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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Depending on the kid.. a 14 year old should be responsible enough to watch her siblings.. with the help of a neighbor or someone close by if there are any problems.. what a brat. I would have refused before they left for AZ based on them just assuming you'd come watch them.. I HATE when people assume things! good for you
  2. Be sure to inform your wedding coordinator that you have two people coming.. they'll put them on the guest list.. otherwise they'll get checked at the front gate and may not be allowed to enter. Usually if it's wedding related you won't have to pay for your mom.. just explain what she's doing there and how long she'll be. Vendors are ok without a day pass because they don't use the resort services/food/drink...
  3. Matt should know.. just confirm with him what day daylight savings is happening.. The clocks will move back by one hour at (2:30 am) on that date. So if the sun normally set at 6:45pm.. it would be 5:45 on the day it changes and then a minute less each day after that. He'll be aware of your resort and light limitations.
  4. I was married on October 28, 2008 in Cabo. (I believe you may be on a different daylight savings day) but our day was the first day of daylight savings. Despite my trying to find out when we started planning, I didn't find this out until the friday before our Sunday wedding. We started everything at 4:00 but I wish it had been 3:00.. we lost the light quickly. We had a breeze during the ceremony and it was only the sun that made things warm.. AND the ceremony doesn't really last very long and most of our guests were prepared for the heat. It was actually hotter at the reception area than the beach ceremony.
  5. Have a great time Carly and enjoy yourself and every moment! You worked hard for your beautiful day!
  6. very cool! It's like a souvenir for your guests because they actually were made in Cancun, but yet personalized for your wedding. Great idea! We got hand painted glasses in Cabo but they didn't have any personalization on them.
  7. I was wondering how you were going to pull off getting married just 6 months after giving birth.. girl, you look great! Wow! I can't wait to see the entire slideshow. Congrats on such a wonderful wedding!
  8. Are you doing individual bags or for couples? To be honest, guys don't care about getting stuff.. Matt has been in a few weddings and his gifts are either long gone or up in a cabinet. (mug with his initial, flask, etc) What about a few beach balls for at the pool or a squirt guns? Don't stress too much. Everyone was happy with a koozie.
  9. Asking for anything on an invite is tacky.. unless it's a shower invite thrown by someone else.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by oliviare Hi, thanks so much for the review! I am staying there next week and am very concerned with theft and my insurance agent says I don't have coverage in Mexico. I'm going to have camera gear and my laptop in my room. Do you have any suggestions on what to do with it? I doubt the safe is big enough to hold it all, do you think it would be safe if I locked it up in my suitcase? Also, thanks for the heads up on the food- I'll stay away from the seafood! Whenever we stay at a hotel (US or not) I bring a lock for my suitcase to hold valuables... then I just stack it with our other bags so it doesn't look like anything is in it. IMHO hotel safes are not safe at all.. workers are able to easily get into them.
  11. Wow! Looks like she had a "magazine" wedding! It all looks so perfect. I've never heard of this place and I'm right next door! I'll have to check it out. Great job!
  12. I would take it back.. I bought a punch that I used for my luminaries.. it broke during the process and I was able to exchange for a new one. I bought this punch for my corners (menus, etc) from Michaels.. Rounder Corner Paper Puncher It will be much cheaper for you to go and buy than to pay for shipping. Tip: To sharpen, fold some aluminum foil and punch a few times.. it helps to keep your cuts smooth.
  13. Sorry to hear about the bumps you had (theft, food issues) but the good news is you're married and I'm sure your guests had a great time! Congrats Mrs.!
  14. Dreams has various daily activities including a pub crawl on some nights. We went snorkling with a few family members (after most of our guests had left). We hopped on a bus and the beach was very close. I believe it was approx $20 pp. That included fins/mask and a fresh snorkel which you could keep. (snorkel only) Very fun! Their entertainment group is a bunch of great people.. They also had many different tour companies working in the front lobby that can help set up different excursions.
  15. I think 10am is the "good neighbor" law.. at least for us it is.. At least fresh cut grass smells awesome! sorry.. that's the only positive spin I could put on it.
  16. Congrats! Sounds like everything went so well (except for the trip home) but I'm glad the rest of your 2 week stay was great! I can't wait to see wedding photos.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Looks great, I love the one of you two kissing with the bamboo That's my favorite too! Bradley did a great job!
  18. I'm in CA and I'll go! Seriously it all depends on your expectations. If you're expecting all family and close friends to make it, you'll find that probably won't happen. The trip will be very expensive but if you give people enough time it's doable. Like the others have said, many of us chose a DW to make it smaller and only close family/friends. It's a special time that you're able to share with your loved ones. Be prepared for complaints and people who may not be able to make it. BUT if you're able to have a reception after in the US, people who weren't able to attend the wedding would certainly attend a celebration.
  19. I think their family works great... they're all loving and well adjusted kids. They really care about their siblings and making the family work isn't a chore, it's just how things work. They aren't caught up on silly materialist items like some families. Have you seen the house they built? It's huge and they built it from the ground up.. the entire family. I personally thinks it's fabulous how they've worked out their systems and only hope that I do as good of a job raising kids... even if I only have one or two. Their oldest kids are already learning trades.. college isn't the only way to get an education.
  20. We used Jorge for video... his final product is awesome! We have the web version of the highlights video on my link but the entire thing is really great! I love the video better than our photos! It comes packaged very nicely and extremely professional. We were completely impressed and I hope you are too! Congrats on booking two great vendors.
  21. Oh man! I missed this yesterday! That totally sucks but hopefully it's fixed soon.
  22. Congrats! That's a great accomplishment! woohoo!
  23. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now.. they should have told you much sooner if they were having problems coming up with the money. Maybe they were counting on a larger tax refund? Are they getting stimulus checks that could help? Any way to shorten their time there? Do they need to go for that long? My parents couldn't afford more than 3 nights so that's all they stayed.
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