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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I am glad you guys are feeling your babies move. I wish I was! Every now and then at night I feel a little movement, but definitely no kicking or anything. I go back next week for a follow up sonogram and I am going to ask about this. I was def. showing at 3 months! Don't worry about feeling the baby. I didn't feel her at all until my 20/21 week.. I'm on week 22 and I still don't feel her all the time. Usually after I eat I feel a few thumps but no strong kicks... Matt felt her for the first time the other day and it was only because she decided to cooperate. I think as your uterus begins to thin and stretch up it gets easier. I felt her mostly on the bottom of my belly at first, now in the middle too, but always below my belly button. Obviously it doesn't hurt to ask, I just don't want you to worry that something is wrong.
  2. I didn't check in last night but thankfully I haven't missed any photos! Yay! Congrats and Happy Birthday!!!
  3. Aw! You did a great job! Thanks so much for sharing.
  4. I think if you spent allot on a dress or more than you thought you should, you may be more inclined to be a bit obsessive about keeping it clean. Some girls may have thoughts of reselling their dresses to recoup the extra money they spent on it. My dress was cheap and the only thing I cared about was people stepping on it.. it got pretty ripped up towards the end of the night. Heck, I went down the water slide the morning after my wedding if that tells you what kind of bride I was!
  5. Texas Pete! DH discovered it while in the Coast Guard stationed in North Carolina. He buys it by the case online.. but we recently discovered it at chick-fil-A Before that it was Crystal (kinda sweet). I use Sriracha Chinese hot sauce on my Quesadillas and chocolate chip cookies.. sounds gross but yummy!
  6. This probably really isn't about the dogs.. it sounds like they do this with everything in your life and you shouldn't expect them to change or expect any different than what you've been dealing with all your life. It's just a matter of how you react to these things and how you deal with them.
  7. Erica, The new upgrades look beautiful and I'm sure Matt was wishing there was a sports bar while we were there! (Although sports on the screen was pretty awesome too.) I'm glad you took your mom and she had such a great time. She'll be spreading the excitement I'm sure! October is going to be here before you know it!
  8. That sounds like such a great time! I can't wait to see the photos!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura nikki, i mean all this in the most loving, rational way, so please dont take this as any kind of attack. my MOH is my best friend from college. i know her parents well. they're divorced and each remarried for 15+ years. the divorce was somewhat amicable. i didn't invite either set of her parents - we were trying to keep the guest list small and we even excluded inviting some family members like cousins we aren't close to. plus it wasnt like i could invite one set of her parents and not the other, so i just didnt invite anyone. we were tight on space. we originally only wanted about 30 guests, and now we have about 60. the capacity of the restaurant we chose at our location is basically 60 people. if we have any more people, we may have to move our reception location, which i am adamantly against. her parents arent key players in my life with my FI. she totally understood because she did the same thing with her wedding 2 years ago. i dont think she really owed you a heads up...it IS her wedding and she can invite (or not invite) whomever she wants. Maybe she doesn't feel as close to your parents as you feel to hers? Maybe she feels pressure from her FI's family to invite more from their side and thats why your parents didn't make the top 200 cut? who knows. all im saying is, the guest list for someone else's wedding is never our choice no matter how much we want it to be, or how much we would like the extent of a courtesy invite for our parents. just because you and I have the sense to do it doesnt mean everyone does. are they paying for their wedding themselves? are the parents paying for it? i just see so many scenarios where inviting a friend's parents arent a priority to someone. i think it's good that youre going to talk it out with her, but remember, you are a guest at the wedding, and you dont get to make the guest list. Well said.. I completely agree and of all people, a bride planning her own wedding would/should be more sympathetic about guest lists and what goes into making them. Maybe the fact that you're upset about other things are clouding how my you might feel about this otherwise? Glad you'll have time to think before talking to her in person.
  10. Ann/Paul, So glad to hear little Gwen is with you full time. (Scary!) I wish you both a very safe trip back home.
  11. Thanks Martha.. I was going to give it a try after I ran out of my current stuff.. I hate to waste but my face has been horrible my entire pregnancy.
  12. I love the lighting! So romantic. The last photo is great too!
  13. Love the bouquet toss! Congrats on becoming a Mrs.! Our civil ceremony was alot more emotional than I thought it would be... it's nice knowing now no matter what, you're married!!! woohoo!
  14. Aw!! I want to go back! Glad you guys had such a great time.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Thanks, I'll check these sites tonight when I get home since it looks like I'll be redoing the business card tonight. I might call them again and ask to talk to a Manager, maybe they will rush the order for free. I would do that too.. I wasn't completely happy with my STD postcards (my design fault) and they offered to redo them for me. I declined cuz I wanted to get them out but thought the gesture was kind.
  16. I'm very surprised to hear that. Their customer service is usually so much better. I googled "free business cards" and different sites came up... 123Print: Business Cards $4.95 and Custom Printing Free Business Cards - PrintsMadeEasy.com FREE Business Cards Creator Create and Print Business Cards Online I believe all three of them let you build the card on their site. HTH
  17. LOL Great story! I love the ferret thread. Congrats Morgan & Mike (and of course Nibblet)!
  18. Careful! I saw a 20/20 or Dateline episode about crazy neighbors and one guy was attacked with a shovel cuz his neighbor went off the deep end. They had severe vandalism done to their property/cars and caught the crazy neighbor on video doing it. And I thought I was a bad neighbor for not going over to greet the new couple next door. So sorry you're going through this.. just be sure to document, document, document.
  19. Your color monitor displays in RGB and you're probably printing in some other color format... here's what I did... Take a blank word document and create a bunch of boxes with various shades. Print it out and keep adjusting the color values until it's correct. Do this on cheap regular paper.. bunch of squares on one page that way you won't drive yourself printing over and over... when you find one that's close you can tweak it. Other girls have had the same problem.. maybe do a search for RGB on the forum and see if that helps, but I know it's been addressed before. If you're printing on a colored paper, your ink will appear darker because it has color behind the color you're printing. (hope that makes sense.)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Okay, RE: Cetaphil..I am not too sure I like it. It doesn't lather up like my other face soap, which I am not too sure I like. I am still going to keep using it and see if it helps my facde clear up though! CeraVe is the same way so don't try that if you want to go with something else. (But it actually hydrates and doesn't dry out your skin like a lathering soap can.)
  21. You did such a great job! Everything looks amazing and it all goes together! Can't wait to see the wedding photos. Congrats on becoming a Mrs.!!
  22. I bought a sample sale dress on ebay that I found at a local salon. LOVED it!
  23. I think getting married is different than taking off time for a holiday.. but then again it just depends on your company and it doesn't sound like they're very flexible. Have you been there for awhile? You could call in "sick" and deal with the consequences.... If it was to care for a sick family member would they let you go? Maybe your great aunt Tilda is in Mexico and has been very ill.. you must go to her bedside immediately! Sorry I don't have any real suggestions other than talk to someone else.. I mean you're getting married for goodness sakes!
  24. Oh yay! Do you have your drive mapped out? I think Sarah and I are on your way up north.
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