I found a bridal salon in a less expensive area (a few towns in the other direction) and the price difference was $300 (for a Maggie) so it pays to call around. Have you tried on the dress?
  21. My wedding dress is uncleaned and crammed into our guest room closet. At least yours made it to a box.
  22. I wouldn't change my review. It was fair and balanced. I took it as a positive review (you loved your photos!) and we all have photos that we disliked for one reason or another. Are you changing it to appease her because she's apparently already pissed off. I think other brides have a right to know your concerns after the fact because otherwise all you see are the pretty photos from a slideshow and not the customer service behind them.
  23. I wouldn't buy a dirty dress. Did they charge you for preserving it? I thought that was pretty pricey?
  24. I met a guy on Yahoo Personals before finding my DH. Our date consisted of renting a Rug Dr. and shampooing my livingroom. lol It was great. We may have gone out one more time but neither of us were really interested in each other BUT my livingroom looked great!
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