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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL I am extremely glad I picked Thursday to do our dinner because we were all so hung over the next day!! Ha! Case and point.
  2. We're having a welcome dinner the night most guest are arriving..Friday (our wedding is on Sunday). It's going to be at Dreams, Portofino restaurant. Afterwards if guests want to go into town, that might be a good night to do it.. we usually "go big" the first night anywhere and I don't want everyone hung-over for our wedding day. As far as taking up our guest's vacation time.. they always have a the option to not go.
  3. It does taste good. I made this for a Halloween party (nobody ate it!) and it was a big hit for a work potluck.
  4. customizedgirl.com 15% off ends 4/30/07 code: SP15 I ordered from there.. bunch of shirts for my bridesmaids and myself because I'm a big dork.
  5. Most of our friends are staying 4 nights. They paid around $1000 including airfare from southern CA. My family from WI is paying about $170/pp per night plus $490 for airfare.
  6. I think they come already assembled? What about using for a boutonniere or small bouquet for mothers? I saw some cheesy ones at target, but these look pretty good on screen.
  7. Thanks MerryMe, Allot of those fonts look great on screen but won't print because they're truetype.. believe me, I wasted about 3 hours designing a monogram to find the my palmtree prints as a large "M". lol There are ways around it, but then things like changing color becomes more difficult.
  8. Anyone know where I can download flower illustrations for free or close to free? I love the invites with flowers on the sides and the matching envelopes, etc. Just can't see to find anything on the web.. here's a sample of what I'm talking about. I'd like to try it as a DIY.
  9. Joke away! lol You may have seen some of my posts when I was trying on dresses. Back Fat galore!! really gross. even my mom commented when I sent her the pictures.. she's like "those dresses don't fit. your back is all squished in them" Thanks Mom! Great support from the homefront. lol
  10. I love them both.. I'm the same size and I wouldn't even look at dresses like #2.. I have too many lumps and bumps (although with spanx you never know).. I think I would be too self conscious with something so fitting. You look great in the 1st one.. can't wait to see how you look in the 2nd. It is more "destination wedding". I don't anyone would think any bride looked slutty.. you're going to glow!!
  11. Maria, two words A-line.. ok that's one word, but point is... fitting on top and you can't see a thing waist down.. lol That's my plan anyhow. Even if I didn't lose another pound the dress looks beautiful! (except the back fat which I've been told can be smoothed out with a finger across the back) I don't buy the junk food either.. our HR dept came around with jelly beans and chocolate bunnies for Easter. I gave up the jelly beans immediately but have held onto the bunny. He's waiting in the back of my desk drawer. Most days I don't think about him, but yesterday, a moment of weekness.. I think it's true about cravings.. wait a half an hour and usually they pass.. Good thing it did!
  12. Cuz when the month is up.. I plan on eating it!! I made it past the craving.. ate an apple instead.
  13. HELP!!! I want to eat the godiva easter bunny that I tucked into my desk drawer. Two days prior to receiving it, I made the announcement to not have sugary snacks, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc for one month. I did it with the bread, noodles, and rice and it worked great to jumpstart my weight loss.. What the heck was I thinking!!! Now all I think about is candy and sweet stuff. I had frozen grapes last night while my FI had the rest of his ice cream cake. Oh sweet little easter bunny!! Need some support here. The bottle of water and apple in front of me aren't cutting it and I think I may fall off the wagon.
  14. Nevermind. If I would have kept scrolling.. same image, but the listing is for Wedge or flat.. soo cute!
  15. Love these! Is it really a wedge? The one image is obvious, but the other images look flat. I need flat.
  16. Here's the Surf + Turf.. upgraded food choice which might be nice with your smaller group. Heard it's delish! I think it's $42/pp for this choice or $40 without dessert. I think that's Sarah's pic
  17. Here are a few pics from Oceana Terrace.. my favorite is the lanterns used at Rebecca's wedding.
  18. He must have been manning the phones today because Peter left me a voicemail at work.. I originally contact him when I was looking but thought I responded to tell him I already picked someone.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jpkw Your coordinator or wedding location might already have these. I know Dreams Los Cabos has them & I'm just going to use theirs. Are they charging you to use them?
  20. Yeah! I'm so glad everything worked out.. puts things into perspective when you're able to pick food and flowers there.. what the heck are we worrying about! lol I can't wait to see more pictures!!!
  21. Thanks for the post. I just bid and won my case for $.99... should have it within a week.
  22. The same site that some girls were recommending for Starfish/shells also has flowers created from Shells.. this might be a good idea for flowers for Mothers or even table settings.. pretty different. http://www.shellhorizons.com/product...direction=back
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